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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. That would be a bit tricker, as it's a big effort to add even those small ones. Both the examples you gave have workarounds though - for air breathing, you can require that they have no oxidizer on the landing pad (or runway). Capacity you can use HasCrewCapacity (not exactly the same, but close).
  2. That wouldn't work, because it would look for all parts being liquidEngine2, then look for all parts being radialLiquidEngine1-2 (so one or the other would end up failing). I couldn't think of a way to make it work, so I made a change that allows part to specified multiple times (grab the pre-release dll). It would then look like this: [COLOR=#333333]PARAMETER [/COLOR]{ name = PartValidation type = PartValidation FILTER { category = Engine } VALIDATE_ALL { part = liquidEngine2 part = radialLiquidEngine1-2 } }
  3. The AltitudeRecord was dropped in KSP 1.0 (the underlying parameter in KSP went away). I didn't replace it since it can be done in other ways (such as ReachState with a minAltitude). I couldn't find AltitudeRecord anywhere in the wiki, so it seems to be up to date - were did you get that from? EDIT: ninja'd in my own thread...
  4. New release, with a variety of minor changes. Download now! ContractPack-Tourism 1.1.6 Convert agent icons to DDS. Added support for AntennaRange in building contracts. Allow one-tourist contracts to be generated for low-orbit contracts. Loosen waypoint tolerance for sub-orbital contracts. Made differentiation between investor contracts more clear.
  5. Hmm.... I think I'm going to leave it, for the following reasons: It'll generate contracts for 2-5 tourists randomly (so if you're only seeing 4-5, then it's just bad luck). The player has the option of bringing them up in different flights The player has the option of not accepting 5-tourist contracts Some players may want the challenge of creating a 6-mk1-pod monstrosity Although maybe what I can do is change it to 1-5... but then I'll get people complaining that the 1-tourist contract doesn't pay well enough.
  6. It's already there in the contract description, but I've updated the waypoint names for the next release.
  7. Actually it's not supposed to be that sensitive. Raised [#255] to look into that.
  8. The "hard situation" ones (eg. splashed down in mountains) have three waypoint marker as a helpers - but those are only some suggested locations - they can be done anywhere. The "scientist" contract does need to be done at the waypoint location (these are the only ones that need to be done at the waypoint).
  9. Ah yes, I remember this one now... I'm not sure what the triggers are for generating a new contract, but removing one from the list is the easiest one. So I wonder if having no contracts available to be generated puts you in a bad state. Try max time-warping a bit in the space centre and see if that does anything.
  10. Raised [#6]. I'll try to do something to make the waypoints contracts more sensitive to tech for distant ones. For the biome ones... those tend to be an easier one to hit on a landing. And for most of these the intent isn't necessarily to be able to pay for the trip - think of it more of a discount if you were already going there, and possibly a push to visit a specific biome instead of just landing anywhere on the Mun. That being said the scientist ones are a bit of an outlier since there's a bigger degree of difficulty... So maybe I'll give those another boost.
  11. And it was not expected to. It's a fix odin_spain has to make to the contract pack.
  12. This is pretty normal and is an unfortunate side effect of how Contract Configurator disables contract types (by removing them from the list in ContractSystem). What happens is a user installs a contract pack that disables a certain stock contract type (or types) mid-save, which then invalidates the instantiated versions of those in the users save. Unless something has changed though, what happens is that the contract system loader throws that error and does not load them (but continues to successfully load everything else). Because it's only failing to load some, I'm not too concerned. It also appears to be a different issue than the one in this thread, as that user didn't have Contract Configurator and was getting the slightly different error: [COLOR=#333333][ERR 14:37:07.771] ContractList: Contract config is invalid[/COLOR] Actually that is 100% the problem in your case. That exception rolls all the way back up to the ContractSystem instance, which means that the MonoBehaviour gets killed, and no more contract system until the next scene change when the ScenarioModules get recreated. So I think we've got a completely different bug than what Arsonide's been looking for, which I'll get a fix out for. Aside for Arsonide - any chance you can put some try/catch blocks around some of the calls to mod-supplied hooks for 1.1 (OnUpdate, OnLoad, OnSave for Contract/ContractParameter)? It's not as bad as it used to be in Contract Configurator, as I've got my own exception handling logic scattered throughout, but there's still the occasional spot were an exception in one contract (stock or mod-provided) ends up bringing the whole system down with it. I suspect this is a completely separate issue (the one in this thread) - but I'm still interesting in seeing a log (and I'm sure Arsonide is too). - - - Updated - - - AlphaAsh - yours is one of those "I don't know how/why that should happen" type of errors... so just in case there's something else odd about the particular contract that's causing this, do you mind giving this fixed dll a quick try?
  13. I meant to call this out in the release notes, but forgot - the glide slope angle is off by default and needs to be turned on in the settings menu (I didn't want to clutter the screen too much).
  14. Ah, you seem to believe I actually have power over that. I think I requested it on one of the devnotes threads - but it's doubtful that Mu (who I believe is the one currently working on the GUI stuff) saw it.
  15. New release, finally got around to doing some of the bug fixes and enhancements that have been requested over the last little while. Download now! Waypoint Manager 2.4.0 Added glide slope angle to assist with landing planes. Added option to change waypoint opacity. Made waypoints fade when they get occluded instead of just instantly becoming invisible. Corrected order of latitude/longitude boxes in custom waypoint editor. Allow custom waypoints to be placed in the map view on bodies other than the one the active vessel is on.
  16. Behold the great wiki. In short, patched conics is how KSP models gravity calculations - by splitting up each body into a sphere of influence and making an N-body problem into a much simple two-body problem. You may also hear talk about the "conic patch limit", which is a setting that says how many sphere of influence changes KSP will display/calculate your trajectory for. In-game you'll see that upgrading the tracking station unlocks "patched conics", which is nonsense if you read the wiki article I linked to. What it's really unlocking is a conic patch limit greater than 1 (ie. showing what happens when you change SOIs). EDIT: I guess it's not complete non-sense reading Sharpy's post above - although it's still modelling things using patched conics, it's not "patching" any conic sections together (ie not showing accross SOI changes)... so the tracking station unlocking "patched conics" actually does make sense.
  17. Nope, pretty much maxed out on graphics settings, which makes in interesting since your i5 is significantly faster than my processor. I may get a chance to poke around at this in the next week, but as you said 1.1 is going to pretty much kill this mod (I'm not confident that there will be a way for me to "hook in" once they move to the new GUI system).
  18. New release is out! Download it now! Contract Configurator 1.5.1 Added new ChangeVesselOwnership contract behaviour. Added new NewVessel parameter. Added support for Tarsier Space Technology in science subsystem - ChemCam only (thanks GrafZahl). Added validation for CelestialBody name in WaypointGenerator (thanks Arctic Sesquipedalian). Additional performance fixes for CollectScience (Field Research). Fixed issue where activeUniqueValue and uniqueValue flags were not checked (thanks severedsolo). Fixed asteroid science subject from being offered unless asteroid tracking is unlocked. Fixed issue with "ghosting" vessels in SpawnVessel. Fixed parameters that weren't being hidden by the hideChildren attribute (thanks CosmoBro). Minor bug fixes.
  19. I had some reports of this on the Contract Configurator thread (AlphaAsh also thought it seemed to be related to Asteroid Day). I've also got another report on Severedsolo's Space Station Contract Packs thread - that user says they aren't using Asteroid Day. I also ran into it myself, but didn't investigate at the time (I can't remember if that was immediately before or immediately after installing Asteroid Day). I do see what appears to be the contracts getting wiped in the log: [ERR 14:37:07.772] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.772] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.773] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.773] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.774] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.775] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.775] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.776] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.777] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.777] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.778] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.778] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.779] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.780] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.780] ContractList: Contract 0 is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.781] ContractList: Contract config is invalid [ERR 14:37:07.781] ContractList: Contract 1 is invalid <snip> [ERR 14:37:07.771] ContractList: Contract config is invalid However I don't see anything that ties it to Asteroid Day or even implies what the issue is (there some other exceptions that seemed unrelated, but hard to say for sure). One last note - when I observed it in my game, I only noticed because I was looking at the persistence file for other issues. The CONTRACTS node had no contracts underneath it, but my game appeared normal. When I did a quicksave of the game, the contracts were properly saved again - so I can assume that you have to get the contracts saved incorrectly, and then exit or reload at the inappropriate time to be affected by the issue.
  20. I think I noticed this a couple days ago too, where everything under the contracts just disappeared (but it was still in memory and later saved properly). I have no idea what this is about, but I'll keep an eye on it. In the meantime, if you're able to provide a log from when it occurs, that's the best bet for getting this fixed....
  21. Indeed, and the contract text specifically calls out that they are difficult/unusual and provides waypoints for suggested locations. - - - Updated - - - Easiest one is in the KSP directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program or close to that if you installed via steam, or under program files for non-steam, and elsewhere for non-windows). That one is KSP.log.
  22. This is pretty typical when an exception occurs, but I'll need to see your KSP.log to be able to actually investigate. It's an incompatibility with whatever mod has "Base report" in it. If you let me know what that is, I can add support in the next version of Contract Configurator.
  23. This is a stock bug - Arsonide is aware of it, so I assume it'll be fixed in 1.1. Try putting him on a vessel and then recovering through the flight view​ (any other recovery method will result in the tourist not leaving).
  24. New release, mostly a few minor bug fixes. Download now! ContractPack-FieldResearch 1.0.6 Bump rewards up a little bit. Change Scientist contract to require that the player orbits Mun or Minmus before it is offered. Renamed scaled agent icon to .truecolor to prevent erroneous DDS conversions. Fixed issue with asteroid science being requested for HardScience contract.
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