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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. 10/10 you are everywhere on these forums
  2. Yup indeed - I did that last one without thinking. Thanks for the right answer, Kerbart!
  3. Very cool! Don't forgot there's an export/import custom waypoints button in the settings that will let you transfer those waypoints between saves (or share them with others). Also in the settings you can turn on the glide-slope angle display for the active waypoint.
  4. Both are right (and represent the same value). If you want it all to be in the [0, 360] range, do x % 360. If you want it in the [-180, 180] range do (x % 360) - 180. The KSP APIs aren't necessarily consistent - if I remember correctly you can sometimes see stuff outside those ranges as well.
  5. Took a peek, everything still seemed correct with it. You need to have enough reputation to get the 3-star contracts, otherwise it should just show up. If you cycle the contracts a bit and it still doesn't show up, send a save and I'll take a look.
  6. The timer parameter doesn't fit with that contract - not sure why I had it in there. What likely ends up happening is that you lose the signal when you pass behind Kerbin (even if another satellite is able to pick up the signal, that'll reset the timer). So I went with the easy fix and removed the timer (update coming, you'll have to cancel the contract and re-accept it). The stock contracts window does very annoying stuff like that... can't help you much in that area (Contracts Window + is a good replacement). - - - Updated - - - New release, get it now! ContractPack-RemoteTech 2.0.1 Remove time requirement for contract for pointing a dish at Mun/Minmus/Moon (thanks OzoneGrif).
  7. Personally, I find going to waypoints on Kerbin painful on the normal scale. There's isn't much I can do in the contract pack itself, as the contracts with waypoints only have one waypoint (otherwise I would group them better). A few ideas: Install a mod that give multiple launch sites: Kerbin-Side - This one actually adds quite a bit (different structures, etc), so if you're near the memory cap it could be an issue. KSC Switcher - The config file that it comes with is intended for RSS, but you can grab 5thHorseman's modified version here that removes the ones that end up in the ocean for Kerbin. Chain the contracts with other stuff that you're doing in orbit, and then just land at/near the waypoint. Much easier than trying to fly there. This is really the way they were intended to be used, because flying long distances in stock is BORING. Make big suborbital jumps to the waypoint. Variation on the one above.
  8. Sorry, I haven't had much time to look into this. From what I can tell from the files you've provided, there isn't an issue with Waypoint Manager specifically. A couple questions: If you create a new game, does Waypoint Manager work correctly there (I suspect yes, based on what I've seen). If you remove Waypoint Manager, do you still have the issues in your save (Again, I suspect yes). Specifically, the million instances of this error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FinePrint.WaypointManager.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  9. Raised [#11], I'll have to do a review of some of the mod science stuff... DMagic is another one where there are contracts that are part of the pack and therefore might be worth excluding.
  10. Is the two card icon (between the rep star and report post icons) how you give infractions? It looks like a red/yellow card used in soccer.
  11. There's some ugly stuff in there with the FinePrint waypoint code throwing exceptions. Can you send your save file?
  12. Seems like one of those clbuttic mistakes with content filters (matching on partial words)... but why would the three letter word "d-o-t" (test: ...) be filtered?? EDIT: Yup, filtered.
  13. Err... poor reading comprehension on my part. I'll fix it.
  14. Thanks, I linked that one too in the issue I raised. By your powers combined, I am Captain Modder! (now we just need to get you and DMagic some rings).
  15. Personally I think this is a bug. What happens is every time the flight scene gets loaded, it will save to the persistence file as soon as it is done loading (right before you can control your craft). This seems pretty redundant considering it also does this auto-save every time it switches away from a scene (like when you go from space center to flight). It was annoying enough finding this out will testing stuff for mod development... I'm glad it wasn't during a real game that I figured this out for myself. Anyway, raised #5438 on Squad's tracker - lets see if they agree that it's a bug.
  16. This means that there was an issue with that particular DLL. Since in this case it looks like that's for the MechJeb/RPM integration, it's most likely because you don't have RPM installed and can be ignored. There's a way for MechJeb to set that up so you don't get that error (using KSPAssemblyDependency), but it only works if RPM is also using the right method (using KSPAssembly). So if you want to get it to go away, you may have to chase down both of those developers. But that being said, it shouldn't be affecting anything at all. Looks like some problem with this contract pack (seems almost like it could be due to parsing issue) - but I don't know where those are coming from (it's not a contract pack I remember seeing recently). This last one is saying that (almost) everything loaded correctly. So if KSP is not loading for you - it's for some other reason. - - - Updated - - - No problem, will get that in the next version. Raised [#323].
  17. This shouldn't stop KSP from loading (and it doesn't look like it is from the snippet of log you've posted). Anyway, there is a minor issue due to 1.7.0 making $ into a special character. I'll fix that under [#322].
  18. Perhaps I should do [-180, 180] for Kerbin, and [0, 360] everywhere else and confuse everyone? I do remember playing around with thin in testing when I was developing it, and things seems reasonably well behaved enough. Considering the distances are just one of the numbers that are spit out to the player and don't really do anything (ie. aren't spit out into another formula), I can't imagine it causing too much grief. Yup, far more fun things for me to spend my limited modding "budget" on.
  19. Whoops, missed the second page of replies. And taniwha is correct that -180 to 180 is more commonly used (although 0 to 360 seems more logical for those with a math background). It's also more consistent with latitude (which is always -90 to 90). Still - I probably won't change it.
  20. It's all in how it ends up being set/defaulted. The wiki lists it as 74 degrees west (or negative 74 degrees). 360 - 74.57 = 285.43 (which is for the middle of the space centre). So the answer is - they're both right. Whether I should make a change to make it consistent is the real question (I might be clamping in in the [0, 360] range, whereas others are doing [-180, 180].
  21. Been a while, so had to poke around a bit. Search for a contract (or contracts) called Tourism_Station. In it, you'll find a PARAM node with name=VesselParameterGroup. There should be an attribute with vessel="something". The easiest thing to do is to change that to LKOStationNEW and that should point to the KSS always (even if you relaunch it).
  22. Whoops, wasn't paying close enough attention. Yes - the tourism one won't switch automatically, it'll be tied to whatever vessel it picked.
  23. If I remember correctly, the in-game way to do this requires you to destroy the KSS (the "launch the KSS" contract should then come back). The contract to go to the old KSS should "switch" automatically over to the new one. The other way is to go into the persistent file, look for the KSS entry in the ContractVesselTracker and change it to the ID of the new vessel.
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