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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Yup... tried changing the text color to something else and back to "default"... if that doesn't fix it, then I guess you've gotta live with it.
  2. The table was a maintenance nightmare in the new forums. As for needing to highlight....? I'm guessing you're doing something with the forum theme (like making a black background)? Anyway, the text should've been on auto, if it wasn't I'm going to blame the forum conversion. I've changed it over now - we'll see if that fixes it.
  3. That's reasonable. Raised #21. A couple ways to work around it: Edit the contract file and change the maxCompletions from 1 to 2 for the hotel/casino contract. You should now get the contract a second time. Edit your save file and remove the CONTRACT node for the hotel/casino contract that was previously completed. This will also allow you to complete it a second time. Can you provide a screenshot that includes the contract window? Also, are you using Waypoint Manager (otherwise it may be tricky to be precise with the waypoints).
  4. Whole new enhancement set. The data is there and is fairly accessible as far as I know, but I've never personally looked at it.
  5. Wouldn't be the first time the idea has come up (not that it makes it a bad idea). It's one that I'd considered doing at one point, but really wanted to see KMPI get finished to really make things shine (@riocrokite, we're patiently waiting). Don't get me wrong though - I have no intention of working on a mod like that any time soon - so if it's something you're interested in, go for it. Instead of ore, you can make up a resource (or use an appropriate CRP resource). Making up a new one might give you some flexibility in specifying where you can get it (eg. only in Eve's oceans). Actually, I don't think CRP specifies the "Regolith" configs (not sure if that's what we call them now that it's all stock) that define where resources can be mined - so if you use a CRP resource it's just a question of not doing anything that stomps on other mods. You could also use multiple different resources with different values (you get the cost of the resource back when you recover it). That way you can have ore coming back to you at 1,000 funds/ton and unobtanium coming in a 1,000,000 funds/ton (no idea what the real recovery value of ore is). I also like the idea of being able to use mined resources to make stuff, but it would need to actually feed into something to make for interesting gameplay. Actually, I do remember @RoverDude saying stuff about doing something like that with Extraplanetary Launchpads + MKS, but it's not something I've kept up with (this was at least 6 months ago, so those features could be old stuff in MKS by now). Anyway, there's definitely a lot of opportunities on the mining side of things for contracts/career that hasn't been explored by anyone yet.
  6. Since you are doing things the right way (using KSP-AVC and releasing via GitHub), you can practically just copy one of my .netkan files (like this one), and change the appropriate links and such (you'll need to send it as a pull request to the NetKAN repository, but they accept those pretty quickly). Once you have it set up that way CKAN will read the .version files from your GitHub releases automatically (ie. you will never have to worry about it again). Oh and I'd also suggest updating the KSP-AVC file to have a max KSP version of 1.99.99 - giving you even less to worry about with CKAN (Contract Configurator will insulate you from 99% of the KSP version-centric issues).
  7. Got it, this should work: Strategia 0.2.1 Fixed issue with various crewed/uncrewed strategies flipping from available/unavailable according to the notification (thanks smjjames).
  8. Hey @smjjames, I haven't been able to reproduce the notification issues - can you send me a KSP.log from an instance where you've had it flip on/off incorrectly?
  9. Because we're hiding out in Add-On Development. As soon as I can get some time to do the icons, notification bugfixes and enhancements we'll be ready to go. I haven't gotten too much balance feedback (a little bit from smjjames), so for those that have played around it, let me know what you think. What strategies aren't worth picking? Which ones are too good and you'd pick them every game?
  10. Okay, the second post listing the contract packs has been rewritten to be more maintainable (I dropped information such as direct download links and licenses). I've also updated for recent changes (such as adding GAP).
  11. Supposed to work - raise a bug. I just haven't had time to look at it yet.
  12. I think what you're looking for is HasResource or HasResourceCapacity.
  13. No idea (since that's stock and not Contract Configurator). I'd I had to guess I'd say no as it is probably taking the part based on its uid.
  14. Should be, I haven't changed anything that would break stuff (at least not yet).
  15. If I'm able to make it threaded in 1.1, then it won't even be noticeable anymore (at least, in theory).
  16. Most likely it's complaining about the level of the admin building - that has given me trouble in the past. My guess is that it's checking the level before things have been initialized (so it flips off/on on scene load). I'll double check that and get a fix out.
  17. Alright - for anyone who wants to help with debugging, the dev dll here contains an extra debug statement that says why a strategy has flipped to unavailable.
  18. It's a once per save thing, so you should be okay now. The idea was to limit the duration it works on each tick to keep the FPS from dropping too low (I can't remember what I was aiming for, but 30-60 sounds right). If you were way up in the 200 FPS region, then I could see that being very noticeable. Raise a GitHub issue and I'll look at some changes: 1. Half the duration per tick so that it stays above 60 FPS. 2. Make it global, so the data only gets calculated once per install. This will also fix the issue that if you change scenes and it wasn't done it'll start the celestial body over. I'm also hoping I can just dump it in a thread in 1.1.
  19. Don't think that should be needed since there is a VesselParameterGroup and I don't think order needs to matter for this one. See my post above - there's a bug and you need the dev version to get sane results.
  20. Could be doable, raise an enhancement on GitHub. I'll warn you that there are quite a few pending enhancements that have been requested - you're probably looking at two weeks or so before I can get to this one.
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