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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. In this challenge, you have to build a Balloon (Ludodyne or Hooligan Labs Plugin) and go to at least 12.000 m. Then you have to let at least one of the Crewmembers jump. Rules: This should be Manned. You have to jump from higher than 12.000 m. Screenshots: - VAB - Launch - Maximal Altitude - Kerbonaut on Capsule Ladder - Jump - Impact Thank you and have Fun!
  2. The Challenge is simple: Build a Airship using Ludodyne, Hooligan Labs or any other plugin. Post many screenshots. Very good if your Airship would be capable of launching Aircraft and Rockets or has Weapons.
  3. Can you open the Orbit Editor just like the Debug Console, with Keys? Then with WHAT Key(s)?
  4. Post your suggestions how to bring a Airship into the Atmosphere of a Gas Giant! And don't forgot to TRY it on Jool or Eve!
  5. It could be a Mobile Space Center floating in the Air. In combination with Another Plugins, like Erkle Docking, there would be no limits. You can make more parts: Zeppelin Replica Blimp Giant Balloon Science Balloon (like the RL Things that are being launched to an altitude of 30 km). The Braking Balloons the Spaceship used in Jupiter's Atmosphere (2010: Year we made Contact) More - Flying Space Centers, Flying Aircraft Carriers, finally!
  6. A Old Kerbal once Said: the only avoiding a crash is to crash before you crash.
  7. "In Name of the Medwedian Democratic Federation and President Marshal Edmund Olsen, i Claim this Planet."
  8. My mum bought me full version of SpyHunter and i killed the virus.
  9. I'm a super-trekkie, i like star trek even more than Bronies like MLP.
  10. How about form a Interkerbal Data Security Organization? Before computers will be invented, it will be charged with securing things like classified files or old books.
  11. Okay. I attached a Screen that will appear on a banned computer in Medwedia (Already when in DOS Mode).
  12. The Execution is used without a warning, because if the terrorist would know that if he launches his computer he would die he would never do this.
  13. Maybe a offender has stolen one of the special Medwedian Police Viruses (I think this is the GD62HH Virus that slowly destroys graphic drivers until the screen remains black forever). Go to kww.cyberpolitimedwedia.me/punidder/viruser/removalprogramme (The Removal Program is only avaliable to MBI Agents so you need a Password. I provide a password for you: y82jJ9ks8Los7Ksj'932dJ All Capital Letter MUST stay Capital! The Program will remove the virus, restore the driver data and then automatically uninstall itself. (JOKE)
  14. Thanks. How about make a cooperation anti-cybercrime program starting in the late 80's? The cooperation of Medwedian Police and Blenderk Police. Also we could use the Medwedian Execution Virus (It's called "CyberGallow") to fight our enemies.
  15. I would of course launch nukes to all of enemies of US and Russia (NOT to Russia because i am russian).
  16. PM it to me. And here the Medwedian Act: ACT 3235/1982 (I will release this act in the late seventies or early eighties). DIGITAL CRIME PUNISHEMENT ACT The transferring of Prohibited Information, illegal copies of programs, and any other actions that may injure persons are strictly prohibited and will be strongly punished. A. Internet Ban B. Data Lock C. Computer Lock with Fine D. Timed Computer Lock (Just like temporary ban from a online game like ROBLOX, often combinated with a fine) E. Permanent Computer Lock F. Full Data Erase G. Execution by Computer (A virus that attacks the Baseplate when in DOS Mode and makes the Computer explode to kill the violator.)
  17. The Friend isn't arrived currently. And can i see your Computer Punishement Act?
  18. And how about a program that makes a computer explode? For example, for executions of terrorists that are not captured?
  19. In KSP Roleplay, Medwedian Police will make a virus to completely make computers unusable (The screen would appear already in DOS Mode). This would also automatically make a wildcard program that attacks the ISP and bans the law violator from the entire internet. Good idea? (Remember, i will never do it in RL, only in Roleplay, for example if a group of terrorists would attack Medwedia they would be banned from the entire Medwedian Internet so it would be harder for them to make their horrible work)
  20. And if it would appear in any modes, i would have to reinstall windows?
  21. It doesn't appear in Safe Mode. My mum told me that is shouldn't download anything currently and i have to let her friend to do anything.
  22. This is the second time i have a virus. The last time i couldn't use any internet-related programs and i had to reinstall windows.
  23. Thank you! The worst thing of Windows Safe Mode is that i can't play KSP! And is this only fake or can the police do this legally?
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