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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. This challenge allows all good Spacecraft Engineers to try to make good spacecrafts. The challenge has current only one category. Current Scores: Suborbital Spaceplane Challenge: First Place: Second Place: Third Place: 1.: Suborbital Spaceplane Challenge The Spaceplane challenge is best for good Spaceplane/Spaceshuttle engineers. You have following objectives, if you enter this challenge: Build an good Spaceplane, launch it into Ballistic Trajectory and Make 8 Screenshots: 1. In the VAB, 2. On Launchpad, 3. Leaved Launchpad, 4. At Ascent, 5. After Engines Cutoff, 6. At Reentry, 7. Landing Apporach, 8. Landed. The Rules: 1. You can use Stock, C7, C7 Experimental and Silisko. 2. The minimal apoapsis altitude is 72 km. 3. You have to make an safe reentry and land without any damage. Points: Safe Launch: +1000 Points No SRB\'s: +500 Points Single Stage: +750 Points Apoapsis higher that 80 km: +250 Points Apoapsis higher that 100 km: +500 Points Safe Reentry: +2500 Points Safe Landing: +5000 Points Each Destroyed Part: -100 Points Each Killed Crew Member: -1000 Points More Challenges and Rules Coming Soon.
  2. The International Space Security Organization needs an new spacecraft fleet. Also, i have created this topic to allow you post your spacecrafts and ideas. The ISSA needs this spacecrafts: Drone/Aircraft Carrier Mobile Munar Landing Vehicle Space/Munar Patrol Vehicle Space Station Spy Sattelite Communication Sattelite Sattelite Launcher Manned Spacecraft Launcher Sub-Orbital Scout/Spy vehicle Allowed Parts: Stock, C7, C7 Experimental and Silisko Thank you for your ideas!
  3. You are right here, when you have created Space Vehicles, that can fly very long. Rules: 1. This vehicle must have enough fuel to enter an Kerbolar orbit, make some orbital operations and correct the orbit minimal 3 times, and then return to Kerbin and land successfully. 2. All mods are allowed (except home modded parts). 3. Take 5 or more screenshots. 4. I need the main information of the spaceship. 5. Are your spaceship Manned or Unmanned? 6. Download links are welcome. 7. The Winner\'s spaceship will be used by MASA. The Winner will become some Awards from the Medwedian Army and download links for Medwedian Secret Spaceships/Spaceship Parts/Acess to all secret files of Medwedia (Except Nuclear Missile Passwords, Presidental Codes and information over very dangerous weapons.).
  4. With an Hydrogen Bomb I mean, that some compressed Hydrogen will be ignited and explodes.
  5. This Space Program contains an some things, that have to destroy the Asteroid Torkulus or even change its. The Rocket will contain 3 or more Stages. They are 3 different scenarios to destroy Torkulus: 1. An Nuclear Missile will impact Torkulus and separate it into 2 smaller Asteroids, that will fly back into the Deep Space. 2. An Unmanned Lander will plant an Hydrogen Bomb into the Asteroid. When this Bomb explodes, Torkulus will be devastated. 3. An Giant Thruster will be Placed on Torkulus, and will push it from its trajectory so, that Torkulus will fly back into the Deep Space. Screenshots and Spacecraft Data coming soon.
  6. Hello! Here, you can put your own rockets, that will destroy the Asteroid Torkulus. The Winner\'s spaceship will be launched by MASA in cause of Fail of the 'The Flying Victory' space program. The Challenge will run until January 18., the day of launch of the 'The Flying Victory' rocket. Sincerely, MedwedianPresident
  7. Rules: 1. 5 or more Screenshots 2. You can use all parts, that you have. You can use home modded parts 3. The capsule must land after the flight succesfully on Kerbin 4. Absolutely NO restrictions 5. The winner will become MASA member,Medwedian Army Soldier and rank 'Seregant'
  8. PLANES are atmospheric vehicles, that cannot fly in space. SATTELITE LAUNCHERS are rockets, that release sattelites, space stations orf even interplanetary vehicles in space. BALLISTIC MISSILES are Sub-Orbital Rocket-Like objects, that can destroy a enemy city or space center (for uther versions). SPACE SHUTTLES are plane-like vehicles, but can have 2 or more stages. Spaceshuttles can maneuver in space and can orbit Kerbin, Mun or Kerbol.
  9. Please rate your Spaceship in this categories: Type (Plane,Launcher,Sattelite, Munar Vehicle, Ballistic Missile or a Spaceshuttle),Weight (Per Stage), Thrust (Per Stage), Maneuverablity (For Planes). Then, I will rate your Military Spaceship. The winner will become MASA member, and his Spaceship will be a Standard Military Vehicle of MASA. The winner will become the rank 'Seregant' in the Medwedian Army. Good Luck! P.S.: The Winner\'s Spaceship can be changed,modifed or renamed by MASA. Sorry for my terrible English.
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