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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. This is very frustrating, considering how the bug makes the exterior shaping of my aircraft quite annoying. It should only needs a very simple fix. Please help upvote this if anyone is having this issue. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/20762
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45822845 So the BBC got something wrong? Maybe they mixed "jettison" and "deploy" ?
  3. WOAH! what an exciting news! Seems like it is finally time for me to buy the MH and upgrade to 1.4. Please, squad, take you're time and make everything as best as possible.
  4. Version: KSP 1.3.1 (I'm still playing with KSP 1.3.1 because I don't want any interference with the save file.) Mod: Kerbal Alarm Clock/ Camera tools (no factor, I think) Situation: One of my huge minor craft will dettached every part from its root part if I hit "undock", then everything dettached will simply drift away Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fvyu4iqyb1e4fb/1070410 beforeundockbug.sfs?dl=0 Craft: MEG - SAuto (Should be the bottom last craft in the Tracking Station) (*caution* parts count might be pretty high) Tried: I've tried to use KML to fix the ship after undock, but the KML will just shown a bunch of "part is not attched to its root" without repair option. I see on issue in the savefile before I hit undock on that perticular ship. Description: You can see the little Octagnal Struct that is still at its original place. The whole ship that drift upwards is the minor ship that I undocked from the rover on the right side. Since I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on this save, I would really love to continue this career. I even haven't been to Duna yet! Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hey, just saw the official Arduino post on G+, it is marvelous !!!!! I'm here to give you my congradulations!
  6. Seriously? 1000lm/watt !? From all the commonly available datasheet, CREE has the normal performance of 100lm/watt up to 10W and that's pretty impressive. A little googling only gives the result of breaking 300lm/watt back in 2014 from their press release. Can you provide any link to the news and something? It would be mindblowing if it's true I'm so ready to be educated.
  7. @Mythos, thanks for your help. Your file did worked fine. And since you have no problem with it, I gave another round of try with the KML. Finally it worked! It is only because I didn't "run it as Administrator" that it seemed to be unable to overwrite the files *facepalm*. I'm a idiot. I can finally undock that thing now, thanks for your awesome software!
  8. It's 1.3.1 now, but I still encounter this bug Hello Mythos, I've tried your KML editor. The fixer seemed to change nothing ingame after rightclick-repare the issue. "Undock" option is still missing from both docking ports. Those same issue in KML still appears after I exit the supposedly repaired game. After painstakingly found both docking ports, do the three step solution above, the "undock" botton did show up again. However when I hit Undock, the option simply disappeared and the part I want to dettached is still sticked together. In this picture, you can see the station is consists of multiple vessle of the same type. Right to the selected docking port are four 1st generation "Mun Transportation Vehicle" clumped together. The spacing between docking ports does not match to the 2nd gen on the left so only one docking port can possibly be docked at a time. The 1st gen originally docked to the others through the lower port, and I decided to return them back to LKO due to low framerate. After I undocked it, the game lagged, and seems like the entire 1st gen half is "sucked" to the upper docking port. After all the lagging stoped, both docking port have no "undock" option. Here's the save file, and the cit of the problematic parts are 4294659678, and 4293555442. Can anyone help me with this? PLEASE?
  9. Hey Klesh, Nope I'm actually kind of at the center of the biome. It gives the same "Northeast basin" using KerbNet (Science Lab), which I was using to search for not-yet-landed biome.
  10. I'm not familiar with Mod systems, not sure what this "Kittopia dump" means. I guess it some sort of way to extract in game data about planets? So maybe I should report this to Squad somewhere so they can fix it?
  11. Hello fellows I'm playing through a career and have almost finished all the biome on Mun with the help of [x] Science! Mod. I've however bomp inot this question: I can't find "Northern basin!!!!" which appeared on the science list! After some struggle with the orbit, It seems that the "Northeast basin" is used by all experiments and kerbnet system. "Nortern basin" is used by KSP wiki and the [x]Science! https://imgur.com/a/ZC1WI I know it's probably a small thing, just post it here incase anyone have the same question. Are there anywhere I could report this typo?
  12. Hey, just wanna thank you for updating to 1.3.1. Now I can move my save over. Thanks!
  13. 我還是今天第一次知道kerbal forum有中文版XD PTT上面有幾篇文章啦 應該還是有些人
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