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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Yes, my dad is in PA, but that's about as far as I want to go re: where I live- things on the interweb have a way of going where you don't want them to. Thanks for the list of interesting schools, and raising the intern possibility. * Please see the bottom of this post for the rest of my message . Thanks for the input! I agree, I'd never want to go to a college which doesn't have the program I'm interested in or a segway to it. Re: last school attended, how much of an affect would a previous school have? Also, do you know if it's very hard to go from state school to Caltech (as an example)? Does playing KSP count? But seriously, I think that I could demonstrate a more-than-passing interest in Aerospace to any future employer. Again, thanks everyone for the information! *I've shared this thread with my school's college counselor, so she's helping me process all this data. I can never have too much, so any more tips and info would still be helpful.
  2. One thing I've found helpful is to avoid responding in haste. What I do when a post irks me is write out my reply in a word document, and leave it for a few hours. Then I come back to it and look at it with fresh eyes. Most of the time, I delete the draft and don't respond because it is too angry/insensitive. If I think I should still respond, I edit what I've written to make it calmer.
  3. Of course, planes will not go away, no matter how quick spacetravel becomes. So, can you give me some more info re: A&P? Also, does anyone know of any Aerospace college visits coming up before the end of June?
  4. Same as above. Also, you know you've done something good when 5 mods post on your thread to complement you.
  5. Oh, no you haven't discouraged me at all. Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't thought about those cycles. I'll have to plan for a fallback thing now. Do you think the focus on spacetravel and the lot will have died down, increased, or stay roughly the same from where it is now by 2067?
  6. Dman979


    LOL! How'd the mission go?
  7. Dman979


    Coolsky! It's nice to meet you; I've never talked to a foreign scout b4.
  8. I try to give rep on birthdays, and when someone has done something above and beyond the call of awesomeness.
  9. Dman979


    I agree. Lets help each other out, and chat, but we still need to follow the forum rules. - - - Updated - - - What! you went to Duna for PM!?!? I had to keep records of my expenses. I wish I had your MB counselor!
  10. 100!!! Bum dum de-dum dum de dumde dumde dum dum.
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