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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Skill should have a pretty significant effect. From memory: At least one of the green bars gets wider (should be the horizontal one) The fish reels in a faster And yes, Eve is meant to be hard, although I haven't gotten enough feedback to say if it's too hard or not. What type of fish are you trying to catch? If you go to the deep ocean, that should be an order of magnitude harder than the coastal fish. If you're completely unable to catch coastal fish it probably means Eve is too darn hard. Laythe should be a happy middle ground between Kerbin/Eve.
  2. Sorry, forgot to make that build for you. Here you go - Contract Configurator (dll only) for 1.0.5 with just the one extra fix.
  3. The NREs are a valid bug, already fixed for next release. They shouldn't hurt anything though.
  4. And just to be super clear, the trigger is the OnScienceReceived event - meaning that it should happen when you either transmit science or recover a craft (was on mobile earlier, so I wasn't all that verbose).
  5. No. Yes. Also, not fly through, but get science.
  6. Which effect? To Boldly Go I adds +X Funds for science received from a biome where you've never gotten science before. To Boldly Go II adds +X Funds for science received from a celestial body where you've never gotten science before. To Boldly Go III adds milestone stuff. Toss a save file my way (so I can see your science logs) and which biome/body you're getting science from and I'll take a look.
  7. And to add to @Zhetaan post, "Landed on Kerbin's water" is super easy to get. For a crew report, just splash down and stand on your ship. For the actual experiments, you'd need to do something similar, but with two ships (use a decoupler). There should also be islands where you can get it in a non-cheaty way.
  8. The plan is to update it for 1.1. Very soon - it keeps getting pushed out when people raise more critical issues on my other mods.
  9. The biome check is expensive and runs in the background. Yes it can easily last more than a minute.
  10. There's a biome check thing that runs in the background to grind out some biome information when you first start a new game (you should see it working on the three planets with water biomes in the log). If you wait for that to finish, what does the FPS go back up to? I may need to tweak that to run "slower", or actually try to do that in a thread if that is what's causing it.
  11. What contract packs do you have installed? What's the performance look like if you get rid of all of them? I'm suspecting it's all due to contract generation, is a nasty piece of work that is scheduled for a total re-write. But before I write that off as the problem, need to be sure there isn't something else going on there.
  12. Absolutely love the idea of being able to 'found' new bases in career - I think it'd be even better if you could select a location on the map and do it there (not sure how feasible it is, but Kerbin is pretty flat, so I imagine a KSC-alike would work just about anywhere other than mountains and ocean). You could also set a price based on latitude/biome/other factors.
  13. I tested against the release build - can you verify if that one works? If it's a change with the dev build I'll look into fixing it soon(ish).
  14. Can you confirm whether you got offered the Jool V contract when accepting the strategy? I've seen some issues (but haven't been able to fully confirm/solve them) where the contract doesn't get given immediately. If you don't have it, try to cancel a couple offered contracts to see if it gets automatically added to your list. If that doesn't do it, then I'd need to see a KSP.log Nothing I've ever heard of - I'd need to see a KSP.log (although confirming whether it works without Scatterer might be a good idea too. It gets asked. A lot. It says 2/3/4, but it's really 1/2/3 and the extra slot is for the upgrade functionality. I'm either going to fix the display (may not be possible because of stock limitations) or drop the upgrade functionality because the question gets asked too many times.
  15. If I had to guess I'd say you're missing Module Manager (or have a version that doesn't work with 1.1). If that's not the problem, send a KSP.log file and I'll have a look.
  16. @NathanKell & @severedsolo - I decided to keep showing the tracked vessel, and when there is a vessel being track and it is not the active vessel, the text changes from "Vessel: X" to "Tracked Vessel: X". @severedsolo - your suggestions has a couple problems. First it's technically difficult. Second, I don't know how that would look if there's a half-dozen child parameters that have the "Le Station" prefix.
  17. Sorry, I used a bad example, it was from when the two vessels were still docked in that particular contract, which makes it extra confusing. If I'd taken the screenshot at the proper time, it would've said "Le Capsule". That's actually a whole other discussion. By default, if a tracked vessel loses parts (decouple, undock, "oops") or gains parts (dock, grapple) it will continue to be tracked as the same vessel (even if it changes name due to being "taken over" by another vessel ID on undock). Since the tracking actually goes one level lower than vessel ID and takes a hash of connected part IDs, it will remember which "section" of the super-vessel is the one being tracked. Anyway, digressing - the point is that I think that is fine for the default behaviour, but is there a need to add some flags to change that behaviour? Things like no longer tracking it if the vessel id changes, or possibly instead displaying the name that is stored away deep in a ModuleDockingPort somewhere.
  18. Looks like this happens in career too - I suspect it's something that didn't get converted over correctly to KSP 1.1. Will investigate.
  19. Need some input from the maintainers of contracts that use VesselParameterGroup.vessel, which I'm thinking means @inigma, @severedsolo and @NathanKell. As part of investigating the fix above for @chrisl, I had some trouble figuring out which vessel of the two after undocking that Contract Configurator was looking at for a VesselParameterGroup with the vessel attribute set. I had the parameter in there already to do the actual checking, it was just invisible because it didn't have a title set. So I turned the title on, which gives the "Vessel: Le Station" parameter below. Now, the "problem" is that when the active vessel is not the vessel being checked for, the VesselParameterGroup will continue to track the vessel that does match. The down side is user confusion - "why is there a checkmark when I'm focused on 'Le Other Vessel'?". The upside is that if the parameters are somewhat dynamic they'll be able to see stuff changing (the countdown timers are a particularly good example of this). So how should I make this work? Try to force showing the active vessel? Or show the vessel that meets the VesselParameterGroup.vessel condition? If I do the latter I can add some sort of text (or note, but notes suck because they start minimized, and users won't look at them) to indicate the vessel tracked is not the current vessel? Keep in mind either way the change is cosmetic - even if I'm not looking at "Le Station" when it splashes down, the parameter will still complete correctly
  20. @chrisl - good news and bad news. Was able to figure out and fix the undock thing. Is this on 1.1 yet, or are you guys still back on 1.0.5? If it's the latter, I'll provide an unofficial back-port, because I'd really like another test on this one since undocking is nasty and different for claw vs. docking ports and also impacted by vessel setup. Bad news is, I wasn't able to reproduce the rendezvous thing - that worked as expected for me. Any more insight you can provide on that would be good, otherwise I may have to resort to giving you a hacked up DLL with extra debug (there isn't much in Rendezvous).
  21. @DMagic's stuff is all old school contracts, no Contract Configurator involved. Best to bring it up on his thread.
  22. If you're able to include a save from before docking it would be really helpful too.
  23. Sounds like a bug, let me look into it. It's supposed to, but it's complicated. It would be really helpful if you could provide a full KSP.log with verbose debug turned on for ContractVesselTracker (see here for instructions). For this log I'd need you to start before the docking, and go through everything up to the undock.
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