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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Both of those should work. I've had occasions where an expression would just crash on load - it's due to a bug in Mono's handling of try/finally blocks that I can't really easily reproduce. Send the contract and I'll take a look to see if I can fix the problem.
  2. Well, looks like I'll be plugging away at this one again... thanks for the detailed report, that helps a lot!
  3. Things to check for: Make sure you extract everything into the KSP directory (the zips have a GameData folder that should be merged into yours). Make sure you have researched antennas and solar panels in your game. If you only just installed it, try cancelling a few offered contracts - that may make it show up (or timewarp a couple days). Look in KSP.log for a line that looks like this (if it's not there or says zero, then you have a problem): [LOG 11:49:27.765] [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator: Loaded 64 out of 64 CONTRACT_TYPE nodes. If all that fails, send a log and I'll take a look.
  4. If you already have a BaseScanner vessel in your game (likely from previous testing), then it'll work fine - that's why it's likely showing up for you.
  5. Hmmm.... I think the issue is in your contract, CosmoBro. In the BaseScan.cfg, you have this: DATA { type = Vessel requiredValue = true targetVessel1 = [ BaseScanner ].Where(v => v.IsOrbiting()).Random() } Which looks like a duplicate entry from BaseRover. Because the define for BaseScanner is also in BaseScan, the targetVessel1 variable can never get assigned a value, and because it has requiredValue set to true this contract will never be offered.
  6. It's at the point where there's too many to list them off, but off the top of my head, at least these ones will work with any* planet mod: * except New Horizons RemoteTech Tourism Plus Field Research SCANsat Lite These I'm not sure about, but probably worth looking at: Useful Space Stations Rover Contracts by Whyren Base Construction
  7. Ummm... Please be a troll? Can you confirm this is with 1.1.4 (there were two releases today)?
  8. Log and save is what I really need to get down to why you're seeing duplicates. It's supposed to be repeatable, because it can repeat for Mun, Minmus and whatever planet pack decides to add more moons. It's just not supposed to be completable more than once for a single body, which is obviously the bug. The contract multipliers is by design (KSP design, that is). The planets all have multipliers for those numbers (and contract prestige has multipliers). Mun/Minmus have a multiplier of 2.0, and I think the contract multiplier for significant (two star) is 1.25. Those numbers still don't add up exactly, but I probably just guessed at one of the multipliers wrong.
  9. I think you're misunderstanding the contract - your probe needs to be in Duna's SOI - fast forward to when you hit Duna and that portion of the contract will check off.
  10. It'll probably looks something like this: ... = HomeWorld().Parent() == Sun ? <doSomethingNormal> : <doSomethingNewHorizons>
  11. That syntax is correct. And yeah, I've gone and made them planet pack friendly - just not "move Kerbin to a crazy place" friendly.
  12. I've reworked some of the code, which should alleviate the performance issues some users were reporting. Download here. Wider Contracts App 1.1.3 Performance fixes. Wider Contracts App 1.1.4 More performance fixes.
  13. And toss a KSP.log in there too... I'm getting more than a few "no contracts showing up" bug reports the last week to be just a coincidence.
  14. Not an issue I'm aware of, but send a KSP.log and save file and I'll try to line things up.
  15. This is badlands, but there are likewise lakes, rivers and such to be found in the highlands:
  16. Agreed, that often is all that is needed. If that still doesn't work, send a log and I'll take a look. My guess is an install issue - the last release vastly changed the contracts, so if you just copied over top of an old install you may get duplicates. I'd try deleting ContractPacks/RemoteTech and re-installing. If still see duplicates after that, send a log and save file and I'll dig deeper.
  17. I've actually got feature requests raised to add proper New Horizons support to my contract packs... that'll probably happen in the next 2-4 weeks. In the meantime you can do something like this to get a random "non-Kerbin" moon of the home planet: targetBody = HomeWorld().Parent().Children().Exclude(HomeWorld()).Random() Depends on the contract pack, but generally speaking they all work well in existing games.
  18. There isn't *too* much information in the window at the moment - what exactly are you looking for in a compact mode?
  19. Possibly, but it depends on what the warnings are (yellow for warnings - I'd be more concerned if they were red). I'd need a log file to say much more beyond that. EDIT: Also, are those the only two contract packs you have? I'm less familiar with those since they aren't my own - it may just be that there are no possible missions to offer (KSS uses a cooldown system for the contracts... so it's possible a contract will come up if you timewarp for a bit). I just double checked, it's there (see here for proof). Perhaps you need to refresh the repository? If not you may have an issue you need to report on the CKAN thread.
  20. It could also be that it's with ATM that this issue occurs - I haven't tried without. Perhaps you just installed that?
  21. About 6 months ago I set out to make a story/progression based mod, mainly because I was fed up with the contracts at the time (these were the days of "test launch clamps on the Mun" contracts). There wasn't really a mod that fit what I was looking for (I incorrectly though of BTSM as a balance mod, when it really is more accurate to call it a progression mod - if I realized at the time I may have just played that instead of getting into modding). So I started digging through the files looking for the .cfg files where the contracts were... and was a bit surprised when I found nothing (this was before Arsonide was with Squad, so there wasn't even the Contracts.cfg that there is today). So I decided to write the contract system that I wanted, and use that to create my progression mod. I still haven't created that progression mod. There's been a few people that have shown some level of interest in using Contract Configurator for something more story-based (the most recent one here, but doesn't appear to be going anywhere). If there was someone who showed real interest in doing it I'd be happy to add features to Contract Configurator to make it possible. As it stands, I tend to only do features that I know will get used.
  22. Ah, a classic one: [EXC 22:06:20.687] UnityException: Texture 'SXT/Agencies/KDB' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings. UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 miplevel) UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels () Contracts.Agents.Agent..ctor (System.String name, System.String logoURL, System.String logoScaledURL) Contracts.Agents.Agent.LoadAgent (.ConfigNode node) Contracts.Agents.AgentList.LoadAgents (.ConfigNode[] nodes) Contracts.Agents.AgentList.Start () This happens when it tries to load an agency icon in DDS format and downscale it to make the small logo. Either the mod in question (not familiar with what it is just by the file name) released a buggy release or you used DDS4KSP to convert the entire GameData directory. You'll want to roll-back the one texture in question. That'll make the error go away and the agencies come back (which is why you don't have any contracts).
  23. You're thinking of output_log.txt, the entire contents of Player.log (the one you posted) is: Initialize engine version: 4.6.4f1 (99f88340878d) GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 And KSP.log is easier to read, but has some information missing in a few uncommon cases, so I personally prefer it. But I'll accept either.
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