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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. I used to talk about Candlejack, but then I
  2. Be sure to include Jhazeira...
  3. 'Oh god! Fractions!' - at least three people in this that or the other thread.
  4. There is no satisfactory in=between of centimeters and meters. 47 centimeters is too high of a number to conceptualize/visualize, unlike 18 inches. Of course, this may not be the case for a native Metrican, but for an Imperialist such as I, \'tis a problem.
  5. Well... yes, but imposing Skunky and labelling yourself an idiot isn\'t a smart idea.
  6. As someone who is far, far worse at art than you are, I know that feel bro.
  7. Ornithopters have been known of for a while now, but thanks for sharing. P.S. any possibility you can attach the .craft for that second glider?
  8. imgur is the greatest site in existence.
  9. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AxisAndAllies
  10. Five ??? Quoting yourself is tacky. ???
  11. It\'s good to have two AVs, one specifically for scanning and one for real-time protection. Malwarebytes/ClamAV are great free scan tools while Avira and others are real-time. Since they aren\'t running simultaneously, they won\'t create conflict between themselves. Now, if you try two scans at once or have two real-time programs, you may have issues.
  12. (Cadence was, the other was not. You moved the wrong one ;P) http://www.degringolou.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/tumblr_ljezvtkI9P1qiyhf6o1_500.jpg
  13. Seven If you look closely, it\'s not really transparent.
  14. MSI Afterburn is incredibly complicated to install and whatnot, or at least that was my experience when I tried to get it on my desktop.
  15. I figured out why he got 6800 viruses: Internet Explorer. About Avira, I\'m running it on my Mac and haven\'t gotten any nag screens yet. Maybe because I just installed it? Anyway, regarding competency, it\'s up there at the top of the line for free AV programs, far far better than AVG or Norton ;P
  16. I used to stretch images, but then I took a bowl of aesthetics to the brain. [This is from Skyrim.]
  17. That\'s a very nice heat effect you have there.
  18. Two Self-depreciation is one thing, your sig is another.
  19. Can we change this to be slightly more original? For example, I used to be a windows fanboy like you, but then I took a MacBook Pro to the knee.
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