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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. The above issue is now fixed - download new version for Contract Configurator 1.7.3 compatibility. ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor 1.4.1 Fixed compatibility issue caused by Contract Configurator 1.7.3 (thanks kardan).
  2. Looks like I broke this in CC 1.7.3. I'll get a fix to anomaly surveyor out soon. In the mean time, rolling back to 1.7.2 should fix this.
  3. I have about 300 lines of code to make spawning vessels work in Contract Configurator. There's about a dozen hacks in there where I just couldn't get something to work right in all situations and ended up just doing something weird "because it worked". So when it comes to spawning/loading/unloading vessels... I'd say you're doing pretty good with what you've got there.
  4. Off topic: "Me am play gods!" http://dresdencodak.com/2009/09/22/caveman-science-fiction/ On topic: In the end, it's a simple equation - porting to more systems => more revenue => more incentive to continue developing KSP.
  5. Check it out, maxhfx just did a very nice overview of Waypoint Manager in his KSP Easy Mods series:
  6. Bug fix release. Download now! Contract Configurator 1.7.3 Added Round() function for rounding numeric values. Contracts will now expire out of the pre-loader after a few Kerbin days. Help prevent contracts that may no longer be valid from being generated. Fixed issue with hidden parameters not actually being hidden (thanks 5thHorseman). Fixed issue with using subject with CollectScience (thanks severedsolo). Fixed issue using Biome with uniqueValue in a DATA node (thanks severedsolo). Fixed issue where disabling a contract pack doesn't save the fact that it is disabled (thanks Poodmund).
  7. Minor bug fix release. Download now! ContractPack-FieldResearch 1.1.1 Fixed issue with scientist contract under New Horizons (thanks zeropositivo). Fixed issue with scraps contract (thanks Nori).
  8. Thanks for the bug report - I see what the issue is, and should be able to fix it for the next release.
  9. In terms of Contract Configurator support, you can do "has surface sample of biome x" onboard and has a science module. I don't have anything to guarantee that the sample is in the science module... but probably close enough.
  10. Intentional, although I actually haven't played with station science, so didn't realize that some of the experiments were so intense. Although I'm tempted to do something to change this one, I think I'm going to just leave it. It's really a case of buyer beware here - and you can pick and choose which parts of the contract you want to do and then cancel it at no penalty (although you'll miss out on the full completion bonus). So I think I will leave this one - but if you get something that's literally impossible (launch clamps on the Mun...), then I will definitely put some sort of fix in.
  11. And you screwing up is where the fun is for your viewers.
  12. I don't always play KSP (much more time spent modding), but when I do, I use mods like crazy.
  13. ATM will convert stuff to DDS on first load, and it is smart about what it converts (there are some things like agency logos that will cause major troubles if converted to DDS). So I'd recommend ATM (which the OP is already using anyway) over the manual DDS converter any day.
  14. No problem - wish the RemoteTech folk changed the version numbers on their pre-releases - I would've been able to pick up on this one up a lot quicker. But now we know for next time.
  15. Took a look at the RemoteTech code, and there's a change in the 1.7.0 branch (which will still get reported in the log file as 1.6.7) that breaks contract configurator. I'm 99% sure this is the problem (that you inadvertently grabbed a pre-release RemoteTech). Please reinstall this one and try again.
  16. Oh right, forgot about the facility tour. So you can confirm that without Kopernicus or with a new game it works? I just want to try to get all the detail straight, in case I need to follow up on this one with the Kopernicus or OPM folk. EDIT: I remember the facility tour stuff worked in old RSS (before it was Kopernicus based), which was the whole reason for doing things as a PQS offset (as KSC in RSS is in a WAY different spot). But I haven't tested it since RSS moved to Kopernicus.
  17. Those waypoints use an offset from the PQSCity (KSP internal term for a structure/building), which implies that in your install those PQS Cities are in the wrong location. The only mods that I can think of that even touch that stuff are KerbinSide and Kopernicus. Since you do have Kopernicus installed, any chance you're able to test this without Kopernicus? Not sure if you'll even be able to load up your current save if you remove Kopernicus, so proceed with care (ie. BACK UP your save before you mess around too much). What was the problem with Tourism? The waypoints aren't very specific in that contract pack - I wouldn't think you would notice that they were off unless they were REALLY far off.
  18. Very odd: AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'CC_RemoteTech': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This is the internal assembly that provides the Contract Configurator RemoteTech integration. Typically this error happens when an assembly is compiled under the wrong .net version - but it's not something that I've touched in a long while, and it was still working when I last loaded KSP up (last night). Can you confirm you're using the latest stable RemoteTech release (1.6.7) and not a pre-release or dev build? The logs say 1.6.7, but maybe they don't increment the version numbers on their dev builds. Otherwise, can you try the following? Reinstall Contract Configurator. Try grabbing the file directly from GitHub (here). Try the 1.6.6 version of the file from GitHub (here). If none of those work I'll take a closer look tonight.
  19. Sounds like an install issue of some sort. Try reinstalling or using CKAN. If that doesn't work, post up a log and I'll take a look.
  20. Do you have the dependencies installed (Contract Configurator, Remote Tech, Module Manager)? When you go to the space centre and click the contract configurator icon, do you see "Remote Tech" in the list? Research wise you need a couple things - I believe they are a probe core, power generation mechanism and antenna. I think it is Electrics that will do it, but don't remember offhand.
  21. Not sure why that's not working, you've got a pretty basic use case there. I'm just about to sign off for the night - mind copying this into a GitHub issue and I'll reproduce tomorrow? Is it tied to specific parts or random? It could perhaps be "under" KSC (which is actually floating 5-10 m above the terrain) - although you'd still see a vessel icon and see it in the tracking station in that case. Can't really think of anything else to ask on this one, but there's enough issues with Vessel spawning that it wouldn't surprise me if there's something weird going on.
  22. Can you send me a save file? I've gotten random reports of this, but it seems fine in mine. I'd like to check the location of the waypoints in your save. Also, if you're able to afterwards, can you cancel the contract and re-accept it? Does that change the waypoint locations? What about changing the terrain detail to high, cancelling the contract and reaccepting?
  23. No idea. Raised [#313] - - - Updated - - - Yeah, was definitely Arsonide's FinePrint - I'm fairly certain RoverDude never touched contracts in a mod (although I guess the Asteroid Day thing counts).
  24. Or people who want to meet the contract requirement with a rocket... Anyway, I agree - the line between rocket and not-rocket can be subjective and blurry.
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