Ok so Im been doing some homework on the gpws and not much has come up on google,youtube,flight simulator x forums and etc, But what I did find are some sound effects the bitching betty nagging nadia and the boeing Gpws I hope this helps Ill keep looking for more info personally I think the nagging nadia sounds better for this plug in https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wr10yv8i7gz7by5/AABABK9IQXwXhFcXe-neAXDla? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/64vdimwm72eetcx/AABowEmDRa1dOWUdDB00nazOa? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qy4ecoi4jn4dyr6/AABBKn4NAlYaDqS8jQ13Y66Da?dl=0