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    Sr. Bottle Rocketeer Assistant

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  1. He he, no, don't look at that. I've edited everything. Delta-V is for the S-IC only. 4000kg of the Solidfuel is in the LES I think and the rest spread out across Ullage engines. This was more of something I wanted to test for myself.
  2. @komodo I will look into it tomorrow. Too tired now. I have finished the real-ish Apollo 9 and upwards (I think) if anyone is interested in trying it out. Just PM me and I'll put together the files. Should be used on a separate install, since I have edited A LOT of files. Don't pester anyone at the Bureau with it. I have barely tried it but it feels right. I will try it again tomorrow on SASS (Sigma's Stockalike Solar System). (My computer really sucks, so I can't have all the mods I want installed at the same time.) And I promise to start working on the LS configs tomorrow
  3. @Jso Is the Sina Ascent cockpit supposed to have 90% / 10% LFO/Mono or LH2O/Mono? Because now it is 80/20 and I have tried to look into B9PartSwitchTanks.cfg but can't see what's wrong. Tried to exclude the Sina from the first statement, but it didn't help (probably didn't do it right either).
  4. I have Github Desktop installed, so I guess I'll figure out how to upload. Just not done it yet. Take your time on the throne. It's the most precious and important time of the day. I can try to look into Life Support (USI and TAC), I have never used Kerbalism, but it looks cool, so I could try and have a look. But what values are you looking for? 1 day for Hermes and 11 days for Leo/Kane + 3 for Sina?
  5. But, if BlueSMURFF is not intended for use above 6.4, I guess there is no need for testing. But if you would like me to contribute in any other way, let me know. Due to illness I have a lot of time on my hand. I'm not out of my bed everyday, but when I am it would be nice to do something "useful". I can't contribute is many ways as I am starting to learn C. Haven't done any programming since I puzzled with AMOS on my Amiga waaaaay back. My modelling skills are limited to SketchUp, but I have started to look into Blender. Texturing skills are non existent and will probably stay so. Yes, you're right. Somehow I placed that in the Parts/Saturn folder. Need a slap for that Yes, you are right. Besides I have noticed a lot of drawback with 10x Kerbol. So I think 6.4x is the sweet spot. But I have wanted to try at least the manned NASA missions and maybe the voyager missions on a real scale, you know, so I can brag to the girls at the local pub about it But I guess it is probably wise to just keep another install of KSP with it and modified part files in it.
  6. @komodo I willcheck it out later today. The scaling and smurff-thing is a challenge. Read over at Sigma Dimension that the ideal scale for Kerbin should be 10.5somethingsomething. So I tried it and it messed up all values I had on the Apollo system. So have to start over. What I also want to test, is if I get the correct masses with 10.5xxx scale and bluesmurff, will it work perfectly to switch back 1x scale and still fly to the moon? I did mess with the bluesmurff file itself. And got it to work quite well with the Mercury-Atlas. Don't remember exact now, but I think it was something like 1.09 or 1.07 for tanks and 1.03 for the pod. So then I decided to try the Apollo system, and everything was either too heavy or too light. So decided to keep the blueSMURFF at 1 and instead edit the part.cfg. But I will read up, and try what you suggested.Are there a cache for MM elsewhere than the GameData folder?
  7. @komodo I sync from Github, so the files are from yesterday. Trying to learn and maybe I can contribute if needed. At least some tedious thing like editing config files. Hack to learn as Ben Heck always says I am trying to rescale all pods/rockets to real sizes and masses. Both to try recreate the missions as accurate as possible and also to learn. So when I scale up, the volumes becomes quite big. And with BlueSMURFF the mass is almost non with 10x Kerbol. I'll upload in a sec. Used Dropbox earlier, but have switched to Google Drive. Never tried to share documents there yet.
  8. I have been trying to reduce the volume of LFO in bluedog_Apollo_Block2_ServiceModule but without any luck. Have edited bot the aforementioned .cfg and WBITankSwitcher.cfg (WBI_BDB_FUEL_TEMPLATE_BK2_SM) without any luck. I really can't find anywhere else to edit. I want it to be: LF=270 and Ox=330.
  9. Yes, I figured that out, however, I realized that I could set my own values in DefaultScale, so that made things a lot easier. So, I have added some bizarre values like 158% and 1.975 and so on. But I also realized that things are not so straight forward as I thought. Many mods has close to real life masses, but maybe just 65% of the size. So when you scale up the mass becomes ridiculous. Now SMURFF compensates for this to some degree, but often to much. So now I just calculate the difference and change the part.cfg file. It is probably possible to make all this changes using ModManager but I am not at that level yet.
  10. Ok, another question: Is it possible to make a config file to bundle with a mod that will make a part a certain size? I assume this only set the default scale when you right click: @PART[DeuxMillesPart]:NEEDS[TweakScale] //DeuxMillesPart { %MODULE[TweakScale] { defaultScale = 1.875 } } But if I want the part to automatically become, let's say 3.15 instead. Is that possible. As in; Install this if you want real sizes, and then the part will be 3.15 instead of 1.875 on game boot.
  11. Simple answer is always the best I was hoping this would be possible, because that would make it easier to replicate the real world counterpart. Ah well, guess I'll have to live with that
  12. I assume this means that this is now compatible with DefaultActionGroups as you mentioned over there a week or so ago. Nice job. Gonna try it out now.
  13. I'm sorry if this has been answered earlier, but it is a long thread and the search tool isn't always giving me the answers I want. Can TweakScale transform the shape of an object? I have an adapter from 1.25m - 1.875m. I want to scale it up to real size where the bottom node becomes 3m. That gives me an adapter from 2m-3m. Is it possible to tweak it to become 1.875m-3m instead?
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