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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. After a 4-pass propulsive orbit capture, i made it to 100 km circular Eve orbit. (aerobraking is too risky on a multiple docked vessel ship, not to mention totally unrealistic)
  2. my ship is tempting fate with wild oscillations so Im updating to 20.2 with my fingers crossed. EDIT: 20.2 did not help, but the magical forces were found to be within operational limits, after the operational limits were increased and baver pilots were installed.
  3. My favorite ways to get off Eve are all mods. (baloons and electric propellers) Its easier, but it seems more appropriate and leave more room for invention. Whereas a rocket has to be so large that there is pretty much only one right way to do it.
  4. Consider Firespitter's electric propellers. They're a godsend for Eve ascenders and air-travel. I've got a two-prop electric plane that can climb to 12 km on eve and has a top speed around 100 m/s.
  5. Looks like a pretty cool machine! what is a magic lift ram?
  6. DeadlyReentry2.1.zip direct download Mirror BTW, yall just click raw to get the file on github.
  7. I just noticed this little piece of junk I left in a low Tylo orbit is actually a fully functional satellite with propellant and everything! What kind of neat things are floating around your game that you once cast off as trash?
  8. wow. you didn't use a hohmann transfer at all did you.
  9. The trick is to use numbers of struts that are divisible by the number of edges on the mesh collider of both parts you are strutting together. tanks and most other things have 12 sides on their node collider. then you can always place say, 6 struts on the edges that stick out. However, the 2m decoupler is wider and has a different number of sides possibly, and requires some fenagling.
  10. Indeed the wobbly connections, lack of struts, and expansion limited to tricouplers and radial decouplers was what led to all those crazy explosions that got us all hooked in the first place.
  11. Skycranes are too heavy for an Eeloo mission. This little guy just drives off the top and lands rightside up
  12. I am unable to get it working. I unzipped the contents of the zip file into a folder inside GameData called DeadlyReentry. Is there some indicator that it's installed, like a UI box?
  13. Is the sound the only problem you guys have been having with .20 compatability? I've have a problem where my game will freeeze on launch if I have any kethane part on the craft (except tanks)
  14. No I thought of that. :/ There is definitely a problem where decouplers sometimes don't work. they make a sound, the COM moves, and the lower parts of the ship are no longer clickable, but they are still physically connected. and it's not just clipping, Ive tested it. The only workaround I know is to take the ship to the vab, remove the offending decoupler and any engine connected to it and all decouplers and engines above it (because they will be affected too) and replace them all from the top down.
  15. Wow squad is about 20 people now
  16. I don't think squad ever implemented random failures, but every now and then, some decouplers just don't decouple, engines don't fire, and kerbals EVA suits just go on the fritz for no apparent reason. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
  17. is wrapping the file in PART{} the only difference between .19 and .20 cfg files?
  18. Has the key combo changed again? I would like to be able to use part clipping.
  19. get yourself one of these http://www.amazon.com/Blue-Microphones-Snowball-iCE-Microphone/dp/B006DIA77E/ref=sr_1_7?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1369446733&sr=1-7
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