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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Best: The General, by Buster Keaton. An underrated film in its time, it's now a classic. Middle: Citizen Kane. Didn't live up to the hype, like reading books for English class. Worst: See OP.
  2. I got my first rep from GusTurbo. I sent him a friend request because of it. I was so happy!
  3. Ethanadams? Typing in hebrew is hard. Right-to-left may have worked with a chisel, but not with a keyboard. ?מצטער. ×Âית×Âדמס
  4. Banned for actually being anitmated, MLP.
  5. Granite. But you blow your top. I wish I can choose when to be funny.
  6. Banned for bad eyesight. It's obviously green.
  7. Granted, but the fuel is costly as [fecal matter]! I wish I could be funny.
  8. Nein, entschudigung. Hallo! Wo ist Xannari?
  9. Nope. Kommen Sie heir, mein frunde Ethanadams!
  10. banned for being a parasitic stowaway.
  11. Dman979

    The human!

    :halehuman: He's from Australia.
  12. I'm looking for bias. I want the opinions of people with personal knowledge of my schools, so thanks! "The engineering program there is intense." I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that most engineering programs are intense, especially for aerospace. I just visited Penn State, and the Aero students I talked to said the they were doing work about 7 hours/day. "It's like a full-time job" was something they said. "I looked forward to the weekend because it meant that I could park closer to the library. :)" Well, that may be a bit much. How much time did you spend there? I like to read/study/etc., but I don't want to spend every weekend at the library. "The entire school only focuses on aviation, which is a double-edged sword." Good point. "while ERAU is well-known and highly regarded within the industry" So, that's a good thing. But are there other schools which are also highly regarded? Does an undergrad degree from ERAU make things easier to compete for, as opposed to degrees from other universities? And what is the allumni association like? I know that PSU is a HUGE alumni school. Because ERAU is small, are there less people in the field? "'No, not Emory, Embry-Riddle...'" Close enough. The problem I have with all those schools is four-fold: One, it's in Canada, and I live in PA. Two, it gets COLD up there! Three: I can't visit them this summer, and Four: I want to make my list smaller, not bigger.
  13. So, this is an album I made a while ago. To find the album code Open up your album Look at the URL Copy and paste the last letters and numbers from it. For mine, I start with [noparse]http://imgur.com/a/nb4a4#0[/noparse]. I look at the last letters and numbers and get "nb4a4#0" Remove the "#0" from the code. I get "nb4a4." type [noparse] [/noparse]. I get [noparse] [/noparse] Enjoy!
  14. I love how you're basically reusing you craft designs. It makes missions a lot simpler, right?
  15. Because I don't know much about it. Can you help fix that? - - - Updated - - - Well, I'm not looking for a pilot's program, per se, I'm looking for an Aerospace Engineering school. But thanks for the info!
  16. Fred Cop! It's good to see you! But don't be a registered lurker, post some of your own stuff. It's much better that way. Welcome!
  17. not even. Less rockets, more efficiency. If you've been powering through the lower atmosphere, then you should have plenty of fuel as it is. The reason that you don't want to go too fast, too low is because of your terminal velocity. You will start to spend more and more fuel on going at the same speed, instead of saving it for when there is less drag. To recap- go as fast as you can, but not too fast. Also- orbit is all about horizontal velocity, so learn what a gravity turn is.
  18. Are rockets for losers? I don't think so. Spaceplanes tend to get more rep, but a well-built rocket has a lot of charm. Good luck on getting to Laythe!
  19. You're an addict? No way! I'm an addict, too! It's like we play the same game, or something! It's ok, though. I've been sober for 2 months, ever since my computer was wiped at the end of the school year. Oh well, will reinstall in September. Happy waking up drunk in the exhaust trough with a pounding hydrazine headache!
  20. Hehehe, yes, it does. Anybody have info on any of the other schools?
  21. I would start a new report ub tge Nussuib Teoits sectuib I mean "I would start a new report in the "Mission Reports" Section." I can't type on a keyboard while not looking at it. LOL.
  22. You call sitting in front of a computer an experience? No! It's a way of life. Welcome to my world.
  23. Yes?... TUBM is irritated by misplaced commas.
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