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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. Strange, shows up perfectly for me... Could I request something ? A reversed version of the propellers, to do push-pull props like the AR-234... Also, the coaxial collider node isn\'t pratical, you should check that
  2. Rotating 90°, don\'t you mean Variable Geometry Wings ? \'cause some aircrafts like the Rockwell B1-B rotates their wings in flight. About SpaceShipOne, i don\'t know exactly... Yeah, i think it depends on the folding system... The WW2 planes were in metal+tissue, and they weren\'t originally intended to fold their wings.
  3. ? ? ? What aircraft does fold wings in flight ? Well, my only example is the IL-2 series, where the Corsair and all other carrier planes doesn\'t like folding them in air...
  4. Finally, it\'s released ! Will download as soon as my mum leaves the computer (posting from dsi). Dunno if it\'s the same for you guys, but in France there\'s a 3 days weekend, I\'m gonna have fun with thoses !
  5. I never noticed it was plurial.... Thanks for saying it, this is the last thing i would have checked if my code doesn\'t work....
  6. I\'m trying to do a paraglider, but I need the parachute system to work in the plugin. How do I code it ? If I remember correctly, there is this line in the MechJeb Command Pod : class MuMechUnmannedPod : CommandPod so it works like a pod. So i maybe need to do this : class Paraglider : Parachute But does it works ? Will it use the normal parachute objects in Blender (Body, Cap, Canopy, etc..), the same variables in the CFG (plus my custom variables)? ?
  7. 0_0 Can't wait for it. Reminds me a space tourism project : it's launched with a standard rocket, and returns to ground like an helicopter.... So, when will it be released ? Does it use a special type of fuel ?
  8. I totally agree about that heatshield. One more thing on the folding wings : if you fold them mid-air IRL, they would be ripped apart, right ? So, in your folding system, you should include something like this : override OnGetKeyDown('yourFoldingKey') { //Do your folding system here set drag = 99999 set breakingForce = 1 set breakingTorque = 1 } If folded on ground on in space, no problem. But in flight, the huge drag created combined with the low breaking force and torque, will rip the wings...
  9. Hum... i didn\'t found the sources from C7 (i wanted to see how it works)... About the folding wings, you should reduce lift when folded, check the MuMech Toggle family
  10. No, Jeb ! Do not press that butt- Ok, so now our wings are folded. What do we do ? Seriously, this is looking more awesome each day. Will it have some sort of landing gear, or it\'s like the Vanguard from Nova (belly-landing) ?
  11. Yeah, i still need some practice... I\'m trying to do a paraglider plugin, so i\'ll need something better than a flying cube Just a little question : is the big shuttle big enough (or the small shuttle small enough) to carry the small one ? Project Matryoshka : Big shuttle deploys Small shuttle, small shuttle deploys satellite
  12. Try to erase your cache, delete cookies, restart modem or things lile that, it sometimes works
  13. This looks awesome ! I wish I could model like this... Last time I tried Blender, I modelled a cube. A BIG cube, but still a cube
  14. How do you use the parachute animation system (cannot be retracted, disappears at 0 m/s, moving cables) in a plugin ?
  15. Uh, not yet. It will overheat exposed parts until i figure out how to really 'burn' stuff (if possible).
  16. Me ! I\'ll update it soon, it should be able to burn some stuff...
  17. Oooh, so you destroy the ship by setting temperature to 9999999999999... Kerbal idea =P But i didn\'t figured out how you make the crew blue ?
  18. Of course i jettison the launch clamps....
  19. Send a rescue mission ! Not to save them, only to build a bigger crash site
  20. Wait, i haven\'t 0.14.2 yet ? I AM STUPID ! ;P Meanwhile, in VAB... All crew to research crafts, repeat, all crew to research crafts ! Operation Egg Hunting has begun !
  21. Just go in the CFG file and replace : Module : CommandPod by : Module : Strut
  22. X_X What a challenge ! How did you make the image ? I suppose it\'s a render since you cannot switch ship when one is accelerating..;
  23. What\'s happening !!!! I have Yorik\'s authorisation, so here\'s the release (in OP)
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