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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. New release to make CKAN happy: download now! Waypoint Manager 2.4.3 Recompile for KSP 1.0.5
  2. Ah ha, that makes more sense now - the paper trail in GitHub seemed to just dry up. Guess I'll do a couple of no-change releases to keep CKAN users off my back. EDIT: At least I changed the contract packs a while back to be compatible with KSP 1.99.99.... don't have to worry about them for a while.
  3. Hate to be that guy, but I was kind of hoping/relying on #1499 to be released so I don't have to go through all my mods and release updates just for CKAN. Anyone able to give an ETA on this change, seeing as it was intended specifically to address the kendoka15's issue?
  4. Are you running SCANsat? Looks like there will need to be a new update, the current release version fails to load. Otherwise, provide a log, and I'll take a look.
  5. Nope, as my understanding was that the CKAN folk were setting it up so 1.0.4 mods are compatible by default with 1.0.5. Make sure you're running the latest CKAN client, and if that doesn't work see what the word is on the CKAN thread. I'll head over there myself later tonight (on mobile at the moment), since I'll have lots of updates to push out if my understanding was wrong.
  6. New release with KSP 1.0.5 support! Download now! Contract Configurator 1.8.0 Support for KSP 1.0.5
  7. Ugh, that Runway/Shores biome thing sucks. I suppose you could use a waypoint instead - although it won't have the same accuracy. Oh, and the completeInSequence does not prevent parameters from being tested - it'll only prevent them from completing. Works that way for technical reasons. As far as I know, nobody has done a video tutorial (Contract Configurator isn't very visual). Best thing to do once you've read the How-To page on the wiki would be to look at examples. You can have a look at one of the Anomaly Surveyor contracts for visiting the island runway, and the contracts in Tourism Plus. Pretty much combining those two concepts would get you the contract you're looking to start with. If there's specific things that you think are unclear/missing in the wiki, I can look at making changes there too.
  8. In general I can't implement the !=, because that's part of the ConfigNode handling code (ie. stock KSP). There's a good chance that severedsolo's suggestion will work. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to do #143 due to the complexity. If severedsolo's suggestion doesn't work, I can't think of another suggestion. The best change that could be made to support this to would be to allow lists for some of the ReachState attributes, then you could do something like (I didn't look up the exact functions, so might've gotten this wrong): PARAMETER { name = AnyBiomeButRunway type = ReachState situation = LANDED biome = @/targetBody.Biomes().Where(b => b != Runway) } ... but that is a non-trivial change. Anyway, if you do need it, raise an enhancement and I'll see what I can do.
  9. Raised [#336]. What I'll do is get you some string functions, so you can do this: DATA { type = Vessel targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselName().Contains("Lost")).Random() } Note that I don't really like what you're suggesting as a game mechanic though. You could try looking for vessels with fuel under a certain level (which could be modified by vessel mass and planet mass) to be able to look at vessels with crew but not enough delta-v to make it into orbit.
  10. New release, bunch of little bug fixes that have piled up. Download now! Contract Configurator 1.7.8 Fixed issue with timer parameter text not always updating (thanks mer & severedsolo). Fixed issue with timer parameter not always starting up (thanks mer). Fixed issue with contracts not being correctly disabled when requested (thanks severedsolo). Fixed minTerrainAltitude and maxTerrainAltitude to check terrain altitude and not ASL (thanks space-is-hard). Fixed issue with interaction between SpawnKerbal and RecoverKerbal causing exception that didn't clean up Kerbals (thanks arilm21). Minor bug fixes.
  11. Last time I had to create a UI for KSP (Contract Configurator settings menu), I looked at using the Unity 4.6 stuff. Even with KSC-Building-Shortcuts as an example, it was just horrible. After a little bit of prototyping with Unity 4.6, I quickly switched back to the legacy UI. I have no major issues with the GUILayout stuff from a coding perspective - its main problem lies in the atrocious performance. So unless Squad gives us some nice wrapper stuff that makes using the Unity 4.6 GUI stuff easy/clean/simple in KSP 1.1, or KSP moves to a Unity version that no longer supports the legacy GUI (no such version of Unity exists yet), then I have no intention of moving off of the current GUI system.
  12. It's a bug in Contract Configurator (there's a timer that should just start up automatically). Will be fixed in the 1.7.8 release (out in the next few days).
  13. Can't say I've ever had that issue. But if you are handling and outputting exceptions, I'd recommend just using Unity's Debug.LogException call, as that will take care of outputting the stack trace (including any nested exceptions).
  14. It should be the first one: [COLOR=#333333] controls = Throttle [/COLOR] controls = Pitch Have a look at AwardExperienceFactory - that one is doing a list of strings. Note that the interface you're using for ParseValue<> is one of the ones that doesn't execute expressions, and will throw an exception on load. Generally I use the other form for the factories, which will output the error to the logs and return whether the config was loaded successfully. So in your case it would be something like: bool valid = true; valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<List<string>>(configNode, "[COLOR=#3E3E3E][I]controls[/I][/COLOR]", x => [COLOR=#3E3E3E][I]controls [/I][/COLOR]= x, this); return valid; This form also allows a default value to be specified (and if no default is specified will error when a value isn't supplied by the config). Basically your entire load function is reduced to the one line above.
  15. No heads up required - when I see it posted in the forums I'll add it to the Contract Configurator thread (although if I miss it a heads up might be nice). The file/directory structure is up to you, but if you want a good example check out Field Research. Typically I do one file per contract - I find it's easier to maintain. I put the contract files in the "main" mod directory, and create sub-directories for other things. I also recommend putting the overall mod in it in a sub-directory of GameData/ContractPacks, but that's not required.
  16. Easy/Medium/Hard = 1/2/3 star. Those buttons aren't that useful for Contract Configurator, because there's only one contract "type" as far as KSP's concerned. What I usually do is hit the "Clear All Contracts" button to re-generate the entire list. Usually hitting that one a few times gets the one I want to show up.
  17. Aaaaah, I hate that functionality with the settings window, it always seems to have something wrong with it. Okay, raising [#334]
  18. Conditional expressions work if you use quoted strings: DATA { type = string theString = @targetBody1 == Sun ? "Too hot" : "The body is @targetBody1" } Although I tend to break it up because it can get pretty long: DATA { type = string sunString = "Too hot" notSunString = "The body is @targetBody1" theString = @targetBody1 == Sun ? @sunString : @notSunString }
  19. Missed this one on the first time around - probably a Contract Configurator bug. Raised [#333]. - - - Updated - - - That sounds like an issue that might have to be dealt with in BDArmory - you may want to raise it there.
  20. I thought Mission Controller 2 might've had something like that - but could be wrong. Hehe, the signature is rather full, when I release my next thing (slowly making progress), I'm going to have to rework it anyway.
  21. What you did wrong was playing with a different mod. I'm not familiar with that contract, but it's definitely not from Field Research!
  22. Raised [#332] to clean up that logic a bit for the next release.
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