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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Hmm, Airframe and Powerplant. Is that basically designing planes and their engines?
  2. Dman979


    Everyone has to have a weakness, Scouts is one of yours. Also, Boy Scouts get kinda angry when we hear "Cookies" and "Scouts" in the same sentence. We have to sell POPCORN, fer cris sakes, and with the lowest one being more expensive than store-bought, we don't sell much . So yeah, stay away from Boy Scout Cookies . I wish I had earned some of the 2010 badges. I remember thinking about Stalking, but I worked on my Eagle-Reqs.
  3. Yup, Aerospace is a pretty specialized field. How well does Mech Eng transfer to spacecraft design? I don't want to design the systems, but more like the whole booster. What is an A&P rating? Atlantic and Pacific like the old store? No sarcasm, I don't know what one is.
  4. Dman979


    Same. I learned all the reqs playing KSP, forget building the SRB model at camp.
  5. Dman979


    Com'on, a scout is Courteous, right? I think he was trying to make a joke. Moving on... I've got my Eagle Scout Board of Review scheduled for March 12th. My favorite badge to earn was Metalworking. I learned most of the information about my badges after I got them, so as a senior scout. Who's got Space Exploration? Also, any non-BSA scouts out there?
  6. So, what is LaRC? I found contraception (undoubtedly helpful, esp in college), an amphib vehicle, and a rock band, but nothing in aerospace.
  7. 99 xglit - - - Updated - - - Who's it gonna be?
  8. Dman979


    And what's wrong with gaming on a Mac? Granted, mine is a crap rig, but some are very nice. Though I consider myself a PC person. Build her a heart-shaped space station, and launch it in one go!
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