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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Dman979


    This seems appropriate to the KSP forums.
  2. I don't know the answer to that one. Private Message.
  3. Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day. Every other day of the week is fine.
  4. ^ As people have done before. It gets you a gold star, and we get to say nice things about you when we're deciding what to do with the profile.
  5. Hey guys, your friendly neighborhood moderator here. Wanted to remind you to keep politics off the forum, even in jest. Thanks for your understanding!
  6. Ah, I didn't see the picture you're referring to. That looks like bruchetta to me.
  7. Isn't "hot dog" the term you're looking for?
  8. Hey guys, now that whatever was happening isn't happening, let's make sure our posts stay on topic, ok?
  9. Valid. Valid. Invalid, skips a number. Last valid number is Barzon Kerman's 42.
  10. Valid. Invalid revert, doesn't quote the last valid post or the offending post. Invalid, continues from an invalid revert. Last valid is @roboslacker's 40.
  11. That's just a guideline, of course. Depending on the situation, we can add or subtract various parts of that formula.
  12. Might need some time to look at and think about those, since I need to do real-life things now.
  13. Regarding the players 3. The player is to correct any invalid posts (posts that violate the rules) by quoting both the incorrect post and the last valid one, continuing the game based on the former. Hmm, I sense a typo. @Aperture Science, shouldn't that last word be "latter?" If it means to say former, than you'd continue from the incorrect post.
  14. Nope, this is a different revert- about 7 posts earlier.
  15. Valid. Invalid revert, doesn't quote the Last Valid Post or the Current Valid Post. Invalid, continues from an invalid revert. Last valid post is @Kerballing (Got Dunked On)'s 55.
  16. Valid. Invalid revert. It doesn't quote the offending post nor the last valid post. Invalid, continuing from an invalid revert. Last valid is Kerballing's 60.
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