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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. ... I want it. I want that skin and Jeb pilot. I suppose it\'s IL-2 flight sim ?
  2. Hello, I am currently develloping a nuclear fuel plugin (based on Cephei\'s solar panels) and I need a little help : Instead of making the reactor a single part, I i am making it in two parts : the Core and the Coolant system. The core is the fuel tank, and the coolant...cools the core. I want to configure them so the core is unusable alone because it overheats too quickly, you would need the coolant. But must i make the coolant a simple strut with high heat dissipation or must I code a new part for it ? The objective is that the core and coolant would not overheat, but if parts like SRB and LFE/LFT are placed on it, boom. Have you got any ideas ?
  3. Hey, i tried to do that but it didn\'t worked. I have my two .cs files in the main directory, i naviagate to the folder, i type in : gmcs -r:KSP.app/Contents/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll,KSP.app/Contents/Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll -t:library NuclearEngine.cs ReactorCore.cs -out:Plugins/Nuclear.dll But it says me : ordinateur-de-barabara-bouley:~ barabarabouley$ /Users/barabarabouley/Downloads/KSP_osx-3 -bash: /Users/barabarabouley/Downloads/KSP_osx-3: is a directory ordinateur-de-barabara-bouley:~ barabarabouley$ gmcs -r:KSP.app/Contents/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll,KSP.app/Contents/Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll -t:library NuclearEngine.cs ReactorCore.cs -out:Plugins/Nuclear.dll error CS2001: Source file `NuclearEngine.cs\' could not be found error CS2001: Source file `ReactorCore.cs\' could not be found Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings ordinateur-de-barabara-bouley:~ barabarabouley$ I have MONO installed, what\'s happening ?
  4. Hi, Is there a way to add a gravity field to a part ? This could be useful for asteroids... A small gravity, but enough to land a small probe on. Can it be done ?
  5. Cool, downloaded ! Testing... RAAAH THE 5OO METERS ASTEROID CAUSES INFINITE LOADING TIME BUG !!?!!!!! NOOOOOO ! That\'s maybe my KSP install (server cutting zips because of overloading), i will try it on a new clean install
  6. So now the asteroid generator is released... pleae do a mac version, or tell us how to compile it ! it looks sooooo nice ! Jellycubes, does the asteroids have their own gravity ? If not, there\'s surely a way to do that with the module loader,no ? We could land a probe on them
  7. Your packs are great ! The Probobo.....Prodobo...Bropodo... Pro-bo-do-bo-dyne is useful for all crafts. I\'m going to do Cassini-Hugyens probe and his lander The BACE engine needs to be lighter, or more powerful, i can\'t use them on kerbin... And the re-entry heat looks soooooo great !
  8. i think any game value can be used, like altitude, fuel left in a fuel tank, engine active or not, coordinates... and i seen than nova is maybe planning a module to control a craft from a command line, so why not telemetry ? But you\'ll have to parameter that orbit calculator to read this telemetry data, and i don\'t see how to do this.
  9. 'override'? Going to learn C#, because i never seen override on C/C++... is OnPartExplode a correct value ? Also, i cannot use visual studio because i\'m on a Mac, so what can I do ? I have unity (free version, not pro) so i have MonoDevelop but i never used it. Is it some kind of compiler ? Also, if i want to do a new propulsion system (tank+engine+refiller), i have all of them in the same DLL ? I will read Cephei\'s plugin, to see if i can understand a few things.
  10. Just a little question : What are the conditionss to use (i mean : When this happens-->do this) ? I seen OnPartActivate, OnPartAwake, OnFlightStart, OnDecouple, what are the others ?
  11. Just learned that parachutes can\'t produce lift,only drag, so no paraglider but maybe the paraglider would be visual, and then we have two invisible winglets with high lift ?
  12. Hey, but i don\'t even need to modify the pivotAxis, just the DeployAngle ! But still thinking for the front one...
  13. This is gemini paraglider : Originally Gemini wasn\'t intended to splashdown, but to deploy a parasail and glide to the ground. It would have used skids to land, like in the picture below. That\'s why gemini hadn\'t an LES tower but ejection seat, that could be used while gliding. However, project has been abandoned.
  14. Oh, so if i understand correctly this means that, for the gemini skids : Main left skid is PivotAxis -1,0,0 Main right skid is PivotAxis 1,0,0 Front skid is just modified in DeployAngle Am i right ?
  15. But wich way is positive or negative ( i mean, yaw left is -1 or 1, etc) ? i\'m trying to do the parasail Gemini
  16. Oh, so bad ... So, when we\'re waiting for the module loader i can try to do a purely visual paraglider (has only 2 DragCoeff) and attach invisible, high-lifting winglets to simulate gliding maybe ?
  17. Yes the sounds are in the directory. For the shaking problem i think it\'s KSP. You know, go to orbit and drop a tank, it will go left. Time- warp X2 it will go right. And the suborbital... That\'s surely because i\'m not a ace pilot, so the shaking makes piloting harder.
  18. Hello, I decided to do a radial-mounted paraglider for my (poor?) kerbals, but before i start i must know a few things : 1)How do you model correctly a parachute ? i heard there is 3 parts in a parachute in KSP: the holder that...holds the chute, the cap that pops out when you deploy the chute, and the canopy wich is the chute itself. How do i setup this in blender ? 2)How do you define attachment nodes for a radial thing ? 3) How do i (if it\'s possible) setup my .cfg to do a paraglider that works, it slows the craft a little but not enough to stop its lateral velocity so the craft gently glides. Please answer, Emilio
  19. Hey guys ! now that we have 0.14 we can ! we 'just' have to understand how the gear works, and that\'s OK for the skids ! Next 'just' model a working rogallo wing ! I think that the landings are going to be...really kerbal ;P [EDIT]: I searched around the config files and you don\'t even need to create skids yourself, you can modify the deploy angle, orientation... next re-texture it a little and you\'re done ! Going to try to fit a radial parachute on the gemini with those skids, to see if it can work...
  20. First : GREAT MOD !!! But there is some things I don\'t understand... I cannot put it in orbit, I\'ve only managed to send it into space in suborbital... And how do you get this CSM-LM docked configuration ? Because I have only 1 .craft file (apollo.craft) in my download ? I tried to 'grab' the LM and bring it with me but it flew away when i touch it or do nothing... Oh, and I don\'t have engine sound too... Am I a noob or is this a real problem ? EDIT : So now it rips apart before I can jetisson the first stage :-\
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