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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. ãƒÂョビトã¯フィンランド語ã§話ã—ãªã„ã«怪ã—ã¾ãÂâ„¢ ä½µã—, ç§Âã®日本語....... ãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆãˆ
  2. nhnifong


    Hint: We have the plan, ____ has the means of production
  3. nhnifong


    but that's not really a... vending machine. It's something "vended"
  4. Yessss set acquireRange to 1000 and aquireForce to 1000 it'll work fiiiiinnnnee
  5. How does set theory provide a way to create operators? IOW what do you need to start with in order to invent the sequence [+ * ^ ...]
  6. Agreed, it is the responsibility of the user to download a standards compliant browser. not the website developers responsibility to simultaneously meet current, deprecated, and proprietary standards. BTW chobit, what is that "access restricted" button all about? Is there some secret area with more pics?
  7. The docking port is already "magnetic" but only within 1 meter. You're supposed to do the rest yourself. However, the docking port module has a bunch of undocumented parmeters you can increase..... lolz may ensue undockEjectionForce = 1.0 minDistanceToReEngage = 1.0 acquireForce = 0.5 acquireTorque = 0.5 acquireRange = 1.0 captureRange = 1.0
  8. nhnifong


  9. haha, when you put it that way, it sounds like we have no chance of proving 1 + 1 = 2
  10. nhnifong


    Eight Jiggabogs of memory to the first person who can solve my riddle. it's a never-empty vending machine but it will make you lose anything you drink It's more compex than any man-made machine Any 5 year old could produce it. EDIT: hints 1. We have the plan, ____ has the means of production 2. Sometimes you poop it, sometimes you buy it. 3. the answer is nearly an anagram of "hicocsh realiic". The space is scrambled like any other letter. and there is exactly one character missing. Winner PM's me a mailing address (USA only unless you pay shipping) I reserve the right to deny winners for no reason. http://i.imgur.com/lnoDLue.jpg
  11. True, I love doctor pepper because it's sweet but unfortunately, my sense of taste is so impaired that I can't tell the difference between any of the brown colas! The user below me has a Japanese car EDIT, crap wrong page
  12. A binary adder is a component of both integer and floating point multiplication in CPUs Besides bit-shifting I'm not sure there are any other operations that can be performed without addition
  13. /me Stumbles into thread... Whoa, is this about that communist guy we bullied way back when? yikes.
  14. Well ampster, I'm just a programmer, and a student. Only 25, so I don't know much about "real life" but I've had a taste of employment, and then got laid off, and now I'm trying to finish my degree. I feel like I've been torn from the promised land and shoved back into purgatory. I don't feel like my degree was worth it, quite a scam really. But on the other hand, I'm just a mote of stupid dust in comparison to the great minds I met while I was employed at a software startup. Back in the stupid dust mote club at college. However, as much as a miss the company, it was consuming all my time, and I'm now sitting on a pile of cash and have lost a bunch of muscle, let my relationships stagnate, and generally just forgot where the last year went. I'm most likely going to take this free-time opportunity to go on vacation in Asia Just recently came back to the KSP forums for some reason too. go fig. What's your story? I know you're one of the more interesting posters around here, and you've given me some excellent recommendations at times in the past, but what else?
  15. Good luck with it. I like your ship designs, but your narration is hardly bearable. You need to speak up, intonate your voice more vibrantly, and talk about the exciting parts, never complain.
  16. If you would like to read a variety of very interesting takes on this issue, I suggest I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter. My own take on it, more specifically and less hand-wavey this time: Humans have a special blend of qualities in their brains that leads to a accelerating level of control. It is the combination of having a very large neocortex, which serves as a hierarchical associative memory. A dedicated section of the neocortex which learns correlations between the subset of percepts considered to be communicative, and the set of all percepts (language) A dopaminergic response to surprise which encourages experimentation. together these set off a chain reaction of exponentially growing amounts of knowledge/power which is mostly shared among the whole population. Since humans are the first species to have achieved this combo, we're currently the kings of the earth. what makes a person? this type of learning process, embedded in a body, embedded in a community of like-minded people.
  17. I think most of the supposedly universal mathematical ideas are in fact very arbitrarily framed and smothered in cultural accidents, linguistic quirks, and ulterior motives. I've often had trouble with math, but only at the surface level so to speak. Usually the notation is confusing, even ambiguous (for example, angle brakets have different meanings depending on the field of study). The variables are almost always single letters, and one must be familiar with the history of a certain field in order to know what they refer to. Lexical scope is often not explicitly denoted with parentheses, but left to be inferred from context, such as in chained summation symbols. But after I slog through the history and the cultural quirks, and the weird motives of the discoverers, it becomes clear that some concept was not new at all, and was in fact something I had been using in regular programming practice for years without knowing the name of. This frustrates me to no end every time it happens. Mathematics claims to be universal, when it is in fact just another natural human language, full of messy traditions and accidents just like english. When will academia cast of this stupid pile of dogma and come up with something better? like Lisp?
  18. something like this I suppose
  19. I tend to "personify" pretty much anything with eyes, or anything that makes decisions, or moves. So, to me it's a fairly loose definition. I'd hazard a guess that there's a special part of our brains, that is specialized for personifying. And anything we can fit in that mold is a person. That's why we identify with people in fiction, and why kids care about their teddy bear or Pokemon. Personification is just a special kind of metaphor, and the metaphor boils down to "is that percept like me?" I assume I'm a person naturally, and anything I can metaphorically compare to myself is a person.
  20. It's quite useful for making cinematic video
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