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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I am getting NRE spam. The full log file is 250+ MB, so I have cut it down to everything before the spam started happening. I know it happens while not in KRASH simulation, unsure if it still happens when simulating. Modlist is included in the gist. https://gist.github.com/HitmanBobina47/1a507bc6ffa848e88c8dab34f449f625
  2. I have a kOS CPU yes, but I never realized I needed a probe core even if there are kerbals on board
  3. so I need a probe core no matter what, and I must have a connection even if there are kerbals on board?
  4. (I use remote tech) If I have crew on the vessel, giving the vessel local control, kOS tells me I have no signal, and I can't do anything! Why is this happening!
  5. I don't ever play stock, so I have no information from that. I had a bunch of mods, some from CKAN and some manual, and it appeared that the moment that KSP.x86_64 hit 3GB of ram usage, it immediatly CTDs. Then I installed Realism Overhaul, RP0, and deep freeze, (all from CKAN) and it is no longer a 3GB problem as it ends up at 3.6GB when it finishes loading, but it still CTDs. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByH84_HL5tZbdFM2OWdfd1A2MTA/view?usp=sharing Mod List: OS and Specs: Linux x64 GTX 950 i5-4460 8GB RAM EDIT: I should note that the log given came from a crash that happened immediatly after a rocket launch
  6. This looks like a nice mod for my style, but I have an issue with it. this mod is completely broken in 1.0.5 It destroys physics it doesn't show up please fix
  7. thanks a ton! This makes a lot more sense!
  8. I am about to get working on a delta-v map, similar to the one found http://www.deltavmap.com/, except that mine will allow you to use aerobraking (if you want to). The issue is, I don't know if I can trust any of these delta-v maps! Including the one I just linked to! Most of these maps say that you need 4500dv to get into LKO, but I have gotten there with 3800 (according to Kerbal engineer). Does anybody know of a delta-v chart/map/list/etc that is up to date with 1.0.5? Thanks in advance!
  9. I am currently taking a ship, flying up to > 250000m, getting science, and coming back down. The issue is that my ship keeps exploding from the heat! I have a heat shield, and I am pointed retrograde, but it isn't enough. What do the radiators do, and how to I maximize their potential?
  10. I think that this image kindof speaks for itself. Not entirely sure what mod is doing this. I think that I had some kind of old version of RPM, that I dont think was for 0.90.0, and after I updated it to the 3rd party patch, this happened. I don't have the mod right now, but I remember this happening when I installed deadly reentry, and it went away after uninstalling that. Since this happened with 2 different mods, it makes me think that both mods are interfering with the same mod, I just don't know what that is Mod List: Toolbar USI Tools (Just the flags and agencies, uninstalled all of the USI mods) BDArmory Connected Living Space Environmental Visual Enhancements (High on my list of suspects) Firespitter (Also EXTREMELY high on my list, im gonna test this one right now and if it doesn't help then I wont post this. It always says on startup "Firespitter is not compatable") RPM (3rd party patch for 0.90.0 Kerbal Attachment system Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Engineer Klockheed Smart Parts kOS Infernal Robotics notes Remote Tech Texture Replacer TAC LS Tweakscale Universal Storage (Core, KAS and possibly TAC LS modules) Module Manager (2.5.9, came along with RPM) - - - Updated - - - It is still happening after removing Firespitter
  11. This looks WONDERFUL! There was a mod like this for 0.24, BUT NOW ITS FOR 0.25! YAY!
  12. So, if I want to use the "More RSS planets" thing, I would be using a 10x bigger solar system. How hard would it be to orbit for example? How much delta-v would I need, how much more thrust do I need to counteract being heavier, things like that.
  13. What I WANT is mainly a "Stock but bigger/harder" BUT it would also be great to have the Moar planets for RSS config aswell. Is it possible to have 6.4x with the more planets?
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