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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. nope nope nope Sorry, @Mad Rocket Scientist, I guess I wasn't going to space.
  2. He hasn't been here since May. @DuoDex?
  3. Hello, Martian Music! I must say, for a non-native English speaker, your writing is exceptional. It's good to have you here, hope you stay a while!
  4. Instead, you get the not-so-great and lovable dog of Dman979. I want @MadRocketScientist
  5. kraken? huh, you're right. Now I'm going to think that my ships get attacked by space nazis.
  6. Nope, wrong again But I'm thinking that Dr. Frankensteen will be here soon.
  7. You were wrong, too. @Rainbowtrout, I choose you!
  8. Cool! Another one I can't see! I'm a single-person Five Blind Boys of Alabama band, but not as good at singing. I'm still waiting to get home, though.
  9. Hey, friend! Why are you leaving me here? I enjoyed talking to you, and I'm really sorry to see you go. You will be missed. Remember the time we stayed up till early, and played forum games? I do. At the very least, please write down your password and username so you can log back in if you change your mind (as unlikely as that may be). Best of luck in all you do, Dman979
  10. I add the largest battery, the 0.625 Xenon tank, and the xenon engine
  11. I add a decoupler, and the black and white 2.5 to ARM adapter.
  12. And I like coming here when I'm not called for. @KasperVld?
  13. Well, seeing as you question has already been answered, I'll just say that sometimes engines have a tendency to go on the wrong stage, too. Be sure to check your staging, or else everything goes to Kraken.
  14. I add a stage separator below the Mainsail. Oh, and to clarify, I meant going but not returning. Landing would be preferable, but I can see how the girders would be useful. The chutes are just there for crew confidence.
  15. Hello, Greenhornet553! I use variants of this name as much as I can, so don't worry. Welcome aboard!
  16. We're going to the Mun, in the 3-Kerbal pod. (I can't remember what the name is.) On top of the pod, I put a blue chute and 2 radial drogues.
  17. And I heard the EECOM is not on staff anymore. @ZooNamedGames, can you make some calculations for me instead? And the OP might need to be updated.
  18. For going fast. And does LGBG mean Light-Green Bar Group? Because it's always been LGG to me.
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