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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. New version! Waypoint Manager 2.0.3 Fixed Null Reference Exceptions in tracking station (thanks armegeddon). Fixed width of main GUI window so that it can expand a little more.
  2. Actually, aftewards I started thinking I'd make it a configurable option - so if the user goes to the settings and sees an option that says "Allow creating new waypoint via alt-left click" or something like that, then they'd clue in. I'll probably also add the button as well though. That should cover all bases.
  3. Derp, I should've double checked that before releasing. I'll get a fix out as soon as I can. Alt-click may be the way to go - problem is that it wouldn't be obvious to the user without somehow telling them...
  4. I've been considering making a "build a GPS network" contract for some time (using Contract Configurator, naturally). I never did simply because it didn't seem to have enough content to stand on its own. All this time though, I was completely unaware of Figaro's existence! If I were to create the cfg file, would you be interested including it in your mod? It creates a soft-dependency on Contract Configurator (if the player doesn't have Contract Configurator installed, they simply won't get the contract).
  5. Been mulling the idea of a contract pack to create a GPS network, simply because the network design aspect is kind of neat. But I haven't pulled the trigger since I didn't think there was enough content. Maybe with Figaro...
  6. What?!? How is it I've never heard of this mod? I'll throw up a github issue for optional Figaro support - but no promises until I look into it.
  7. Wow, rep (almost got that next tick!), beer money *and* a good suggestion? What more can someone ask for?!? I'll have a look through the contract titles and fix them up a little bit, you're right that I should try to keep them spoiler free as much as possible. Also leaning towards remove at least one of the underground monoliths on Kerbin (2 out of 5 in the contract are underground ). I'm already excluding the one on Minmus and one from the Mun. I think I may also change the Mun one so you can choose to visit only one of the two monoliths because one of them is down a really​ deep hole.
  8. I've been seriously considering remove those "monoliths" from the contract. You actually CAN see that one if you tilt the camera right - it really is underground. Oh, and can't wait to see what you say when you hit the Jool monolith contract....
  9. Check the settings menu - heading is there, but disabled by default.
  10. Hehe, I'd started to work on that feature, but didn't like how it worked from a player's perspective (basically anytime you clicked on the globe (including clicking on a vessel) it would pop up the create waypoint box. I'll probably revisit for the next version - it'll probably be a "mode" in the add window that allows you to click the map to populate the lat/lon values.
  11. 2.0.0 was broken - use 2.0.1: Waypoint Manager 2.0.1 - Fixed MAJOR bug that prevents waypoint markers from rendering correctly.
  12. In-Flight Waypoints is no more. Make way for Waypoint Manager. Same great mod, now with new features! Download it here. Please make sure to delete your old InFlightWayoints directory when upgrading, as the directory structure has changed. Waypoint Manager 2.0.0 New GUI for displaying waypoints. New settings menu to allow customization of what information is displayed and how it's displayed. Dim waypoints that are on the other side of the planet/moon (like stock does in the map view). Support displaying heading information to waypoint. Support creation of custom waypoints. The new GUI allows for tracking all waypoints simultaneously, as well as giving the ability to quickly change the active waypoint: Also, you can now create your own waypoints: Oh, and long requested, finally here - a Kerbal Stuff download link.
  13. That's correct - there were a few contracts where having the SCANsat requirement just didn't make sense. Kerbals can be dense, but you'd think they would know about the airstrip across the water without having to launch a satellite to scan it.
  14. All contracts in this contract pack, although the first one is the only one that has a prescribed altitude - the other one leave it up to the player to figure out how they want to get coverage.
  15. Good stuff! For Contract Configurator 0.7.0 I'm hoping to improve the RSS integration so providing a user-specified MM config isn't necessary (ie. it'll just work whether you're on 6.4x, 10x, or 3.14x).
  16. So basically, Diazo's Landing Height for stock? Certainly makes sense to me. I remember my first Mun landing attempt when I crashed into the surface at 100m/s because I thought I still had 3 km or so to go. Considering at the time I didn't even know about quicksave/quickload... well you could say I was somewhat upset at the realization of what was going on.
  17. And of course, CKAN is the easy go-to for automatically downloading/installing mods.
  18. Ah, interesting and useful information as always! I didn't know about the size class changing after docking. Confession: I've never actually done an asteroid rendezvous. The only time I've even played around with them is in Anomaly Surveyor for the part in the final Jool Monolith contract where Nope, go find out yourself..Anyway, that class will be a useful reference when I go implement the Contract Configurator bits.
  19. The vesselType is "VesselType.SpaceObject", but if you were thinking of using the VesselIsType it won't work, as that can only check player controlled ships. Although to be perfectly honest I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics of what happens to the ownership of an asteroid after you grab it with the claw. Anyway, I think I'll look at this in the next couple days and just release this under 0.6.6 for you. So don't spend too much time figuring out how to get SpawnVessel working for this, unless you really do want one where you specify the exact orbit/location of the asteroid. Which could be interesting if you want to do a killer asteroid contract....
  20. Nope, no direct support for asteroids at the moment - nobody's asked for it, and it hasn't yet fit into any plans for my own contract packs (which are currently the primary driver for new features). I've raised GitHub issue #128, which I'll work into the 0.7.0 release. If there's specific things you need/want you can comment on the issue in GitHub. Note also that under Squad's implementation, asteroids aren't celestial bodies - but vessels. Under 0.6.0, you should be able to generate your own asteroid using the SpawnVessel behaviour, and then use the Rendezvous parameter to specify that you need to meet with it. That's the best that is possible at the moment, but thinking about it I already have a few ideas on how to extend all this in 0.7.0.
  21. Resource collection has some limited support in Contract Configurator. You can have a parameter that says "have X quantity of resource Y" on your vessel. There is no parameter that says where you have to get it from, but if you combine it with a parameter that says "be on the Mun", and another that says "have a Karbonite drill", then getting it from the ground becomes the most viable option for the player. In future I'll be looking at some sort of Regolith support - but I'm not 100% sure what shape that will take. It could be that ends up being more about the detection side ("find a new source of Karbonite with concentration > x%", "Find what the Karbonite concentration is in 3 biomes on the Mun"). Also, I'm a little bit gun-shy since this will get significantly worked over in KSP 1.0, and I don't want to write stuff that will have to get re-written in a couple months. Although from what I understand if I use Regolith it's pretty safe since RoverDude has said he will move it over to whatever ISRU framework Squad develops (and he said this even before he was involved with Squad on it).
  22. To use a WoW-type analogy, the current contracts all feel like "side-quests" - but not necessarily good side quests - they have the "kill 10 rats" type of feeling to them. But they are also missing something critical - an actual main quest - as the current contracts really should just be in a supporting role. Your contract roadmap really does meet that main quest feel that I think is missing from the game. Yes, KSP is meant to be open and have the players do what they want - but with a broad enough contract tree you can give the player dozens of suggestions of what to do next. It's not to say that random/auto-generated contracts don't have their place - but when it's the only thing in a very small pool, it gets old awfully fast.
  23. That's not too bad an idea, I've added it to the contract pack development thread. I think the way I would like it to work would be to have it auto-detect the possible target bases/stations for resupply, which is not something that's easily done in Contract Configurator right now. I have some plans for 0.7.0 that could make this more feasible in the future though, so I may do this one at some point. In the meantime, I believe that Mission Controller 2 has contracts somewhat like this.
  24. Cross-posting this here from the Contract Configurator thread. I've updated the first post with this idea.
  25. Thanks guys, it certainly helps keep me motivated to make more "diversionary" contracts. Funny thing is, I originally created Contract Configurator because I was fed up with the imbalance and realized how much coding was required to create even the simplest of contracts... Now that I've put so much work into it, I've found that I really don't feel like dumping a ton of effort into creating a balance mod - I'd rather just create interesting contracts and leave the rest to mods like SETI.
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