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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. I was thinking about Kerbin where it doesn't make a significant effort difference for the player, and I would rather they get the max possible (to reduce the amount that the contracts can be gamed). If it allowed transmit, they could sit in a biome, and keep transmitting over and over again until the experiment no longer gets offered. If I force them to recover then it makes it more difficult to sit there with one vessel. However, forcing recovery is a whole different ballgame for someplace like Eve.... I'll have to give this one a little more thought.
  2. BTW, I'll fix it so that if one contract fails validation it doesn't cause a cascade of failures in the dependent CompleteContractRequirement nodes.
  3. Should be able to delete the failed contract and try again - but to get it to show up again you may have to temporarily disable some requirements on the contract via the alt-f10 debug menu. Not sure when I'll be releasing... should be by the end of the weekend.
  4. I think I have it fixed for the next release - there shouldn't be anything in that contract that should actually cause it to fail.
  5. Still too much? I'll reduce the formula a bit more in the next Contract Configurator release.
  6. Generally speaking? No. I'm trying to decide how many each contract should have - the biome and KSC ones are both quite high because the science is all in the same area. Possibly, and I can see how that would be desirable. When the experiments are completed it does automatically condense a little. For now I'm going to leave it and see what people think once they start playing it. Yup, it's picking up the experiment names from the game, so it's exactly what would be shown in the science archives (ie. that other R&D screen nobody ever goes to because it's so buried). Correct - originally they were all recover, but I didn't want players to not be able to transmit crew reports since it logically is the same thing. Otherwise I'm forcing the player to do the science shenanigans of removing and storing in the science container (which is such a silly mechanic).
  7. It depends on what the contract is. If the contract requires docking, and the docked ship's id changes... then you could end up with a duplicate contract. There's the very basic stuff in the How-To page, but really that's about it in terms of gotchas. It's probably time for me to update that page, and a common errors section/page would probably be a good thing... I'll try to get that done in the near future. Otherwise, the content of this thread is the known "gotchas".... so if you're not inclined to read 100 pages, post up your error or describe your problem and I'll see if I can help.
  8. Fixed for next release. Workaround would be to change the type to string - should just use the vessel name then. However, it would then be prone to exploits from renaming vessels. Of course, using the vessel id is prone to all the docking stuff... but hopefully that's a rare enough occurrence for your contract that it's okay.
  9. I hadn't considered automatic contracts (Contract Configurator does support them). It's kind of an interesting idea, but I don't like the fact that the player would then be forced to do them or "get stuck". So I think I'll stick with the standard kind. I'm also going to try to make a variety of styles of contracts. We've seen the KSC science contract, next up is the Biome Study.
  10. Actually yes, I have the contracts sitting around here, it's in PakledHostage's hands now (probably got busy when the new baby came, I certainly know how that feels). If I don't hear from him on this thread in a week or so, I may just release it as a separate contract pack with Figaro as an optional dependency (since it's an interesting challenge even without using Figaro).
  11. Technically, defineDockedVessel is a string and not a Vessel, which is probably why it's giving you grief. A while back I added a ton of logic for better handling of docking/undocking, so I don't think the defineDockedVessel will do anything for you here anyway - it's intention was more for defining a new name, like if you wanted to add to KSS and then call it BiggerKSS or something (it would exist under both names/tags). Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivrtklna104p7ty/output_log.txt?dl=0 Hmmm, can I get a save file? Unless my guess is right, and you're trying to use the uniqueValue flag for a DATA node with type of Vessel? If that's the case then let me know and I can fix that.
  12. Think I should be able to do 1-3 as requested no problem. #4 you can do your own custom icons if you like (I realize I never put together the documentation on how to get them picked up, but if you look at the .cfg files there should be an example of a folder set up where you can drop the png/dss files). Note however that the point you probably want to line up with is the "tip" of the waypoint marker, rather than the center of the icon.
  13. I've changed CollectScience so much over the past couple releases, that I highly suspect you had a broken version before it got fixed. I'm quite confident it's working in 1.1.2 (1.1.3 changes to CollectScience were mostly cosmetic). Before that, there were definitely issues - so I would try again when you get the chance and report back. I'm pretty sure you'll have more luck the second time around.
  14. Oh yeah, all the experiments are tied to the appropriate building upgrades and part unlocks, so you won't see them unless you can actually do them.
  15. Pretty close, but I would go with this: @CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_*]:HAS[#tag[SCANsat]],NEEDS[!SCANsat],* { REQUIREMENT { name = PerformOrbitalSurvey type = PerformOrbitalSurvey } } This will take all the ones with the tag = SCANsat (which is all but Island Airfield and Pyramids) and apply the requirement if SCANsat is not installed.
  16. New version out, should be the last of the issues with the new functionality used by the SCANsat pack. Download here. ​Contract Configurator 1.1.3 Fix additional case where uniqueValue can cause an exception (thanks MikeSalvatierra). Add RemainingScience method to Biome class. Various minor science changes. Various minor bug fixes.
  17. Alright, think I'm happy with everything in Contract Configurator, so now I just need to work on the contracts themselves. Shouldn't hopefully be too long on these. Got the first one all polished and ready to go:
  18. This is pretty sweet, I think I may use it for the screenshot gallery for my next mod I'm putting together. I'd definitely want the ability to switch/reload layouts on the fly though. For reloading I'd be happy enough if doing the module-manager reload worked, since I assume you're going through the KSP API for the config node stuff.
  19. It's a pretty neat idea, but I can imagine it's pretty intensive work to create interesting anomalies. Also, randomly placing them could be a pain - you have to be careful to pick a reasonably flat spot, among other things. And yeah, Kerbin-Side (or more accurately Kerbal Konstructs) is definitely where you want to go for this. The Contract Configurator side to it is actually fairly easy (and if the objects in game have a PQS City, then it'll work out of the box even with random placement).
  20. Ah, okay - this is starting to come together. So what I'll probably do is: Settings menu option to toggle this on/off Settings menu edit field for nominal angle (what's a reasonable default value here for KSP? 3 degrees? more?) Text display of either glideslope angle or deviation from nominal glideslope angle or both. What makes more sense here - configurable switch between them? Text display will disappear automatically if the body has no atmosphere, no surface or if the pressure drops below a certain threshold (maybe equivalent to something like 20km @ Kerbin?) Let me know your thoughts on that - no rush as I won't be able to get to this for a couple weeks or so.
  21. Have a look at the How to Get Support thread for instructions on getting the log files.
  22. Sorry, what contract pack is this? Could you provide a log file?
  23. The mod itself is being built using Contract Configurator and won't have any code itself. It will have a github repository for holding all the configuration files once I've gotten further along. The Contract Configurator repository can be found here.
  24. From the documentation for HasCrewCapacity: Please let me know if there's anything about the documentation that is unclear so I can fix it. It's using the 1.0 survey scanner.
  25. Support for the resource scanner was added in Contract Configurator 1.1.0, so it is technically possible, but I have no plans to make it work based on the resource scanner. You're very welcome!
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