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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. If you have the same problem, use this thread! I hope someone who is a good hacker will help me.
  2. I am currently in Austria, and i got infected by a fake Austrian police trojan. I cannot launch my PC from normal mode. They say that i have to pay 100 Euro to unlock my computer because of a law violation. - Why this is FAKE? Because it shows the MCAffee logo. Because it's using Ukash. I don't think Ukash is a Police Organization. Because if i would use my computer for downloading pirateware, seeing children being for example, being tortured with acid or like this, i would already sit in Prison. Because when i google, it shows even a warning FROM THE POLICE AGAINST the virus. A Friend of my parents is coming, my mum says that he can fix this. But i think he will not have to reinstall windows. (I hope so) -------------- If you can help me, post your ideas!!! Thank you very much!
  3. You are all right. I have decoded a signal coming from the Boulder: WE ARE THE BORG. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
  4. Someone or something what does not obey laws, especially Laws of Physics, will be punished. *Sending IPBM* IPBM = Inter Planetary Ballistic Missile
  5. My Ideas: Jebsjahdwenrty Lafghartoutyghjkalhgeey
  6. I think a asteroid impacted into kerbin's ocean, some water flied into space and was then frozen.
  7. How about connect the monoliths with lines on the map?
  8. Easter Egg Detective MedwedianPresident ready for any flights (On weekends, i am at a boarding school from monday to friday)
  9. The rules are simple: just enter the Atmosphere or "Land" on Jool and post pictures.
  10. I think Appolo 18 is a good idea for this story.
  11. I need a picture of a probe entering Jool/Meander's Atmosphere!!! Pleaseeeee!!!!!!!!!!
  12. How about call the small peninsula between Kafrica and Kitalia "Andersbrø"? And the mountains on the border of the northern icecap "McOstær Land"?
  13. Welcome to the Planet Idea megathread! Post all of your planet ideas here! Form: Planet Name: Planet Parent (The body the planet is orbiting): Planet Type: Planet's orbital characteristics: Planet's diameter: Planet's gravity (in cm/s2): Planet's atmosphere: Planet's average temperature: Planet's average polar temperature: Planet's landscape description: Maps/Photos (Optional): Description: What would you do on the planet?: Lander/Plane Designs for planet (Optional):
  14. Silisko, i need a picture of a probe entering Jool's atmosphere.
  15. Nice to see you back, Gojira! Want to retrieve Iranija on the RP Forum? And about coordinates, i think somewhere in the Taheirean Mountains.
  16. Can silisko please show off a picture of a probe entering the atmosphere of Meander? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  17. How about call the big mare west from Mercator Highlands "Armstrongshavn", "Lyffeldsbogst", "Tyffelt", "Forskeland", "Upsiders", "Mare Medwedium", "Mare Ursum", "Bob Kerman's Sea" or "Kjolsen Sea"?
  18. Is this northeast from Taheiraz (Very long from KSC)? If it's in Medwedia, then i will call it Mount Louis Lee. Louis Lee was a Medwedian lieutenant who constructed the first airplane ever (in 1885). He landed on this mountain with another airplane constructed by him, in 1902. Marshal Louis Lee (in 1924) has founded a airplane construction company, "Lee Dynamic". After his death his brother, Egon-Kjolsen Lee, has renamed the company to Kjolsen Dynamic. Kjolsen Dynamic has created its Aerospace Division, Kjolsen Aerospace, some years later (It was only a airplane PRODUCTION company). Kjolsen Aerospace is now a national company owned by Medwedia and the main spacecraft construction and usage organization of Medwedia. Kjolsen Dynamic belongs to Medwedian Military, MASA is part of Kjolsen Aerospace.
  19. I can't see the picture, you can post a spoilered one and a map. If it's on Medwedian Territory (See at KSP Forum), then i have to give it a name. If not, it will be voted on.
  20. Where is the tallest mountain on Kerbin? (This thread will later be used to vote what name it should have).
  21. I have built a superglider and i can launch it without using engines. I just need to hold "S" and it will accelerate until launch. Is this a glitch or is this a easter egg or a feature?
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