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Everything posted by endl

  1. does anyone know if the converter still works ok for 1.0 theres no official thread for it and ddsloader is now defunct thanks to 1.0 intergration
  2. how is 1.0 coming, i know your a busy guy but did you fix TWR staging?
  3. i couldn't eyeball the needed changes and using symmetrical angles was not the correct solution, after using the FS alignment module to fix my wheels and disabling torque my rover no longer drifts. i hope you can see how helpful this is. btw that ss was before i zeroed out the angle indicators none of the final angles were symmetrical
  4. (apologies to mods for posting in general but i think this is more general related in nature) should be the new Infernal robotics 2.0 if you havent seen the video yet this is what KSP game play should look like as a builder of things (excluding realism, utility stuff) the quality of this mod is def release worthy
  5. can you please add wheelalignment from firespitter so i can use it like so: im sure others will want this
  6. sure thing im just going to post this in both threads: this module should be intergrated after using the FS alignment module fixing my wheels and disabling torque my rover no longer drifts. so you can see how helpful this is i couldn't eye ball the needed changes and using symmetrical angles was not the correct solution
  7. i cant find the documentation for this, also that still doesnt mean its not a good idea to just integrate it for release anyway, since firespitter is a core community module and as you say it would require no effort to do so
  8. im not talking about automatic alignment, im talking about the visual indicators you get in b9 with the red and green lines
  9. i can pm you a craft file im pretty sure its stock other then the IR parts, how ever i wasnt really here looking for that sort of help so in the future as to not derail the thread lets move this conversation else where. returning to my original point i think there is merit in wheel alignment option being integrated.
  10. none of those issues are the problem. ive tested it with control module oriented correctly on the navball. ive tested it with disabled torque on all applicable parts the wheels are 100% parallel to the ground none of these are the source of the drift further more the rover is very light weight so i doubt its leg flex causing the wheels to reorient, all the wheels are attached to same base part, therefore i dont think its nessary to strut the wheels to the fuel ring
  11. already tried this, it doesnt work, i assumed it was the runway and tried the other areas but the problem persists. ive also tried other angles and configurations. it might be something with the modeling but even still there are scenarios where your not using symmetry where alignment guides are very helpful this should be a default feature especially for anything like a wheel or docking arm (claw)
  12. can you please add a wheel alignment option im getting excessive drift more then usual and its very hard to eyeball these things ive tried tweaking the angle of the wheels several times but it doesnt seem to help
  13. is there anyway i could get my hands on the vab file in the op, im a bit confused on what joints are suited to be paired for collapsible gear. also how to preconfig the control groups for deploying them. playing with a prebuilt ship would help me learn it.
  14. yes sir that seems to be it
  15. while back someone released an updated squad texture pack i cant seem to recall where to find it, it was a reskin of all the default parts. the docking ports had lights built into them even it was really nice
  16. i play a pretty modded game so this is to be expected but it sure does get annoying rebuilding things, especially complicated stuff like SSTO if your using procedural parts for far theres a few parts that no one has made yet that keep me from starting over so im thinking about going back to just stock with maybe some interface mods nothing craft related.
  17. overfloater do you only work with stock your planes are great but the part count is pretty insane on some of them. if you play with at least one mod i would suggest KAS you can build alot more interesting rovers thats my ssto for duna xfer i havent tested the xfer part but it has a large fuel capacity so im sure i can make it (i built this one for use with far). the rovers are a crane for base building a fuel xfer rover and a science scout. some other mods that might be helpful are near future solar/electrical, scan sat and remote tech for challenge, also modular rocket system might have some useful adapters for balancing parts/engine configurations such as the first pic i have a 5 engine mount 4 sabers and 1 nuke per wing otherwise you wind up having to radially attach them which adds more parts and is harder to balance, like the last pic
  18. warp 10 is where things get funky 9 is perfectly safe in TNG cannon
  19. i could do this but i would wind up with something with a very high part count and KSP wouldnt be playable at that point theres a few outdated and very mod specific rover bay parts out there but nothing that can help me land these. im honestly considering playing with stock aero because of this. i felt like sharing my SSTO's front row: scout plane, UAV, Hoop tail prototype back row: cargo plane (2 nukes), crew ship protoype (nuke)
  20. im playing with Deadly re entry and far it wouldnt work, i need housing
  21. left to right: construction (for assembling bases), Fuel (for refueling landers), Science (for locating karbonite and anomalies its basically a scout) its probably going to be impossible to deliver them without a good hangar bay part (been after this for a while) if you say skycrane im going to beat you over the head with one
  22. any mods that have larger Vernor engines, im too lazy to script it for tweak scale, also i would like something with more directions like standard 5 way rcs but running off of LFO
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