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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Definitely approve of this series, very good overview of the mods that are featured.
  2. Okay, I've increased the tolerance for the next release (I'll probably do a release sometime after 1.0.5 comes out).
  3. Don't quote me on this until 1.0.5 hits the shelves, but I don't imagine that contextual contracts will have too big an impact on Contract Configurator. And even if they do, I should be able to make changes to Contract Configurator so that the contract packs aren't affected. Of course, I can't guarantee this, as there were a couple changes in 1.0 that I needed to just drop support for some lesser used features of Contract Configurator that used to use stuff that had changed significantly in stock. But if something shows up that breaks a feature of Contract Configurator that is widely used, I'll just rewrite it so there's no perceived difference to the contract pack authors (and users). So as long as I'm around, Contract Configurator should be able to insulate contract packs from a lot of the contract changes in stock. I can't really speak for all the other areas though.
  4. Alright, there was a combination of silly bugs that was making the stock contract disabling not persist properly. Now it's working.
  5. Should hopefully be enough for me to reproduce. I'll let you know if I hit trouble.
  6. Can you try the dev version again (I hadn't checked in the .dll right away, so you may have grabbed an older one). If it's still not working, please describe how it's not working and I'll look into it (is it showing the contracts as disabled in the settings menu, but still offering them, or is it just not keeping the "disabled" state in the settings menu).
  7. The Jool contract is the end-game contract for this pack - nothing else depends on it. There's very little in the way of intra-contract dependencies in this contract pack, I think the only ones are: Kerbin Monolith => Mun Monolith => Jool Monolith Kerbin Crash Site => Mun Crash Site Otherwise the requirements are having orbited the planet with the anomaly.
  8. Just remove/disable the AS_JoolMonolith contract. You can delete the file, or add a ModuleManager patch. You can try something like this (untested): @CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_Jool_Monolith] { @weight = 0.0 }
  9. Well, given that it should be a KEOsynchronous orbit at that altitude, there shouldn't be significant drift, so 10km didn't seem unreasonable. Important question though - are you using Waypoint Manager? I could see it being a lot harder to get to the waypoint without it.
  10. The tolance is 10km... maybe that's too small? Either way, I should probably have a note in the contract saying what it is. I'll have to look in to what's going on with the location, that's off by a crazy amount.
  11. Indeed, I was thinking the same thing when I was replacing the casino I built in the first post (basically a tube with 4 rocks attached to it...).
  12. First post updated! The new ones aren't showing up in the imgur album, but I assume that's just caching (possibly even on my end) and will clear up soon enough.
  13. Put it in the spot given by the game. Can you show me a screenshot, 130 degrees is quite far away... Not sure if I've tested this part with RSS - if you have that it could easily be the issue.
  14. Sounds like you're on the right track. You can also do a ReachState with state = FLYING, which is a bit more generic. But be advised there's a few ways for players to cheese that - an EVA Kerbal standing on his craft is considered flying, for example. But if you have other constraints based on altitude or speed then those exploits usually go away naturally.
  15. There was a bug with how it sets those on startup, should be fixed for the next release.
  16. Wow, that is absolutely fantastic - you should start a thread with this one so more people see it. Also - mind if I use a couple of those pics in the main album on the first post?
  17. Doing that is a bit tricky due to the way that strings are handled (only limited "search and replace" type operations are really possible within the string. You can do what you want by breaking it up. There's a good example here in Field Research.
  18. It's all in KSP.log. And that's not the full error - there should be the actual error as well. Anyway, if it's the same issue that I found, try the dev version linked in my previous post.
  19. Got it - think I see the issue. Try the latest dev build.
  20. It should work - you'll have to say what's actually going wrong though for me to help much more. Also, the variable name confuses me - why DurationText if it's an integer? I assume you want to end up with it in the form "7 days" or something?
  21. I swear I'd done the Duration.Round(), but it's not there and I don't have unmerged stuff on the wiki. So fixed it now. The Reputation() function is in a dumb place (the ContractPrestige page). So I'm going to move it to where it should be - the Global Functions page.
  22. Hmmm... I couldn't reproduce this one. Are you able to send me your save file (persistent.sfs)?
  23. Found the problem. It relies on the contract being the stock PartTest contract to actually enable the "Run Test" option on the part. So I'll have to do something to automatically turn it on/off to work around that limitation. Raised [#328].
  24. Ah, that's a different story then. What you're seeing is the way that Contract Configurator's pre-loader works. It'll pre-load contracts and set their state internally to Withdrawn. It does this so that when the system requests a new contract there isn't a stutter (as it will already have one generated and ready to go). So if you're seeing those in the save, that means it's next to come up. With one exception though - contracts are tied to specific prestige levels. So if you don't have room for a 3-star contract (because your reputation is too low, or it's fill with the uncancellable "Explore X" contracts), then you won't see those contracts until something changes.
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