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Everything posted by Foxx01

  1. The USS ICARUS carrying 32 crew members for a deep space mission
  2. I just did they stay on without the option to turn off so needs update but if you don't mind them staying on permanently then use it lol I sure am lol
  3. Same here I also notice ksp is not showing any clouds or city lights when I install EVE or KSPRC both clean install no other mods everything worked on 1.0.5 scatterer works planet shine works my MB retina 15'' late 2013 2gh core i7 8Gb memory Intel pro 1536mb has anyone else experiencing the same with these mods could it be this glitch thats causing this to happen?
  4. Not to sound like a dick on any level lol but Im sticking with V.0 lol reading all the obstacles on this forum just to get V.5 to work is too much for me. Anyway can I get V.0 to work with Other Worlds Cecani system? Ive updated RSS plants shine scatter and texture replacer but my game keeps crashing I think it may have to do with the Cecani Mod thanks
  5. Great Mod all it needs is a robotic arm with a built in camera and magnetic clamp so I can grab my deep space telescope
  6. So I guess its safe to say that the robotic arm pack is obsolete?
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_proximity_warning_system http://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Terrain_Avoidance_and_Warning_System_(TAWS)
  8. Ok so Im been doing some homework on the gpws and not much has come up on google,youtube,flight simulator x forums and etc, But what I did find are some sound effects the bitching betty nagging nadia and the boeing Gpws I hope this helps Ill keep looking for more info personally I think the nagging nadia sounds better for this plug in https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wr10yv8i7gz7by5/AABABK9IQXwXhFcXe-neAXDla? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/64vdimwm72eetcx/AABowEmDRa1dOWUdDB00nazOa? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qy4ecoi4jn4dyr6/AABBKn4NAlYaDqS8jQ13Y66Da?dl=0
  9. I had to register just to say thank you for this mod but its missing one thing warning voices that lets me know how close I am to the surface like the ground proximity warning on planes
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