Yes, my dad is in PA, but that's about as far as I want to go re: where I live- things on the interweb have a way of going where you don't want them to. Thanks for the list of interesting schools, and raising the intern possibility. * Please see the bottom of this post for the rest of my message . Thanks for the input! I agree, I'd never want to go to a college which doesn't have the program I'm interested in or a segway to it. Re: last school attended, how much of an affect would a previous school have? Also, do you know if it's very hard to go from state school to Caltech (as an example)? Does playing KSP count? But seriously, I think that I could demonstrate a more-than-passing interest in Aerospace to any future employer. Again, thanks everyone for the information! *I've shared this thread with my school's college counselor, so she's helping me process all this data. I can never have too much, so any more tips and info would still be helpful.