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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. As far as presets go, the only thrust curves I could ever see myself using are constant and decreasing (maybe to 50%) ... and maybe something in between. TWR grows naturally as you burn fuel, so decreasing would keep it to a reasonable limit and constant covers the case when you're not burning for long enough for that to matter.
  2. Correct (and that includes any multiplier or adding on the subtype). Oh @NecroBones I forgot, no it does not currently support texture switching. This is for a couple of reasons: (1) To encourage fewer textures to be used and (2) Because a workaround already exists in Unity. If there's enough push I might add it though. I acknowledge that this might make things difficult if you want to modify a part that's in another mod (though you can also include another model in the part and then switch transforms).
  3. @Alewx Don't modify Part.Modules in OnStart(), because KSP will still try to access indices that don't exist. Do it in Start(), which is a Unity method and isn't iterating over the modules that way.
  4. Missed this. I know Github throttles downloads a bit but other than that what's the benefit of having a mirror?
  5. I haven't created one yet. At this point I think it's time, given that it's seeing a lot of usage outside of B9. I'll create a real thread and a wiki at some point but for now here's just a quick rundown. Feel free to ask me directly if you have any questions (either here, or via private message, or on IRC)
  6. Sure, but that's not necessarily indicative of bell diameter. The chamber pressure has increased which means that the throat diameter could be smaller for the same flow (although flow could also have changed).
  7. @NecroBones Yeah, B9PartSwitch doesn't check that it actually manages resources before declaring incompatibility with FSFuelSwitch or InterstellarFuelSwitch. That's another enhancement I could make. The whole incompatibility system is really a relic of some pre-1.1 issues anyway, so replacing it with more targeted logic is probably a good thing
  8. Yeah, they changed the way the GUI things work in 1.1. Nothing I can do about it, sorry.
  9. Does it need to be in the RemoteTech pass? Maybe put it :AFTER[RemoteTech] (which implicitly :NEEDS[RemoteTech]) If it's a personal patch and the pass doesn't matter then it can be :NEEDS[RemoteTech]:FINAL
  10. Right. :FOR[RemoteTech] really tells ModuleManager two things: (1) That RemoteTech exists and (2) That this patch should be run in the RemoteTech pass. It's a pretty common misconception.
  11. Quite possibly. Maybe something has a :FOR[RemoteTech] patch which would be bad.
  12. @_Astra_ Could you be a bit more specific? What do you mean "counts in multiples of xxx units" ? I have no way of controlling the increments on resource adjustment (that's stock), only the max amount.
  13. And on that note, Version 6.1.1 is now Available Includes RPM and DRE fixes by danfarnsy and a fix for the FAR voxelization. Bundled dependencies have all been updated, and version files now point to KSP 1.1.2. The DRE fixes are somewhat WIP, so for anyone using DRE I encourage you to test and report feedback (or better yet, submit fixes if you know how). CKAN should probably pick this up in a few hours, unless I completely messed up like I did last time.
  14. Unlikely. 1.1 completely redid the way landing gear work, they would have be re-exported from Unity
  15. I don't think this is possible. KSPField and the UI controls expect there to be an actual field backing them. If they're all floats then you could create a finite number of them and then assign the GUI properties after they've been loaded.
  16. @SirusKing Figured it out, can't believe I neglected to check this. The config I added to RF Stockalike to adjust the SABRE was added after the last release of RF Stockalike. So if you go to the main Github page and click "Download Zip" (on the right near the top) and install RF Stockalike from there you will get the corrected patches. @Raptor831 Maybe it's time to release a new version? Not much has changed since the last but those fixes might be important to some people.
  17. That's the one, yes. I definitely see some odd things going on, I'll test with RF Stockalike and AJE when I get home to see if I can replicate. BTW, I think your copies of Kopernicus and Interstellar Fuel Switch are outdated. Not related to this, but they appear to be throwing some exceptions and might cause other unexpected things to happen.
  18. That's the cache again I said delete the cache and then post the log.
  19. Please read "How to get support" in my signature. There's no way I, or anyone else, can help you without a lot more information.
  20. You didn't delete the cache first. [LOG 21:02:57.620] [ModuleManager] useCache = True If you delete the cache, that will be replaced with a list of all the patches MM is applying. I think we can figure out what's going on here, but this is looking like quite a subtle issue so it's going to take some digging.
  21. Looks like the colliders are not set up the way FAR expects them. I can just fix this by forcing FAR to use the visible meshes. Have you noticed oddities in any other parts?
  22. @Napoleon440 You could also try reducing re-entry heat in the settings. Stock heating is tuned to provide an interesting experience in the stock solar system. In 6.4x you're going a lot faster on re-entry so heat is going to be unmanageable. You could also try RealHeat (realistic heating will be slightly easier than real life in a 6.4x system).
  23. @SirusKing The refreshed log would still be useful. MM tells you what patches it's applying and why if it's not loading from cache. If you could possibly delete the cache again, load KSP, and then upload your log it would be very helpful in debugging this. The weird thing is that something is changing the fuel to hydrolox, but the RF-Stockalike patches also modify the Isp so if it were those that should be showing too.
  24. @Shadowmage Amazing work as always. I have a bit more information on the looks and differences in the vacuum variants if you're interested: The 1c vacuum actually doesn't have an exhaust injection manifold. You can see the upper portion (sans nozzle extension) in this photo (it's the rightmost engine) (also a good size comparison for the upper nozzle vs extension). The 1D does have the manifold. I dug up this picture which is at least orthographic, if low resolution. I think the injection manifold is segmented and somewhat tapered, from this picture (also shows the glow patterns on the nozzle extension nicely. Also here, which appears to be a sea level test without the nozzle extension. Hope that helps. E: lots of posts in this thread, almost missed your last mention. I believe that you can mark a floatCurve as persistent. I'm not sure I see the use case for detailed modification of SRB thrust curves though. Even knowing what I know about rocketry, the only things I ever seem to find a use case for are constant and decreasing thrust (and usually decreasing - constant is only if the burn time is small enough for burnout thrust to not matter). Being able to edit float curves through the UI is messy (and people have tried), but if you just provided a few presets I think that would cover 99% of use cases. @Shadowmage in case you missed the edit.
  25. I don't use DRE and I have no clue how the configs work. If someone wants to submit a PR to fix things I will welcome it.
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