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    Electric Prop Test Pilot

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  1. @jmark1213 Nice mine, you did it! I love the dino design. Those speeds are seriously impressive for a biped, I hope I can keep up! ;¬)
  2. My third attempt at a mechs and my second submission to this challenge. A time of 49 seconds by my count. This one is a development of my previous design and is capable of speeds up to 14.8m/s. Ultimately I'd like to get a bipedal mech past 20m/s, and I'm sure it's possible. Hopefully the grip pads will help when they arrive.
  3. My second attempt at mech with the Breaking Ground parts, and my first submission to this challenge. A time of 1 minute and 2 seconds by my count.
  4. Done most of the things I wanted in this game. My youtube channel was a source of constant frustration due to the gulf between the quality I wished I could produce and the content I actually posted. Best to just delete it and bow out of the scene.
  5. Perhaps. I’ve mostly withdrawn from KSP. Maybe this would be an entertaining final thing - one last hurrah. :-) I’d need to know the strict rules.
  6. Technically the reaction wheels in the cockpit were on, but their contribution to the performance of the aircraft is utterly negligible.
  7. Thanks man. I would love to see you enter. Yes I was thinking about this. There must be some other means of documenting a run other than recording, especially for a prop run where a recording may be upwards of half an hour. Perhaps @selfish_meme would be willing to make some accommodations for those who are unable to use recording software. Would it be enough to take a screenshot of the f3 menu display, showing the time of liftoff and the current time on the clock?
  8. Honestly man it's your choice. Personally I don't think it should matter if you drop the bomb before or after the climb, but I do agree that the smallest lake, the furthest one, should be the target. It's up to you though. :¬)
  9. My first prop entry. I attempted the bombing run but I'm uncertain if I got it in the right lake. By my count, the time was 23 minutes and 20 seconds. Please excuse the flickering/shaking/boiling.
  10. Awesome job. Would love to have a go with that little beast. :¬)
  11. My second entry. I hope I got the bowl right this time. Some slightly more focused flying enabled me to achieve what I think is the same time (staged at 30 seconds, stopped fully at 5:54), despite the more lengthy manoeuvring in the bowl. Again, sorry about the music.
  12. Darn. No worries. I reckoned I had done something wrong. Will have another go. :¬)
  13. My first entry. I used a Keyboard, I don't own a proper controller. :¬( Some fairly sloppy flying, especially at 3:49 where I almost lose it and bleed off a lot of speed. I also popped the air-brakes far too son before landing. I'm under the impression that my time was 5:24, though I'll wait for moderation before declaring a time as I'm slightly unsure of all the rules. Sorry about the music, I didn't realise ShadowPlay would record it as well as KSP.
  14. To be honest it looks like Keyboard to me. There are no smooth control inputs, just very fine adjustments.
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