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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Yup, he'd get one XP each time (up to a max of 64 XP, which gets you to the level cap anyway).
  2. The way it works is it just assumes that the Kerbal already has the 2XP (whether they actually do or not). So if they do have it, then it awards it just fine. If they don't, then they get the bonus 2XP for free. This is due to the way XP is tied to the flight log - I can't award XP without also awarding XP for the levels below it. I suppose I could instead award the flight/orbit for the first two XP if they don't have it - it would be a bit more complicated and less obvious to the player what's happening though, so I decided to just go the free XP route.
  3. That's one of the last things I'm working on before release - going through all the strategies and making sure that appropriate feedback is there. There are some (like the contracts screen) where the stock logic explicitly shows the delta. Others, not so much. Mostly intentional, although I did notice that problem with Local Science and hadn't yet given though as to how to fix it. Either I'll go through and add some sort of setup cost (pretty much across the board), OR add a rep penalty for Strategy cancellation. I had also considered a cool-down period where you need to have a strategy active for at least X days before it can be cancelled - but not sure if that's worthwhile given how meaningless time is in stock KSP.
  4. Interesting, I wasn't aware of that one! Not sure if there's much to be done here... if it isn't fixed in 1.1 maybe I'll put a note/warning in the contract. Raised #16.
  5. The waypoints being shifted is a known issue when using Kopernicus (@Thomas P. is aware of it). The VAB/SPH and map view issues aren't anything I've ever seen/heard of before. Post up a KSP.log, this could be due to some exceptions somewhere or other.
  6. New release with some minor bug fixes. Download here. Waypoint Manager 2.4.5 Add option to show waypoint location in decimal. Fixed issue with contract info getting duplicated (thanks smjjames). Fixed waypoint sort order.
  7. https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/AwardExperience-Behaviour
  8. Hypothetically possible, but computationally expensive, because it requires sampling points around the selected point. More importantly, that data isn't loaded by KSP until you have a vessel pretty much right there, so it means that you'd have do really expensive queries to the PQS to actually get that information at the time a contract is being generated.
  9. I maybe fixed it? Try the dev dll for me, I'm not too confident that this fix worked...
  10. Got it, it was the fix for the Flats/Greater Flats that was breaking it. Fixed for next release (of Contract Configurator).
  11. Extremely unlikely that this is related to the Waypoint Manager issues. I'm fairly certain I know what the problem is here, it has to do with how I'm storing the offsets calculated for contracts. It'll be fixed for the next release.
  12. Took a quick look, but don't have time to dig deep, so couldn't find what I need in the Otter's download files. What is the experiment, what part is it on? What are the non-stock restrictions on the experiment (where can it be run, where can it not be run)? What's the contract that you received look like?
  13. Probably not, but it's certainly conceivable that it could impact something.
  14. Sorry, so what is it about it that doesn't work? Is it that you're getting asked to do it on land and the experiment can only be done in water?
  15. I haven't tested it out yet, let me know if there's any compatibility issues that you see.
  16. Nothing of interest in the logs, and I just tried one out and it worked as normal. Can you send me your save file so I can peruse it? Also, does saving/loading change anything?
  17. Looks like you've got a CONTRACT_TYPE with a missing/blank name field. I've fixed the code so it won't fall over in that case, but for the moment I have no way of telling where it came from. If you have a look in the GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache, and search for CONTRACT_TYPE you might be able to tell where the issue is (or just post up the file and I'll take a look). That being said, it looks like you might not even have Module Manager installed, which is needed for many (if not all) contract packs to work properly.
  18. Agreed, that's not a direction I want to go. Originally my idea was going to be a titration pipette, but it's harder to recognize as an icon (and may be too obscure of a reference). Anyway, it's supposed to be an eye dropper giving a slow trickle of "liquid science". Would it work better if the liquid was a color more typically associated with science (green/blue)?
  19. @renoplane - that is a ton of weirdness. Can you send a KSP.log?
  20. One step closer to release, all artwork is now done!
  21. Ah right, was just throwing out example without thinking them through fully - I can't see a way to do that part either. Best I can come up with is a reputation penalty for sending unskilled Kerbals out, but I'd be concerned that it would just come as a surprise to the average player (surprise, we took reputation because you went to the Moon!).
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