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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Well, it's pointy and at the front of the craft, so it's going to receive a lot of heat. Is this on ascent or re-entry? If it's re-entry, have you tried a shallower descent with a higher AoA (>45 degrees is desirable)? Maybe skip off the atmosphere a bit to spread the heat over a longer period of time. If it's on ascent ... I've had problems with ascent heating even with stock parts. Is this behavior significantly different from stock? It should be pretty easy to implement actually (just another module that displays the total wet/mass mass/cost). Was there anything else you were expecting other than wet/dry mass/cost?
  2. @Rhedd Create a single patch that's :FOR[TacLifeSupport] and MM will believe that it's there. If that's really what you want.
  3. I'm not quite sure this is specific to Ven's Stock Revamp. For the most part the stats are exactly the same as stock. To be able to build any reasonable rockets in RSS, you will need a mod that re-balances nearly everything, such as SMURFF or RealismOverhaul.
  4. @NecroBones Is right, but there are a couple of simplifications that can be made: (1) Comma is the default separator so it doesn't need to be specified, (2) You can use * in place of an index to apply to all elements. So you just need @speed[*] *= 1.2. This is in the OP release notes for Version 2.6.14/15/16. EDIT: Necrobones, are you saying the wildcard index doesn't work? I think that would be a bug.
  5. You just have to move the part a bit until it snaps to the other one. They're pretty close together but not right on top of each other.
  6. It's a feature. There are two attachment nodes, one has the tankbutt and one doesn't.
  7. @barfing_skull. If you throttle the engines to full without touching the VTOL controls, do they also overheat? The VTOL module is part of Firespitter and not really something that I understand. Maybe someone in that thread could help you with how to use it? (this module is also the main reason why I haven't yet been able to get rid of FIrespitter as a dependency).
  8. The random crashes seem to happen most often when destroying parts or on scene changes. So save your craft in the editor before removing a part, and save your game before you switch scenes.
  9. If you get them working, I'll definitely add them back to the legacy pack. I'm not aware of any issues with the engines right now.
  10. I managed to get a (somewhat blurry) picture of Merlin 1DV from the webcast today. The exhaust manifold is pretty beefy. Also non-blurry official photo
  11. Wait did I actually do this? I distinctly remember talking about it, but I can't seem to find anywhere I actually did anything.
  12. Nice work! One minor nitpick - I noticed you widened the 1D's exhaust duct - could you widen the 1DV's similarly? All the pictures I've seen suggests that it's as wide as the turbine. Also I think the regular 1D's exhaust nozzle should be a little longer - AFAIK it extends down almost to where the main chamber's throat is (pic).
  13. Aaaaand fixed. Turns out it's pretty easy to defer drag cube rendering until the part is actually attached. I'll try to release a new version tonight with a fix for this and destroying InterstellarFuelSwitch when it shouldn't.
  14. This one probably would have escaped me, but fortunately someone else already discovered the cause. Anyway, confirmed. I'll think about how to fix this, in the mean time you can just set affectDragCubes = false and it won't happen. That should really be set for every part switcher that doesn't significantly change the shape of the part.
  15. @NecroBones what specifically is happening? I'll try to investigate.
  16. I can certainly do that, but I'd have to re-apply textures, re-do smoothing, fix the colliders, etc, on top of figuring out the new wheel setup (and I never took the time to understand the old one) ... and that's all on some parts that are legacy anyway. It seems like a lot more effort than it's worth.
  17. Yeah. I also don't have access to the source files.
  18. The gear is gone, possibly for good. Like all landing gear, they broke rather badly in 1.1, and I don't have the means to fix them. If you want to save older craft files then get the gear folder from a previous version of B9 and drop it in the legacy parts folder.
  19. Well, looking at your config again you have specified a zero node normal (the last 3 numbers). This is probably the issue.
  20. By default, it's added at the end, but you can specify otherwise. That shouldn't be the case. Is it different between the MM cache and looking at the config in the debug window (Alt+F12)? Or is the behavior just not what you expect? Specifics really help with these sorts of issues, just FYI.
  21. @Alewx More info: I believe that the part determines the size of its modules, and then iterates over them to call OnStart(), so it will still try to iterate over n modules even though there are really only n-1 now (quite difficult to have a list change as you're iterating over it in general).
  22. @Jmullin Welcome to the forums! The way wheels work in KSP changed a lot in 1.1, so wheels from older mods are almost always guaranteed to be broken.
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