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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. The KSP contract generation system runs periodically, there's a number of ways to get it to force-generate: Cancel another contract. This will free up a slot which KSP will try to fill. Time warp for a day or two. This will cause a few contracts to expire, and KSP will try to fill more slots. Debug menu shenanigans As far as the requirements for contracts to show up for the RemoteTech contract pack: You need to have a power generator, and antenna unlocked. For the early contracts, you need to have little/no RemoteTech coverage of Kerbin. For the later ones it needs to be mostly covered. After that contracts for certain bodies need minimal coverage of the body (eg. you won't get a Duna contract unless you have no Duna coverage).
  2. Actually, that's incorrect. KSP will auto-create agents from flags. Anyway, the problem with agents and DDS needs a perfect storm, but when it fails, it fails hard: KSP will ignore scaled agent icons that are .DDS (they're below the minimum resolution for DDS, I believe) If it can't find a scaled agent icon, it'll convert from the unscaled version. If the unscaled version is DDS, it'll try to read it from memory, and fail with an exception. Due to bad stock code the agent loading process is to a halt. Which means a portion of the agents (presumably anything that sits in a directory alphabetically after the one it failed on) will never load. Contracts that are hardcoded to run for a certain agent that didn't get loaded will fail (World-First records in stock, almost every contract pack for Contract Configurator). It is really quite obnoxious, but what this means is: If you have your main agent icon as DDS, you need a scaled one in PNG. If your main agent icon is PNG, you can optionally create a scaled one in PNG. No idea the implication (if any) for flags that KSP decides to auto-transform into agents. EDIT: That being said, I have no idea if this is Padrone's issue - since it sounds like he is also running out of memory, which is muddying the water. Anyway, that in a nutshull is the problem with DDS + Agents, which may also affect normal flags (not 100% sure).
  3. No worries - I only just remembered that I'd run into one or two annoying parsing bugs with strings last week. I seem to remember someone mention that about the parts before... so I suspect you may be right, it only works for loaded vessels. Raised [#262], as the way it currently behaves isn't all that useful. ... actually, the fix looked really easy, but I don't have time to test it at the moment. Any chance you can grab the dev dll and let me know if that makes it work for both loaded and unloaded vessels? If not I'll have to do some more digging.
  4. Send me the whole contract... it works for me so there must be *something* else different that's throwing it off.... I can't think what it would be though.
  5. You sure you had it exactly like I did? I just tried it - no errors. EDIT: Also, just in case, make sure you're on Contract Configurator 1.5.2... I think I fixed one or two parser bugs from 1.5.1.
  6. I have to say... that was far more fun than I expected. Well, back to mod development (meaning HyperEdit all the things).
  7. It's because the ExperienceTrait is a string, and strings are handled a little bit differently in the expression language. Anyway, easy fix: [COLOR=#333333]DATA[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]{[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333] type = bool[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333] hasScientist = @/targetVessel.Crew().Where(k => k.ExperienceTrait() == [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]Scientist[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]).Count() > 0[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]}
  8. WOAH. Raised [#38] on Waypoint Manager, because I really thought I had code in there to scale them for that display...
  9. DATA { type = Vessel targetVessel = AllVessels().First() } DATA { type = bool hasTherm = @/targetVessel.Parts().Where(p => p == sensorThermometer).Count() > 0 } I just threw the above into a contract, started a new save, put a pod+2 therms on the pad, forced contract generation and it had TRUE for hasTherm. So it seems to be working correctly. What value does targetVessel have in the debug menu (aside - I'll fix it to display the proper name next release)? Are you checking while in-game or on the main menu (the vessel won't exist on the main menu, seems obvious, but I have to ask). Perhaps no attempts have been made to generate the contract since you put the vessel on the pad. In the Squad debug menu, go to contracts and do a "Clear Current Contracts" (maybe even a couple times). Does it work then?
  10. I keep forgetting that Shurikeeen == FinnishGameBox. Check out CONTRACT_TYPE, and search for the autoAccept attribute.
  11. linuxgurugamer has his agent and other shared assets in a separate download - but I could not for the life of me find it linked in his first post, so that may be a problem. Anyway, you can grab it here, that should fix up the issue.
  12. Well, at least we progressed on the DRE front! I was leaning towards sending you towards the TAC-LS thread anyway.
  13. FYI - the OP is using a very different mod set than you are, so I can't really say for sure if you have the same issue. What I can say is that based on your posts in the various Win64 threads that you are using the 64-bit windows hack, and asking for support for that without staying up front what you're doing is a big no-no.
  14. Tar/Gzip or zip please... I'm not going to go download new software just for one log file, sorry. Nevermind, 7-zip supports it, looking now. - - - Updated - - - The error implies that the version of DRE you're using isn't compatible with KSP 1.0.4 - update that, and if you're still having the issue I'll take a look at the new log.
  15. And that's right there is the reason why I don't support Windows 64bit.
  16. Clearly he hates it that much.
  17. That's not Contract Configurator functionality - in /Squad/Contracts/contracts.cfg there's a setting for the amount of offered contracts (don't know the name of the attribute offhand).
  18. Even better than having an advance sense of the API changes (which would be great) would be if Squad had some sort of early access for add-on authors at the experimental stage so that many mod updates could be launched very shortly after the KSP update comes out.
  19. Try this module manager config (I didn't test it, but it should be at least close): @CONTRACT_TYPE:HAS[#group[SpaceTuxGroup]],* { // Decrease science rewards @rewardScience *= 0.50 }
  20. Oooh, you're right, I had that one wrong. Okay, raised [#11] to do some improvements for the early game.
  21. Okay the rework on the wiki is all done. Everything's been split out into separate pages, all the types are explicitly called out and there's better cross-linking between pages. Let me know if you see any usability issues with the wiki in its current form.
  22. You can make changes to the contracts under ContractPacks/Tourism (but be careful with upgrades). The auto-passenger loader will only load passengers if there's room for all of them, but you should still be able to complete the contracts taking the tourists up individually.
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