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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Used Historian to create the screenshots for my new Contract Pack.
  2. Field Research - Get paid to do science! Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to perform various science experiments. There are contracts for: Biome studies - collecting results from a number of experiments in a single biome. Climate studies - performing various climate experiments on bodies with atmospheres. Geological studies - performing geological experiments on various biomes of a celestial body. Experimental studies - run one experiment under multiple conditions (including experiments from mods). KSC Science - contract to go around and collect all the various small science around the KSC. Scientist Ferry - bring a scientist to a specific location to perform a specific experiment. Rare Science - contract with suggested location for difficult biome/situation combinations (eg. Splashed down at Kerbin's Mountains). Re-run experiment - contracts for science completionists - re-run an already done experiment to get a little bit more science out of it. Notes: The contract pack works for RSS and planet packs - you will receive contracts for any celestial body that is loaded in the game. This mod disables the stock "Collect Science" contracts, as they become somewhat redundant when this is installed. https://imgur.com/a/R9WvJ Download CKAN: In CKAN, select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Field Research". GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Field Research Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff Crowd Sourced Science - You're likely going to be getting a lot of science reports with this mod. Why not make the reports into some more interesting reading with hundreds of unique science reports. Science Alert - Never miss an opportunity to collect science. Also includes a super convenient UI for collecting multiple experiments. [x] Science! - Contains a great GUI for tracking how much science is remaining for various biomes/experiments/etc. No More Science Grinding - Get 100% science from running stock experiments (no more need to re-run experiments multiple times). Waypoint Manager - For viewing contract waypoints in-flight to much more easily hit your target (recommended for the scientist contracts in particular). Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks @arkie87 - For giving me the idea and getting me started on making this. @DMagic - For providing code and general KSP science systems support. @xEvilReeperx - For providing a great block of code to get the list of science subjects out of KSP. @amorymeltzer - More general science support! @ObsessedWithKSP - For all the things you do. Everyone else who posted in this thread where the idea got started. @Zeenobit - For his very cool mod Historian, (now maintained by @Aelfhe1m) which I used to put together the images for this post. License The Field Research Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the beer fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  3. How significant an FPS drop are we talking? Just curious, as I'm debating whether to do anything at all since this will all get thrown away when Unity 5 comes along...
  4. Good stuff, I was going to put CSS on the "recommended mod list" anyway, but this clinches it.
  5. It's not really intended behaviour, but it's a known issue without an easy fix. One day perhaps I'll fix it.
  6. Anyway, real question: Is there a reason why the KSC science pays out per item while the rest pay out only upon full completion? Oh yeah, that was an oversight, I need to change the other ones to look like the KSC contract. Thanks, I'll keep an eye on this one!
  7. Thanks, I'll have to poke around with Orbital science a bit. I know it has its own contracts, so I don't want to overlap *too* much.
  8. Fixed, will be in the release version. In general it does - but if the experiment comes from a part that doesn't use the stock experiment module it won't detect it and it will make it available from the start. So to get any further, I'll have to ask - what is hydrogen scanning and what mod adds it?
  9. Hopefully will get this in a release state tomorrow. Right now I'm just going around setting up screenshot opportunities and playing with Historian. Looks a little bit better than quickly slapping a globe into the mission control window.
  10. Small feature request - Historian needs to subscribe to the GameEvents.onHideUI and GameEvents.onShowUI events to hide/show the UI window when the F2 key is pressed. That way I can set up the custom text in the window, hit F2, take the screenshot and then turn it right back on with F2 again.
  11. I like the idea, and may implement something somewhat like this eventually. However, the contracts are split by prestige (1 star - Kerbin, 2 star - Mun/Minmus, 3 star - others). Because of the way KSP generates contracts, it's hard to do the logic you proposed across prestige levels. In future I may have it allow some more dynamic weighting by prestige though, which would allow what you described to be implemented.
  12. Seems like a good theory. I know that it works fine with default ATM configs that ignore */Agencies/ directories (which is where the icons are).
  13. They are meant to be mutually exclusive. It's in the contract notes that you shouldn't accept both, but I'll have to make that more prominent. Or finally build in the logic that would make one disappear if you accept the other.
  14. New release, a few features, bug fixes and a new contract pack coming very soon. Download now! Contract Configurator 1.2.3 Added Waypoint.Location() expression method. Added Location.Biome() expression method. Added RandomKerbalName() global expression function. Added experienceTrait to SpawnPassenger. Fixed some issues with recovering from tracking station in CollectScience. Fixed null reference issue in dead contract types (thanks DMagic). Fixed issues with biome detection for KSC biomes in CollectScience. More fixes related to contracts failing unique check in SCANsat Lite (thanks nobodyhasthis). Minor bug fixes. - - - Updated - - - Try DMagic's Contract Reward Modifier.
  15. Hmmm.... been doing various minor tweaks/fixes to Contract Configurator and may have fixed this issue, but can't be certain. I'll do some testing and release the new version soon and we'll see if that resolves the issue.
  16. I was getting sick of always reusing the R&D group as my agent as the most logical agent available in various contract packs. So it's time to add some new agents! Download the update now and see for yourself! ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor 1.2.2 New agent! Fix more typos (thanks Hellrespawn).
  17. That's some good feedback, let me think about ways to implement that... I may put in some logic to stop offering Kerbin stuff for some of the contracts (KSC science, "scraps" contract) once the player hits a certain point (probably going interplanetary).
  18. Well, here's hoping that Wider Contracts App becomes obsolete in 1.0.3.... failing that, here's hoping the new GUI is easier to hack into gently modify than EZGUI was.
  19. Your log says otherwise: Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.2.6.3.dll (this message is harmless)Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Plugins\Chatterer.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractConfigurator\ContractConfigurator.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RemoteTech\Plugins\RemoteTech.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractConfigurator\CC_RemoteTech.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractConfigurator\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalEngineer\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DockingPortAlignment.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\ModuleDockingNodeNamed.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DPAI_RPM.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PlanetShine\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\PlanetShine\Plugins\PlanetShine.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\MiniAVC.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\TacLifeSupport.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock\KerbalAlarmClock.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\CleverBobCat.dll (this message is harmless) [COLOR=#ff0000]Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\ISA_MapSat.dll (this message is harmless)[/COLOR] Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\KAS.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\KIS.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\MuMechLib.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\RemoteTech.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\subassemblyLoader.dll (this message is harmless)
  20. It's hard to tell exactly why it's happening, but it looks like you have a mod that is violently incompatible with KSP 1.0.x and is spewing this message out in the logs: MissingFieldException: Field '.EditorLogic.softLock' not found. My recommendation is to install KSP-AVC, and check if any mods that support KSP-AVC have updates. If not, then manually check the ones that aren't listed by KSP-AVC. Or just remove ISA MapSat, as I'm about 90% sure that it's long dead and not compatible with current KSP and is likely the source of your issue.
  21. Alright, let's get this show on the road, it's time for the Field Research OPEN BETA! Give it a try, find bugs. Also, I'm looking for feedback on any of the following points: Which was your [most/least] favourite contract? Why? Were the contract rewards too high/too low/just right? Did you receive any contract that you felt you "weren't ready for"? (hypothetical example would be an atmosphere study of Jool when you hadn't even gone to the Mun) Did you ever feel too many or too few Field Research contracts were offered? Happy scienceing out there!
  22. I have a guess as to a fix, but not 100% sure. If you'd be willing to test (shouldn't be any more harmful), then you can grab the dll here. If that's not working, then create a file called ContractConfigurator.cfg (anywhere you want), and add the following content: CC_DEBUGGING { // Possible LogLevel: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR logLevel = DEBUG ADD_LOGLEVEL_EXCEPTION { // Type name type = ContractType // Possible LogLevel: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR logLevel = VERBOSE } } That'll output some extra debug for me. Reproduce with those debug settings, and send a log my way. - - - Updated - - - Also, congratulations to Whitecat106 for releasing his new contract pack, Historic Mission Pack. It contains a whooping 317 contracts that emulate real manned space flights.
  23. That was quite some time ago. Still have the issue, or did it go away and come back. I suspect it's bad data from that one bad release - may need to manually scrub that contract from the save file.
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