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Everything posted by Zaphod12

  1. That's what I call a 'glorious flag for Kerbalkind' lol
  2. I agree, adding the Chatterer mod would be pretty cool. I haven't used it yet, I only put mods on here that I have already checked out.
  3. I know I sound a bit too far fetched but what about adding KAS and KIS to the stock game, it would open so many opportunities. But you are right that KSP is lacking Station and Base parts to the game. (I would really like to see these two base/station mods being implemented, with the station parts getting proper IVA's first)
  4. So, I have been thinking to myself that KSP could need some more parts, so I suggest that the following mods could be added to the stock game (I own none of these mods, I merely suggest them since I think they would make a good addition to the game): Stockalike Station Part Expansion by Nertea I would like to see this mod being implemented since KSP doesn't really have many space station parts. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems by Nils277 The reason I suggest this is the same as above, KSP has even less parts for proper surface bases. Surface Experiment Pack by AlbertKermin (I am aware that this needs KAS/KIS) KSP always could do with some more science, especially the idea of having some stuff to do on surfaces besides planting a flag. RLA Stockalike by hoojiwana I suggest this since having some more parts would increase the number of concepts players could make. DMagic Orbital Science by DMagic (The parts could be retextured to be more stockalike) Now KSP has a surprisingly low amount of small science parts, therefore I think that adding this mod is a good idea. (The parts aren't very stock-alike, they could therefore be retextured a bit) Custom Asteroids by Starstrider42 KSP could do with some more asteroids beyond Kerbin's orbit around the Sun. Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) by KospY Adding this mod into the stock game would allow for building stuff on other planets/moons. Chatterer by Athlonic Hearing the kerbonauts chat with Mission control would be pretty cool. Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) by IgorZ Again, like KIS, this mod could open up new possibilities for players.
  5. Now the HYPE is reaching EXTREME LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well guys, I now could say: SPARTA APPROVES!!
  7. The hype train is now faster than light!!!!
  8. We can rea....noo, I mean we WILL reach 300 pages pretty soon!!
  9. http://kerbalx.com/countdown KerbalX predicts it's less than 20 minutes until release(It, again, is just an prediction)
  10. The 1.0 hype makes one hooked to the KSP forums
  11. It may seem like a stupid question but how do I inflate the inflatable parts?(There is no Inflate button when right-clicking the inflatable part)
  12. Woo, cannot wait to extend KSC with the new future version of KSC++ Some suggestions and questions: Will the overhaul still have the train? My suggestions are: - More buildings of course(Like perhaps an entrance road gate to the Kerbal Space Center and an kerbonaut training center(As the current Astronaut complex looks like it only is crew quarters, not crew training) - Fixing the road intersection(AkA: That the modded road would no longer be separated by grass of the roads of the default KSC buildings) - Moving cars on the default building roads as well
  13. That hype train is a bit too old, even North Korea doesn't use it anymore. IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN
  14. Obi-Wan Kenobi: I feel a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices screamed in hype and were suddenly hyped even more:
  15. Sad to see that the mayor has fallen to the Dark Side of the Force, just like Rick Astley did before him....
  16. Sorry if my questions sounds stupid but what exactly is scratchpad2?
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