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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. A good ol' bug fix release, download here! Strategia 1.2.1 Fixed Pilot/Engineer/Scientist Focus strategies not actually giving the stated contract bonuses (thanks @DeathProphet). Fixed compatibility with Sigma Binary (thanks @sentania). Fixed hint text for crewed/uncrewed missions (thanks @severedsolo). Fixed planetary probe strategies so they can't be re-done (thanks @ibanix). Fixed reputation/funds being lost on scene change - normally after the quicksave but breaks KRASH (thanks @garwel and @linuxgurugamer).
  2. Confirmed it's a Strategia bug. I'll get a fix out soon.
  3. Right, it's been a while since I've had to do such frequent releases. There was a build misconfiguration from switching over to 1.1, and I wasn't actually testing what I thought I was testing. That's all fixed, and so are the errors it caused. New version here. Contract Configurator 1.10.4 Fixed RemoteTech exceptions (thanks @HaArLiNsH, @Dtgnoome and @Sidelia).
  4. @A_name - yup the in-game way is the recommended method (although what @severedsolo suggested is fine too). Keep in mind that doing it the in-game way is a per-save setting.
  5. Fixed a whole bunch of stuff that was due to the 1.10 changes around contract requirements. Should all be good now, download here. Contract Configurator 1.10.3 Fixed contract "flickering" on RemoteTech contracts (thanks Razorfang). Fixed problems with SCANsat contracts (thanks Torih). Fixed issues with child requirements not getting properly propagated to offered contracts. Fixed disabling of contract requirements in debug menu (the contract would appear then immediately disappear).
  6. Totally different issues, you're getting some exceptions on contract load. I'll fix that up for the imminent release.
  7. Fixed for next release (which will probably be today to get this issue cleared out).
  8. Also note that the RemoteTech Contract Pack does not have Tweakscale as a dependency (confirmed this in the meta-data).
  9. No idea, since the CKAN meta-data correctly lists the dependencies (and TweakScale isn't one of them). Try installing any dependencies you don't already have individually (Contract Configurator, Module Manager RemoteTech) and see which one is causing that error.
  10. New release, download here. Wider Contracts App 1.3.2 Fix issues introduced in previous release (thanks Raknor).
  11. Yeah, was worried about that. What happens is that sometimes the stuff takes a couple frames to load up. I'd put that in there as a "just in case" but looks like it needs to stay out. The other career checks *should* be sufficient. I'll fix it right away.
  12. Hmmm.... but did you read the fine print? Really, I should know better to guarantee anything. Good catch, by the way, which leads us to this: Wider Contracts App 1.3.1 Now disables itself in non-career modes (thanks Raknor).
  13. All up to date for KSP 1.1! Download here! ContractPack-RemoteTech 2.0.2 Officially release for KSP 1.1 Increased tolerance for geosynchronous orbit in "Everything sat" contract.
  14. RemoteTech support is back. Otherwise, just a small bugfix release, get it here! Contract Configurator 1.10.2 Re-enabled RemoteTech support. Fixed exception on requirement load of SCANsatLocationCoverage (thanks wizisi2k). Properly fixed contract "flickering" in mission control.
  15. Heh, looks like I didn't remember to put any kind of checks on those, raised #37. That being said, the crew count check is just as easy to fudge (just EVA). I'll put a better check on there. Fixed for next release. None of the gas giants have programs for landing probes on them (for obvious reasons). That does leave a gap for not having specific programs for the moons of those planets though. Raised #38 to address that (eventually).
  16. This is a bug in the pre-release. It's on the tracker (somewhere). I noticed this a while back and was wondering how long it would take for someone to raise it. Have a cookie (or a booster, perhaps?). I'll fix this for the next release.
  17. No RemoteTech support - they only released a couple days ago and I haven't had a chance to recompile yet. The fact that there is even a CC_RemoteTech.dll in the package is a bug (until the next release).
  18. There's no functionality for hiding waypoints (although you can press F2 to hide the whole UI).
  19. It's something I've considered in the past. I'll do that going forward on 1.11.x
  20. Not sure what nav markers you mean? Could you post a screenshot?
  21. Yup, noticed it. Haven't been able to go recompile/fix Contract Configurator yet. Will do that sometime in the next few days, most likely.
  22. I had a quick look and have some partial answers for you (I know it may not be to the level of detail that you need/want though). Short answer: It looks possible, but not very far from trivial. Long answer: How it works: When the part right click menu needs displaying, the UIPartActionController will create a UIPartActionWindow (which is a Unity component on its own GameObject). As part of the setup of the UIPartActionWindow it'll fire GameEvents.onPartActionUICreate (this is to allow stuff to update its internal state before the dialog is created). How I'd hack it: You can subscribe to the onPartActionUICreate event to know when a part window is being displayed. You'd have to just flag it and look at it on your own update cycle, as that event is fired while it's still being set up. When you see it get opened, use either nasty reflection or expensive Unity.Object.FindObjectOfType to get the UIPartActionWindow. Use reflection to find the list of UIPartActionItem (ie widgets) to see if the one you want is there (the "Extend Panels" in this example). Add additional UIPartActionButton objects "beside" it. I didn't dig into this part at all - I have no idea how the layout works to say if that is possible (but from just looking at how other UI elements are laid out I would guess that it is). So yeah - that should give you a fairly clear picture of the scope of what's required (hopefully).
  23. There's two cases to look at: VesselParameterGroup.define - the defined vessel goes away. Nothing happens to the parameter (can't be completed again). VesselParameterGroup.vessel - (note this can be a list). If the vessel(s) no longer exist the contract may be "unwinnable". Or it may just be that there's another parameter we don't have visibility to that will define it. So from the above, there isn't a better general default than what I do now - which is do nothing. But I have no objection to allow that to be controlled by the contract author. So that gives us: define - Allow the following options when an already defined vessel goes away (default) do nothing fail the contract reset the state of the parameter to incomplete vessel - Allow the following options when there are no vessels in the vessel list that point to a real vessel (default) do nothing fail the contract I'd have to be very careful above with the disableOnStateChange for the first one, and to prevent failing a contract at the wrong time with the second one. If this is roughly what you want, can you raise an enhancement and I'll take a look for the next release (I'm slowly ramping back into modding after a brief hiatus)? Also, if there's additional options/considerations you need.
  24. When you start paying a premium price for mods, then perhaps the modding community (or "big modding" as it will become known) will provide you a premium service. And if you (not you personally, but a collective "you") are not willing to give me enough money to put food in my kids' mouths then I guess I'm going to have to just keep modding as a hobby that I do for myself, and not as a service that I provide for others.
  25. Not sure if this one was just something that didn't get fully tested originally or a change in 1.1, but I finally got this one all figured out. It's fixed for the next release.
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