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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Squad's still going to be supporting KSP (original). And hello to you too! Nice to see ya back, finally. And no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the OP here. Nothing at all.
  2. Happy to be the bearer of good news, for once.
  3. In addition, I'm a fan of exploring for its own sake. Achievements cheapen that, to me.
  4. I'm going to point you to this thread:
  5. Mod support has been confirmed.
  6. Surprised and excited to see you. Time will tell if I get just as hooked to the return as I did to the original :D

  7. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  8. There appear to be no plans for that.
  9. There appear to be no plans for a discount.
  10. I figured. Happy to be the bearer of good news!
  11. Awesome! I hope you packed a parachute, though. Nothing like a good mission spoiled by a bad landing.
  12. @milankragujevic Welcome back to the friendliest forum on the internet!
  13. Hey, @stripeyfox, and welcome aboard! Everyone on the forum is helpful. I suggest perusing the Gameplay Questions and Tutorials subforum to find some help.
  14. Where? I haven't seen anything about that, only KSP2.
  15. Personally, I don't feel like that's enough to base a guess on. I don't know any more than you here, but I'm not going to make predictions.
  16. Since this is about a C# plug-in, I've moved it to the C# Plugin Development Help and Support subforum.
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