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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Sorry, dealing with sick family, so haven't been very responsive the last many days. Short answers - the limit is intended and the label is wrong (can't fix - stock limitations). The pilot thing looks like maybe a bug? I assume that you're basing it on the funds counter not going up by the right amount and not the log message alone (the additional funds may not have a log message that goes with them). I will investigate further when I'm able.
  2. Try a manual install until we're past the 1.0.5/1.1 dual support mess. I'll see if I can get CKAN sorted tonight.
  3. Kerbal Konstructs is the tree you'll need to bark up: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.OnProcessRecovery (.ProtoVessel vessel, KSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, Single fFloat) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`3[ProtoVessel,KSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog,System.Single].Fire (.ProtoVessel data0, KSP.UI.Screens.MissionRecoveryDialog data1, Single data2) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at VesselRecovery.OnVesselRecovered (.ProtoVessel pv, Boolean quick) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`2[ProtoVessel,System.Boolean].Fire (.ProtoVessel data0, Boolean data1) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoVessel.Clean (System.String reason) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.Clean (System.String reason) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 And yup, if it's on vessel recovery I could definitely see the infinite funds thing. It'll award funds, then throw the exception and next frame it'll try to do the whole thing over again. Pinging @AlphaAsh
  4. It shouldn't be a problem at all on the passenger side, it's only when it gets to the station that it can cause trouble (not saying you shouldn't do it, just that it's a pain point on the dev side). I haven't forgotten about your issue - just been dealing with the entire family (myself included) having bad cases of gastroenteritis for the last week, and it's not fun.
  5. I put it on myself. There was some mis-configurations in the forum software (when we first switched over to IPS) and I briefly had the ability to add the "purple tags" (I forget their actual name now). I lost that ability, and the threads that have been purple tagged are slowly dying away as I edit the first post (I think that's the last one, and will be gone when it gets updated for 1.1 in the next couple week).
  6. Contract Configurator needs to be re-compiled against the 1.1 compatible RemoteTech, which I'll do on the next release. Note though that RemoteTech's 1.1 update is still in progress, so I probably won't get my update out until theirs is officially updated.
  7. Raised #1 for the ragdoll issues. The April Fool's day joke was that this was part of 1.1. The mod is real, and you can play it today.
  8. Yup, definitely agree you'll be better for it, although definitely more work. Given you're going that route, some other points: Strategies are annoying because each strategy needs to have a class associated with it. I get around that in Strategia through various fun hacks and dummy classes. There's various stuff that's semi-related to strategies that got sort of thrown in for completeness, but is not necessarily extensible/configurable. The two I'm thinking of are: Currency Popups - Logic to put pretty popups when currency is spent (like on building upgrades). Makes it so I can actually show the player what their strategies are doing. It's not automatic though, and there were lots of hoops I had to jump through in some places... so this could give you minor trouble Admin Resize - Got annoyed with the small-width Admin building UI, so I resize it to 6 departments wide (if Screen width available). If you end up with a different number of departments than 6, this will be non-ideal. I do away with strategy sliders completely, mostly because I hate them. Replaced by having 3 distinct strategy levels. I have two completely different approaches to handling this in the config files (variant A, variant B), mostly do to a change I made in direction mid-development. Variant B is the cleaner one in code, so if I ever go in to do a refactor or clean up, I may remove support for variant A completely. So try to avoid using that if you're writing your own effects.
  9. Ah, good stuff. The broad strokes for RSS compatibility are there (ie. dynamic handling of Celestial Bodies), but there's definitely lots to be done to get it fitting with RP-0. Off the top of my head: De-Kerbalization of text Outright removal/re-write of some strategies (things like Contract Slot Machine are sort of lol-sey and may not fit with a more serious RP-0 vibe). Balancing of values (duh). Of course, this isn't something I've given much thought to, so you're probably already ahead of me.
  10. Short Answer: No. Long Answer: When I originally started building this mod, I considered making it the "Contract Configurator of Strategies" (eg. all config based, very modular, well documented). For a number of reasons I decided against this approach (including some KSP technical limitations). So there really isn't any documentation, but I've still left it open to at least some change. I'm happy to provide support and make some improvements in documentation/functionality, but would need to know what you have in mind as I imagine it could range from trying to tweak the values for personal use to using this as a base for a whole new mod. Most of the stuff that is config-changeable are the StrategyEffects, which are all here in GitHub. For the most part they are all pretty simple, so reverse engineering what you can do in the config (although not ideal) shouldn't be too difficult for someone with KSP modding knowledge.
  11. Logs and screenshots would help here, it's not something I've heard of in either 1.0.5 or 1.1.
  12. Right. Let's try that again. Download here. Kerbal Sports 1.0.3 Fixed issues with alternate keybindings from previous release.
  13. That would be a surprisingly large effort - exposing the keybindings via a text file. Are you saying you do not like the controls and want to change them, or are unsure what they are? They are all listed in Gus's introduction text (you did read that, right?).
  14. Oh yeah, it's not going to look at future maneuver nodes. So if you've got a mid-course correction that is that big, then it's not going to detect it until you perform the maneuver. So I suppose you're trading off a less efficient maneuver (not using oberth effect fully) to gain the ability to turn the strategy on a bit later. I'm okay with that.
  15. It should work even if you renamed the vessel. If I remember correctly, there should be a vessel id as the key and a vessel id as the value in the ContractVesselTracker scenario. If you haven't done any docking/undocking shenanigans with your base (and I guess you did have to dock to get the tourists on board), they should be the same. The "key" version (which is fixed) will also appear in the CONTRACT node in one or more places (the important one being the VesselParameterGroup). Can you show me a screenshot of it not working (with ship names) and a save file and I'll try to corroborate it?
  16. I'm confused - I copied the info from Eve Flyby and it isn't going anywhere near Eve: Can you provide a screenshot of the orbits that you expect should be triggerring the "en-route" check?
  17. This release was 1.1 only. I'll add a 1.0.5 build later today and pray that it doesn't mess up CKAN. EDIT: 1.0.5 build is up, didn't test it, but should be good.
  18. Known issue. It's just the stock window that is wrong. You may have 1 strategy per admin level.
  19. Now with better Mac support, download here! Kerbal Sports 1.0.2 Added alternate keybinding for systems without two CTRL buttons (apple key or arrow keys can be used in place of CTRL).
  20. Hmmm... odd in that case. Can you provide your save file and the name of the ship(s) in question and where they are en-route to? I played around with the tolerance for this a while back to prevent false-positive, but maybe I went too far.
  21. Confirmed, I'll raise it up on Squad's tracker, thanks!
  22. TFW bugs reports with not enough detail. I'm gonna guess the fact that I hardcoded the keybindings is coming back to bite me? Only one control key or something like that?
  23. @rayman491, @mjak, @yorshee @Starfire70 - I'll take a look at the scrolling issue. Either it's a stock bug or is being caused by my widening of the strategies. Raised #33. The latest CBK that is appropriate to your KSP version... - go with what @ibanix said. Hmmm... this wasn't the case under 1.0.5, so something must've changed in 1.1. Raised #34. Good feedback, I'll look at incorporating that in the next release. Raised #35. Didn't test under 1.1, good chance that got broken too. Raised #36.
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