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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. The ground. If it explodes entering atmo, i would be happy ! I would have re-entry heat !
  2. Problem with the perseus capsule : is it specially for 0.14.2 ? Because i explode even if speed = 0,2 m/S, i\'m on 0.14
  3. Oh, yes, of course... I have it. There is only a little thing : since they produce more drag when deployed, you can use them as parachutes...
  4. What can you do with this ? Go in the center of Kerbin ;P
  5. Having some problems compiling... No errors in my code, but this is what it says : error CS5001: Program `/Users/barabarabouley/Projects/Harpoon/Harpoon/bin/Debug/Harpoon.exe\' does not contain a static `Main\' method suitable for an entry point I don\'t want to compile it to an EXE, and what is that error ?? ? I\'m using MonoDevelop on Mac OSX
  6. :o :o How do you made the automatic panel deploy ? I suppose the cargo bay is a lander leg ?
  7. My reaction : OMG WTF AWESOME??? 8) MULTIPLAYER !!!! I was SURE it was possible ! I said it in the 'refuelling' thread ! I would love to help you, but i\'m still learning C#... Did Harvester though about that when he released the plugin system
  8. Vapors ? Why vapor whas coming out of the LEM ?? ?
  9. I think that\'s the first step for a true 'multiplayer'. You should look at Orbiter Wiki, they show the fan projects making Orbiter a multiplayer game. They didn\'t really worked, but you can 'take' some ideas...
  10. Wait, that\'s a BAT file, for PC only ? Hope it can be compiled to Mac...
  11. To do a LineRenderer, you must attach the line to a part like this : [name].transform.parent = transform So can we do a part that attaches to another upon collision, like this ? override onCollide (collide Collide) { [name].transform.child = transform }
  12. I just love it. The Kerbal voices made me laugh a lot ! *Goes back writing the storyboard of a KSP trailer*
  13. In the movie, when they are going back to earth, Ground Control says than they are too light because they should have some Moon rocks. But instead of having Mun rocks, they had the LEM, that was a LOT more than moon rocks, so shouldn\'t they have been too heavy instead ? It\'s maybe a movie mistake...
  14. I had Neil armstrong and captain Kirk on the same flight !
  15. Yep, but i need placeholders for testing, the core needs special attachment nodes to attach the coolant system.
  16. I think it can be done. The dark hole plugin (don\'t remember who it\'s from) has it own gravity...
  17. Hell yes ! Will download tomorrow (it\'s 9:20 pm in France). Silly question : can a black hole eat another black hole ??? How did you managed to add gravity to them ? Gonna add the same to jellycube\'s asteroid Challenge : put a damaged ship into a black hole orbit, then rescue it...
  18. And if heat goes [reactor]->[strut]->[radiator]->[part], the part explodes ?
  19. Ok, so if i\'ve understood correctly : The core produces heat, the radiator cools the core and send heat to the 'container' (the strut) so if you place something,like a LFT on the container, it sends heat quickly to the part and make it explode. So for the radiator, 70 heat dissipation, for the container 80 heat conductivity, for the core 100 max temperature...... Back in a few hours (homeworks + code != cool)
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