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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Nice design, small and clean I like it. edit : is there a craftfile ?
  2. Oh yeah ! I have to try that ! As usual I am going to mess with a perfectly fine STTO STS until it suits my needs, incidentally becoming a deathtrap for any kerbal mad enough to pilot it. Thanks Rune.
  3. Same here, wanted to have a go with this beauty, but could not find a working link to the files **crying loudly**
  4. It was so stupid I couldn't stop laughing ... Got to send that on Duna.
  5. My Jeb is Swimming in the ocean. On Layth. Absolutely nothing to do with a failed SSTO/VTOL currently at the bottom of Layth's oceans. But he is not alone !! Since the last (tentative) rescue mission he is swimming with Bill.
  6. Hi There, A question for Squad : When will we have a new planet to crash on ? The Kerbin system is pretty good, but it really misses its second gas giant. With rings !! Saturn anyone ? Any Kerbonauts willing to get stranded near Katurn's rings ? (sorry if it was already asked 10025815 times ... )
  7. Congrats for the ship. That just made me my new wallpaper.
  8. I really like that design. However, it was only with it that I understood what means "flying brick".
  9. Nice pack, really beautiful. By the way... would you have the craft file for the ranger shuttle you used in your pictures ? I tyied to find it but .. no joy..
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