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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. That's a survey contract - I don't disable those, only the stock science contracts ("Science from space around Kerbin"). I debated whether to disable the survey contracts, but decided that they are different enough from what Field Research provides to still have value - for some people it's more about visiting the locations in those contracts than the actual science.
  2. Yeah, that's the other side of the coin for CKAN - all that ease of upgrades comes with a cost. It would be nice if there was a way to get release notes displayed in CKAN.
  3. Have a look at this page. Grab the whole CONTRACT_CONFIGURATOR section, and copy that into a file in your GameData named "disableContracts.cfg" (or whatever you want, as long as it ends with .cfg. Remove lines for any contract types that you actually want to keep.
  4. Attention RSS + RemoteTech users! The RemoteTech Contract Pack has now been updated with full RSS support (as well as support for all planet packs). You may now return to your regularly scheduled thread discussion.
  5. Big update to the RemoteTech contract pack! It now has full support for RSS and planet packs! The underlying structure of the contracts has been significantly changed, so when upgrading, take the following precautions: If updating manually, make sure to delete the ContractPacks/RemoteTech directory before you update (CKAN users don't need to worry). Try to wait until you don't have any active RemoteTech contracts before you upgrade - or just keep in mind that it may get cancelled on you if you do have one. Download it here! ContractPack-RemoteTech 2.0.0 All contracts now support RSS! All contracts now support planet packs! Added an agency to give the contracts a little more flavour. Made the three and four commsat versions of the Kerbin/Earth contract mutually exclusive.
  6. Not much to say about this release - bug fixes and a couple toys for contract modders. Download now! Contract Configurator 1.5.2 Allow multiple parts to be specified in the PartValidation parameter. Added CelestialBody.RemoteTechCoverage() method for expressions. Added CelestialBody.Mass() and CelestialBody.RotationalPeriod() for expressions. Added KSCLocation() function for expressions. Enhancements to Timer parameter. Fixed issue in BiomeTracker when uninstalling a previously installed planet pack (thanks herman and xEvilReeperx). Fixed possible exception in VisitWaypoint (thanks AlphaAsh). Fixed bug in PartValidation where using FILTER would prevent the parameter from completing. Fixed ReachSpecificOrbit so it outputs the orbit details in a note (thanks FinnishGameBox). Fixed VesselNotDestroyed firing for debris. Minor bug fixes.
  7. It's sad, because I haven't visually noticed a difference with terrain detail on high, nor have I noticed a performance difference. But sadly, not having it on high causes issues like this.
  8. GitHub wiki is terrible - if you edit a page inline, it'll move the file back to the root when you check it in - which breaks the sidebar indexing. I need to make sure to stop accidentially doing quick edits directly in the wiki. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. Ooooh, I read it wrong, this is the section in the module manager output that I based it off of: Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]): Tourism [B] AntennaRange[/B] AES HERP PackRat FTT KarbonitePlus MKS OKS SrvPack So what it's saying is that there is a module manager config *somewhere* in your GameData that is using :FOR[AntennaRange], and that's what's causing ModuleManager to believe that AngennaRange is installed. From looking closer at the log, it's this line: Config(@TRACKING_STATION_RANGES [*]:NEEDS[AntennaRange]:FOR[AntennaRange]) OPM/OPM_AntennaRange/@TRACKING_STATION_RANGES [*]:NEEDS[AntennaRange]:FOR[AntennaRange] So assuming you haven't been messing around with stuff, then it looks to me like it might be a bug in the Module Manager config for Outer Planets Mod (they shouldn't have that FOR[AntennaRange] in there).
  10. Are you using Contract Configurator? Other contract mods, or all stock for "contract" stuff? What are the contracts that you have accepted. The bug (stock KSP bug) is that updates to the contracts window get queued up until you open it. I've done a *lot* of changes in Contract Configurator over time to work around this, but it's certainly possible to see it in a stock game. The bright side is that I'd imagine that with the Unity 5 rewrite this bug will go away in KSP 1.1.
  11. Note on this, you can use the NoRandomContract mentatlity that I added in Contract Configurator for this (see example use here). It's not perfect (I've seen KSP still assign random contracts to agents using it), but it'll reduce it to nearly nothing.
  12. Awesome! Just make sure to edit you post and mention that your changes are licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0 as per odin_spain's original license and Squad's add-on posting rules.
  13. Hmmm, Distance Object Enhancement doesn't hit the contract system, so I'd guess it's not the issue - but I've seen stranger things, so it's not out of the question.
  14. Follow up to the above - one was a contract that accidentally got mangled before release, will be uploading a fix ASAP. The other appears to be an issue on your end - you have an AntennaRange directory in your GameData, but AntennaRange isn't actually installed. ModuleManager thinks it is, so that's what's causing the problem. - - - Updated - - - And here's the update, download now! ContractPack-Tourism 1.1.8 Fixed badly broken investor tour contract (thanks BT3).
  15. Thanks, it's been fixed. I'm about half-way through refactoring a bunch of stuff on the wiki, so there's still some little issues like that. Once it's all done, all the parameters will list out all the types for each attribute, and it will have a link to the appropriate expression page (see the very first attribute on VesselParameterGroup to see what it will look like when it's done). If it still seems necessary when all is done, I'll also potentially look at a page that indexes everything.
  16. Also, here is my output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qahunfog219dkj/output_log.txt?dl=0 At least one of them looks like I messed up the AntennaRange support.... I'll have to look into the rest and get a fix out.
  17. You'd do that using module manager. Here's an example (not with TACLS, mind you).
  18. Not accurate - they do come back, although depending on a huge variety of factors (your reputation, what other contracts are around, the availability of the CONTRACT_TYPE through maxSimultaneous, maxCompletions, how crowded the "slot" is, whether KSP decides it wants to generate more contracts at all) you may not see it right away. If you're just doing playtesting, then the best thing to do is to use the "Clear Current Contracts" button in the KSP contracts debug window. That'll cause a full list regeneration.
  19. This is almost always some sort of exception bringing the contract system down (and then when you change scenes it comes back up). If you can provide a KSP.log from when it occurred, then I can investigate further (or if you can reproduce it and get the log it would be even better).
  20. Thanks for the bug report guys, this should be fixed for Contract Configurator 1.5.2. I forgot to add in the exception handling logic that I usually add to every scenario module to prevent this type of wide-spread breakage (that Squad should have in their code...). Sorry about that!
  21. I think you can get a good chunk of that functionality with just a few enhancements to the Timer Parameter (see [#257]): Allow the player to specify when the timer starts (Contract Acceptance, Next Launch, Parameter Completion). Allow the timer to just fail a parameter instead of failing the contract Making rewards time-dependent would be more difficult, as it doesn't fit very well into the way KSP does it (you'd have to change the numbers on the fly, and the mission control GUI doesn't have a way to communicate that well). Better is to just have optional parameters. So if your contract/parameter is "go to the Mun", you could have an optional parameter that says "do it within 10 hours from launch" and give an extra reward. If you really want you can have them be stepped (but you don't want to go crazy and overwhelm the player). As far as a mission timer - that's kind of an interesting idea, but a more difficult change. Another cool think for AlphaAsh's air race would be waypoint "markers" that are big translucent cylindrical markers. That'd give it the real "racing game" feel. Not that I'm looking to implement that.
  22. Ah. Raise a feature request, what would be needed would be an expression function that can get the info out of the behaviour so you can put it in the notes (or wherever it is you want it to go).
  23. "Reach the designated orbit around Venus within reasonable deviation"
  24. Match up your {} braces you may have extras or too few - it looks right from what you've posted, but the error is saying it's at the wrong level. Also, try to post the contract definition + relevant excerpt from KSP.log - that's makes it far easier to support than looking at a screenshot.
  25. Check out the documentation: How-To OrbitGenerator Behaviour ReachSpecificOrbit Parameter
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