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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. All those values should be zeroed with FAR to disable stock drag. If you need guidance look at FAR's own CFGs for stock parts.
  2. Okay, you were right camlost . I tried a new ascent profile where I stayed just below the high dynamic pressure zone most of the time and had no trouble reaching mach 5. One of the fastest ascents I've ever done too. I didn't realize that altitude affected the engines so sharply. Unrelatedly, some of the engines seem to be producing no thrust even after a reinstall (I've tested the JT8D, PW100, and CF6). Do I have something installed incorrectly?
  3. 1) I was using a pretty shallow ascent profile. I know that these effects are somewhat normal but I was seeing a >50% drop in thrust even before I climbed out of the lower atmosphere. 2) Noted.
  4. Hey camlost, I'm having trouble reaching Mach 5 with the B9 SABREs. The thrust seems to drop off rather steeply even as low as Mach 2, making it very difficult to accelerate. Now, on any other engine I wouldn't think twice about this, but the best data I can find on the SABRE (xls file) suggests that this shouldn't be the case. Is there something I'm not accounting for and I just need more thrust, or are the engines loosing thrust faster than they should? Also, I'm getting nonzero thrust even with zero throttle (still a few kN after a few minutes) - is that caused by AJE?
  5. Ever drive your plane around the KSC, just because?
  6. Just use the end of the url and change the tags to imgur rather than url or whatever. It's a lot easier to view photos when you don't have the rest of the imgur frame in there too
  7. Did you remember to delete the mbms afterward? If they're both present then they will both be loaded.
  8. I've definitely seen it with stock parts, though not recently.
  9. I think in the long term mods should just distribute textures as DDS but in the short term that might be a good idea.
  10. Ahh, missed that too. I was expecting it to be in a separate file but I guess if there's only one file of source code... Out of curiosity, why did he take it down?
  11. I think it's a known issue that can occasionally happens with stock wings too. I don't remember what causes it though.
  12. Try flipping them vertically. That seems to be a thing which needs to be done...
  13. Noted, and probably something I should have paid more attention to before I linked it. It also looks like the license isn't included in the zip so maybe I should take it down anyway?
  14. Nice work. For future reference, you can embed imgur albums without the whole frame. In your case it would like this: [noparse][imgur]UWpGW[/imgur][/noparse]
  15. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v10auvb37g7o009/PID_Tune-0.1.zip?dl=0. You can also try just disabling SAS. You have to steer a little bit more carefully and use the trim controls but if your craft is stable and well-balanced it should fly ok.
  16. Short answer: you don't. Long answer: If you have some technical know-how you can find where it's disabled in the code and recompile. But there's a reason it's disabled. Serously, there are almost no reasons to be using x64 KSP on Windows right now. It's incredibly unstable to the point where multiple mods have refused to accept bug reports from x64. If you're having trouble with the 32 bit version then it's probably just running out of memory which can be fixed by using Active Texture Management and using the -force-opengl flag.
  17. You could try giving it a whole bunch of reaction wheels and enabling SAS. Maybe even add some compressed air thrusters to give SAS more yaw and roll control.
  18. I actually try to stall as much as possible in order to bleed off speed without generating lift. It has its limits though - it's very difficult to maintain control at high AoA once you get into the mid atmosphere. Then again, if the other option is barreling down to sea level at Mach 6 I think I'll take my chances...
  19. The Fireapitter plugin is not installed properly. Try re-installing B9
  20. I find that Mechjeb's ascent guidance works fairly well with the right input parameters. Tune the ascent curve so that you are starting as low as possible and set the shape to ~75% or so. MechJeb's corrective steering can often cause oscillations but you can always just enable the navball target and steer manually.
  21. I have kind of an odd request. Would it be possible in a future release to convert all of the textures to DDS and include this plugin to load them? It seems like a faster and more reliable way of compressing textures than relying on ATM.
  22. Do have DCA enabled? If so you might want to increase the speed constant or disable it entirely. I find that the default setting often decreases or eliminates my pitch authority at high speeds.
  23. My guess is no, since that's only relevant to the stock drag model. FAR models body lift anyway (not sure about NEAR) so forcing lift into fuselage parts isn't necessary.
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