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Red- the Engineer

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Everything posted by Red- the Engineer

  1. Please! Two parters are good from a cinematic and statistical standpoint, as it leaves the audience in suspense, just make sure that you choose a suitably dramatic point to stop. Also, I look forwards to it immensely!
  2. Alright, I did a thing. I made a scrappy liddle fighter called the 'Devilfish,' as it has a TWR of .90, and three longlances. It also features sweet aesthetics (I'd like to think) and very good recoil management, as well as a decent range (~1.4 km/s) and an ejecting capsule. It also features a probe core designed to control the craft like a stack rocket, as well as control the remains of the craft in the event of pilot death or ejection. I present to you... THE FTC F-4B 'Devilfish'
  3. So hyped for episode two! I waited too fraggin' long to be disappointed!
  4. Now we just need someone to make a 1:1 replica.
  5. Battlestar Argus? Named after the thousand-eyed guardian, of course. Fitting for a carrier.
  6. A few weeks? Okay. Hopefully you won't crash too much.
  7. Do we have ETA on the next episode? Or are we all watching Macey's new episode over and over again to care?
  8. Alright, now how do you plan to add the plasma cannon on it?
  9. I had the same issue, the trick is a wide wheelbase. Good luck.
  10. I'm down. I'll just have to speed up production of my ground vehicles. ;D
  11. Yay, now I finally get to see our hard-earned submissions get to blow out of the big black. With style. Please hurry, as Elysium's doing one episode a month of WWK, Macey's still working on his premiere, and no one else is doing a narrative KSP military series. But don't ut corners. I will do a Taken ​speech on you, if you cut corners.
  12. Hello guys. I have a shiny new space fighter, all stock. Meg, despite this being my first post on this thread, I'd be willing to do a battle with you. Do you have a space fighter? It has to be all stock.
  13. For custom logos, plop the folders into the Parts folder in the screen before the GameData directory, if the files aren't in a folder, just make one. If this is done properly, the parts should appear in the Science tab. Does that help?
  14. Alright, I've become fed up with everyone calling them I-Beam cannons on all the forms. They are technically a single-use rocket propelled I-Beam lance. As such they shall be known as 'lances.' Because that's what they do. They punch through armor, are generally one-use (similar to medieval lances) and are used to charge the enemy at high speeds. Except instead of horses, they use tiny SRBs. Henceforth, I am creating an index for weapon types. I-Beam Lances I-Beam lances are any I-Beam with a propulsion system. Smart I-Beam Lances are similar to those used on the Dreadnought. They have exceptional destructive potential as they exploit a physics glitch, allowing them to clip through the target's armor, soon after, the game's physics engine catches up, causing the two craft to destroy eachother. However, the I-Beam lance usually wins due to it's incredible impact tolerance. Ion Torpedoes Ion torpedoes are torpedoes that are propelled using Xenon and Ion drives, they are generally longer range than both Hammer Torpedoes, Dean Torpedoes, and I-Beam Lances. However, they are rarely used due to complexity, part count, and low destructive potential. Hammer Torpedoes Hammer torpedoes are SRB driven missiles fired from capital ships, they are typically tipped with structural panels, or an I-Beam spearhead. They have exceptional destructive potential, however, they are only a real threat to other capital ships due to the unwieldy manner in which they are aimed and constructed. Dean Torpedoes Dean Torpedoes are named after the father of military KSP, Macey Dean, who has recently returned from a year long hiatus. They consist of two Oscar tanks, a mini docking port on each end, and an Ant engine clipped inside. They're destructive potential varies, and sometimes they fail to penetrate the armor, and sometimes they are capable of destroying capital class craft with a single torpedo.
  15. What's this pretty thing?
  16. Sorry for any confusion about the control keys, they are now fixed. Once again enjoy rolling around doing your General Grievous impressions. I know you do.
  17. For my newest submission: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125123-Assault-Wheel?p=2012299#post2012299
  18. Relentless Is likely the best word to describe my newest creation, the Free Trade Conglomerate's Assault Wheel. -- Features Include A set of twin double-barreled 50 Cal machine gun turrets A durable chassis A huge ammunition capacity A ridiculously long range A quad reactor power plant A variation without the FTC logo -- Instruction Manual Action Groups - 1 Activates the turrets, after that, point and click to fire! Driving - Driving the wheel is a bit fidgety, when you launch, (Note, all controls rely on the fact that the camera is orientated at the VAB after launch, sorry for any confusion,) press 'E' to roll forwards, 'Q' is backwards. 'A' and 'D' are turn left and right, in that order. Only turn when stationary, unless you're an ace and can manage to keep yourself from falling over. 'W' and 'S' are right and left flopping, in that order. Do not press them unless you fell over. -- Mods Required BDArmory FTC Custom Logo -- Logo Installation Download the file, then drag the folder into the parts folder on the screen before the GameData directory. The part should appear in with the science parts. -- Downloads Logo - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bil7lh54bnlq30s/AACmDc111i1sNijQidpYbxJqa?dl=0 Wheel (Logo) - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0zz2qqg5k8230x9/FTC%20Assault%20Wheel.craft?dl=0 Wheel (Without Logo) - https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8hcwvhnnltcdiv/FTC%20Assault%20Wheel%20%28B%29.craft?dl=0 Also, yes, I'm back. Enjoy. Feedback Welcome.
  19. Names for the upcoming HKA and friends versus GMI and friends? ... Well, firstly, I have a name for the war which will be starting next episode, as that'll be the first time allied ships appear (Oh gee, I hope one's mine!), the war would be called... The Great Corporate War. The battle would be called... The Battle of the Blockade. Also, the DL for the PA-1 Avenger : https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6lk3400ux7y29t/FTC%20PA-1%20Avenger.craft?dl=0
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