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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried reinstalling a couple of times. I even checked KSP for corrupt files on steam app. The game loads fine and a lot of the old parts for the mod are loading but the rocketpad, workshop, and any extraplanetary parts aren't there...
  2. Hey guys, the parts are not loading for me. am i doing something wrong?
  3. Oh i just got it to work! thank you guys for the help...it worked with a fresh install, i dont know what went wrong last time...maybe a remnant of an old mod
  4. thank you for the quick reply darkblade48 and ballistic Idiot, but i dont think its a memory issue...The game doesnt load, its just stuck on the loading screen. Could that be a memory issue? I downloaded the texture management and it still didnt work It only seems to crash when i have the warp drive folder into my game data folder...other than that, both mods work independently. Btw I am running an I5, with 9 gigs of ram. Maybe there is a new texture manager out there? or i have to tweak it somehow? Just reading that you guys can combine both mods is exciting. Thanks again guys!
  5. Thanks for the quick response! I was trying out a lot of mods together at once. But ever since I installed B9 mod, all my other mods crashed. The screen wont load...I cant figure out what it is without actually knowing how to code. I have my error logs (its all Japanese to me at the moment). If i need to tweak the code, i am willing to learn. I used to mod homeworld 2 in my spare time so this should be a blast!. Right now, the game crashes when i add the warpdrive plugin on my gamedata folder. I am guessing it has something to do on how B9 aerospace uses the fuel or electricity on their code (if that makes any sense)....is there anyone who can shed light in that subject?
  6. Hey guys is there a way to join 2 mods without it crashing? I want to use KSP INTERSTELLAR and B9 aerospace together...if there is some coding i need to learn, please let me know what you know! I appreciate any answers, btw NICE MOD!
  7. Hey guys is there a way to join 2 mods without it crashing? I want to use KSP INTERSTELLAR and B9 aerospace together...if there is some coding i need to learn, please let me know what you know! I appreciate any answers, btw NICE MOD!
  8. sp1989, you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar...i can assume we were born in the same year 1989. Good year!
  9. Hello, is this mod working for the current version of KSP? I am running the game on steam...and when start the game it says incompatible mods detected (CrossFeedEnabler, firespitter, KAS, KSPAPIExtensions). i made my orbital station, it doesnt show the governor option, nor does it show that it is working. Maybe my base is not connected correctly? how do the modules connect with one another? here is a screenshot of my base:
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