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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. New release, download here! Contract Configurator 1.9.7 KerbalDeaths now supports a vessel identifier to only check for Kerbal deaths on a specific vessel. Added support for AlbertKermin's Surface Experiments Pack to science subsystem. Allow multiple targetBody values in ReachState. Added new Orbit class with methods. Fixed default values for RemoteTech CelestialBodyCoverage requirement (thanks severedsolo). Fixed minor bug in Sigma Binary support. Fixed possible exception when saving in ContractVesselTracker (thanks apocriva). Minor bug fixes.
  2. Thanks, and congratulations on the new job! 1.9.7 should be coming out relatively soon (tonight or tomorrow). That's the last planned release for KSP 1.0.5. After that will be 1.10.0 for the KSP 1.1 opt-in pre-release and 1.10.1 (if needed) for the KSP 1.1 full release. I'm planning on sticking to semantic versioning a little bit closer than I have in the past, so expect to see more 1.x.0 releases in future. Other plans in the works for some cool new features that'll affect the players for Contract Configurator 1.10.x and beyond, but I won't go into detail until what I'm planning has actually been at least prototyped (so I know it'll work).
  3. Lots of Factorio (see sig). Pretty much it - modding doesn't leave time for much else.
  4. An unfortunate side effect of the way the stock UI displays the contracts. Normal, and not something I am able to change.
  5. You can do some save file hackery (find it, change the status back to active), or just wait for the contract to be offered again (or decline other contracts until it is offered).
  6. Good stuff, whenever you're available I'm happy to discuss via any of the usual channels.
  7. Oh yeah, that's definitely a bug, it seems to be taking "In Space High" as a biome. Raised #31. There's lots of code and lots of config. At a minimum though, you should be able to change values quite easily in the config though. You may want to ping @NathanKell (too late, I did it!) and see how he feels about Strategia in RP-0. The descriptions are all very Kerbal, and a few of the strategies don't fit too great in a realism focused scenario, but there are some that should fit just fine. My biggest concern is one of balance - if Strategia injects more funds/rep into the system, does that potentially break RP-0's progression in a bad way? What gets into orbit.
  8. Double checked the code, and it shouldn't work like that - is it possible you were getting the "first science for celestial body" bonus instead?
  9. It'll get trigged for any experiment that is biome specific on any celestial body. So experiments that just say "In Space High" don't count (thermometer in stock), but ones that say "In Space High over Kerbin's Grasslands" do count (gravioli in stock). The idea was to get the player to land in more biomes, which is why I made it only look at the biome specific ones. I should almost take the space ones out completely since it doesn't make sense to give the bonus for gravioli but not for something else... I'll have to think about that one. I've changed it to need an orbit (crewed or uncrewed) instead of a return from a crewed orbit. Note though that this mod isn't intended for RP-0 - so I have no idea if it will upset the balance of RP-0. Not saying it won't work, just that it might not work well in some situations. Yup, since including those would be contrary to the spirit of the strategy (to go places, not dig in your backyard).
  10. Making it not specific to a save is technically difficult, and also has the problem of how to handle when a player decides he does want to do the mission again. However, I can make it so that the missions disappear after some trigger (maybe going interplanetary for your example) so that if someone doesn't want to do it, then it doesn't keep showing up. Raised #12.
  11. Hmmm.... looking back @eberkain had also reported this (or something similar), and I'd gotten the (incorrect) impression that it was due to Media Circus I (which was also broken). I'll dig deeper. Raised #30.
  12. Hey, just because Harvester hasn't accepted my proposal to open a baby seal taco stand in Iqaluit yet, doesn't mean he's not going to.
  13. Not 100% sure if this will fix it, but I added some check conditions that might prevent stuff from getting registered when it's not supposed to - do you mind letting me know if it resolves the issue? Grab the dll here and replace the one in GameData/Strategia Fixed the text for the next release.
  14. Yeah, sorry about that - turned or the effort needed to support them is pretty significant, so needed to push that off again.
  15. Release time! Download here. Strategia 1.1.0 Mun/Minmus Program can each be completed in turn. Created a logo for the contract agent. Changed Media Circus I bonus to prevent infinite reputation exploit. Added support for Sigma Binary. Fixed impactor contracts for some configurations (thanks smjjames). Fixed bug that allowed more than the max number of strategies to be active if the last one was a mission strategy (thanks Death Engineering). Fixed issue where Massive Scale Launch bonuses would apply when going from landed => orbit on *any* body (thanks smjjames). Fixed Astronaut Training exception when hiring two crew members in quick succession (thanks smjjames). Fixed strategies that change vessel values (like Pilot Focus III) to check for more events - like crew transfers (thanks smjjames). Force set ISP when changing it in Pilot Focus III (thanks smjjames). Fixed possible issue with multipliers when switching between Pilot/Engineer focuses. Fixed issue where Contract Slot Machine values kep getting re-rolled (thanks smjjames). Fixed issue where Free Ice Cream time-counter would reset each time a save is loaded.
  16. Right now (in dev) I have it set to check for the homeworld flag - meaning it'll only work for Kerbin, regardless of EPL use. For the proposed change I think it can definitely be gamed for places like Gilly (30 m/s to orbit) - which is why I'd need to scale the reward in some way. If a player wants to repeatedly land and take off from Gilly for 500 funds and 0.5 reputation, then I won't stop them.
  17. Biggest known issue that I'm looking forward to fixing in KSP 1.1. See my response a couple pages back:
  18. Squad needs to support an axial tilt (on the Sun) for that to matter.
  19. I've added issue #2 to the GitHub with some suggestions on how we can improve the process going forward to make it easier for people to help out (by pre-generating all the class information so people just don't have to extract it themselves) and to make it easier to handle changes from one KSP version to another (by using a tool that handles the comparison and merges in a smart way automatically). I'd like feedback from anyone who has some interest/expertise on that side of things.
  20. It's really meant to be for new launches, but maybe I could slot that in as part of the level 3 bonus (the free launchpad repairs is pretty lackluster). It would have to scale based on planet mass though - I'd want to give almost nothing for a Gilly launch, for example. Raised #29.
  21. Awesome, good to hear! I'd like to put a license file on the fork - can you formally state a license for your original work to cover off any code/doxyfile/end-documentation? If you don't know/care then I'd suggest MIT as a very simple and permissive license.
  22. Yup, I've just got a few more issues to resolve before the 1.1.0 release comes out - should be either tonight or tomorrow, hopefully.
  23. @tomf - can you go to the settings and enable the issue tracker? I want to create a couple issue for stuff that needs to be done (one for manually pulling in the pending pull request on Anatid/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API, and another to throw out some ideas I have to automate getting the info from the KSP dlls).
  24. Awesome! I'm actually surprised you got the vessel spawning stuff working so well in the flight scene, I know that I had some trouble with spawning in-flight (I think I moved it to try to spawn before hitting that scene as much as possible). I can't remember the exact issue, but I know there were some parts or part modules that caused exceptions (RTG might've been one of them, you might want to test that out if you haven't). Also, awesome A-10.
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