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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. So many references! Also, if you want to break the fourth wall, read Pearls Before Swine.
  2. Good luck! I can't station, the parts make my Mac smoke Welcome!
  4. Granted. But you are a cow pie I wish for a competent, non-food, sentient, reasonably-priced lawyer with an ethical code of conduct who is taken seriously and has a normal lifespan.
  5. If only us GM's could play... But I have to sit here at the window and watch you guys play. Have fun for me!
  6. No problem! I love WWII, so it's really fun to see these crafts appear. One more: Grumman F7F Tigercat. A nightfighter!
  7. No! You don't get Enders! #IWANTENDERSMENS!
  8. Granted. But your disappear, too. I wish for a competent, non-food, sentient, reasonably-priced lawyer with an ethical code of conduct who is taken seriously.
  9. Wait, I didn't get Endersmens? #IWANTENDERSMENSNOW!
  10. NORAD? I celebrate my upgrade to an iPhone.
  11. No, I don't think I was. I'll download that now. But I think it would still be a cool thing to add.
  12. Yeah. I didn't know what I should make of it. So I made a hat, a pterodactyl, and some fuel. Leon's getting LARRRRGER! - - - Updated - - - You should put more references in this comic. I like them!
  13. In the drink is fine. That's where Apollo "landed"
  14. well, that narrows it down a bit. Only three/ four to choose from! - - - Updated - - - I found it! Is it "Good luck Jeb. We're all counting on you."?? Similar to "I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you."
  15. As they launch the champagne to christen your first ship with, the rocket flips upside-down. Bottom's up!
  16. What is your average response time to a reported post?
  18. Hmm. Are you in map view, perchance? Press "m" again to leave it. If you're in docking mode, click the button that says "staging view" to go to normal controls. If you're in IVA, press "c" to leave it. Is your throttle all the way up? If none of this works, try reverting to the VAB and building it again.
  19. Hello! So, one thing I've noticed: when I'm in a AI Vs. AI dogfight, the winner has more fuel. Why? Because the two (or more) planes enter a turnfight and stay that way for upwards of 5 minutes. There is no winner, even when one plane has a huge maneuverability and/or speed advantage. This annoys me. Is there any way to get the AI to incorporate a series of basic flight maneuvers into the scripting? For instance, if a certain criteria is met, then the plane will try to do a Yo-Yo, or if a different criteria is met, then a flat or rolling scissors. I'm not sure how you would do this. Honestly, it seems quite hard. But if you are willing to try, I think it would be a huge improvement to the combat AI. Thanks for creating a great mod.
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