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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. If you find you've reached your apo before you are out of the atmo, the stage you were burning at apo doesn't have sufficient thrust. abort the mission and replace the engine with a more powerful one.
  2. I couldn't insert a new line by pressing enter when editing the drop down below the ship title (the place where action groups are edited) I just get a sort of line raised dash symbol. However I was able to get around this by pasting a newline character. Just putting this out there in case anyone else is having that problem KSP 0.25 Ubuntu 14.04
  3. Just wanted to let you know this is an awesome mod! Thank you
  4. If you know how much mass a launcher can put in LEO, Do you have enough information to determine how much mass it can put in GTO, or a Lunar or Martian trasfer orbit? What are the coefficients that relate these quantities?
  5. In US dollars? How much would you be willing to part with to play this game? I know it costs $27, but how much is it worth to you? I think the base game is very good, albeit noticeably unfinished. And compared to other games I've played, it's one of the most fun. I'd give it a base value of about $50, Maybe $90 if every bug was fixed. There are a lot of serious bugs. But the mods add considerable value. When I think about whether I would like to have a new mod in my game a box of pad-thai, I'd choose the mod with a healthy margin. I'd give mods values ranging from about $5 to $20. Maybe that's a little high for some of you kids but personally, I have gotten more play time from this than any other game I've bought, so I would be fine with it potentially being the most expensive game I've ever bought (assuming Squad can like hire some more guys and finish the damn thing)
  6. I anyone interested in playing Better Than Starting Manned Multiplayer? I'm running a Dark Multiplayer Server with BTSM 1.612 and Deadly Re-Entry 5.2. it's at dmpksp.net port 6702
  7. I fear that Squad's idea of 'Veteran' would still be pretty easy. I would like the idea of having a standard difficulty though. How about Personally, this is how I would set it. All parts cost 10x more, science payout is 1/3th, reputation payout is 1/10th and is time dependent and scales with the sq root of the number of kerbals on the mission. Deadlines are set to 90% of the expected mission time using a hohmann transfer. In addition, some deadlines would be so short thayou would already have to have your own infrastructure orbiting a planet put there on your own dollar to complete them.
  8. Just for your information, "The Kraken" was the communities name for a bug where the ship's controls would drift around on their own when you moved fast enough. this tended to be a problem when you were out in the sun's SOI. And there was no reason to do that because there was no planets, and that's why It didn't get fixed until planets were added. And it *was* fixed. Harv used the pretty neat trick of centering the universe around the player to take advantage of the most accurate region of the space of floating point numbers. I'm not sure who coined the name for the bug, but it definetly came from Something Awful. And it was definitely fixed, and Harv wrote a whole blog post about it. SO QUIT CALLING EVERY BUG THE KRAKEN.
  9. After a few missions in the stock game I think I had about √1.6M and then I modded all the parts to 6x more expensive and started a new game. Now I'm struggling to get my duna ship ready on only √200K funds.
  10. The way I expect deadlines to matter is when you've accepted a mission requiring you to build an expensive craft, but you screw up enough that you no longer have enough money to build such a craft and you have to slowly work your way back up by doing easier contracts to make money and you run out of time. But of course that's never going to happen given how generous they are with the funds.
  11. Does anyone know if it's possible to fail the "Explore the Mun" contract? It has no deadline so why does it have a penalty of √24,000 for failure?
  12. I've been trying to play the game will the cost of all the parts set 6x higher, and no reverts or quicksaves. I think it's a good balance but I seriously need some tools for managing my budget and risks. Copying data from the game into a spreadsheet manually is a bit tiresome. 6x requires satisfying at least 3 contracts per vessel and recovering large portions of the vessel. Also you cannot fail, even once.
  13. Yes! It's Dres The ship was manufactured on Minimus and departed with a 150 m/s burn from into a highly inclined and eccentric orbit around Kerbin. A 1250 m/s burn at periapsis put it on a hohmann transfer orbit to Dres, already in the correct plane! I thought it was a startling picture because you never see a departure burn with such inclination, (well ok now you do because of asteroids) and I thought that the position of the two inner planets was also unusual because Eve appears more inclined than Moho, but that's because it's actually simultaneously at it's closest approach to Kerbin, and at it's highest point above the Solar system's plane.
  14. I want to start a little KSP-related game. Guess where I am going from the appearance of my departure burn. This is a really unusual looking burn, so you will have to think outside the box. Assume I'm not dumb enough to make a drastic plane change at that altitude.
  15. If you can't put the junk in the recycling bin, bring the recycling bin to the junk.
  16. That's what I was thinking. My inital research indicated that it would be possible with about 1 gram of Pu-238 and some thermocouples.
  17. And yet another thread on KSP forums turns into a project orion discussion.
  18. What energy sources are available that would allow an ordinary smartphone to operate without ever needing to be charged? If you included a 0.5 W radioisotope thermoelectric generator, how big would the phone have to be? How hot would it get? Would it have to use Plutonium 238 or could it use some other fuel? Correction: I didn't mean "never". Just that it would last as long as you owned it, for like 5 years or something.
  19. It performed amazingly! Two interesting points were that it was capable of re-acquiring a signal on it's own after the first linkup without making use of the radio. Also it gave them two orders of magnitude improvement in ranging accuracy, measuring signal time of flight to within 100 picoseconds. No definitive evidence of Chang'e 3 was observed but this is primarily because the Chang'e 3 landing occurred during a light meteor shower which kicked up some dust. So the elevated dust levels were ambiguous. Sorry I did not have time to ask all the questions!
  20. I've got the awesome opportunity to see Butler Hine (project manager of LADEE) give a talk to a small audience today, and I wanted to give you guys a chance to come up with a question for him If you've got any awesome questions about LADEE, post them here and I'll ask Dr. Hine in about an hour.
  21. Hi Scott. I know you live in the bay area now, And I thought yout might be interested in coming to see Butler Hine give a talk about LADEE at Google. Please contact me at nifong at google.com if you would like to join me :)

  22. I just want to say, I love this mod! it's amazing Have you considered giving an atmosphere to the sun? Would that be possible within your current system?
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