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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Hey guys, just a friendly reminder that insulting other users based on the platform they choose to play KSP on is not allowed. Some posts have been removed.
  2. Making fun of @Snark's long answers to simple questions. For real, though, I think you'll find that all the moderators do it because we want to help.
  3. It's ok, @adsii1970, I already know everything on the forum, like how you're really just 3 kids in a trenchcoat. And I think that you'll be back soon enough.
  4. They have to be child-friendly, you antediluvian bulldozer! Billions of blue blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon! Now stop bothering the banana man, or I'll have to get @Snark to teach you a lesson!
  5. Oh, boo. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time. Will Adsii1970 be back?
  6. We can't really answer that, since we don't want to make any potential hackers aware of our procedures and tools.
  7. Depending on context, those are all perfectly acceptable ways to use the words- except for cranberry. Which, coincidentally, comes from German! Also, since this thread has expanded beyond chemical names, it's going back in the Lounge.
  8. Hey, @cryhavoc, and welcome aboard! 10km is pretty low to be running without a fairing. My guess is that you had more drag at the top than at the bottom, so the ship did a 180 on you, kinda like if you shot an arrow feather-side first. There are a few solutions that work to fix this: place fins at the bottom, place a fairing over the payload, and CHECK YO STAGIN! A picture would be a good help to figure this out. Most people upload to Imgur (you don't need an account, but it can be helpful). Then copy the image location, ending in something like .jpg or .png.
  9. Politics, guys. It doesn't end well here. Stay away from it, please.
  10. @CatastrophicFailure you might also like the Pouges, Ferocious Dog, and the Greenland Whalefishers.
  11. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to the Add-on Discussions subforum.
  12. newsprint? What do you do with a drunken sailor, early in the _______?
  13. Joke replies are one thing, but big walls of text which cause paging loading problems are taking things too far. Looks like this thread will have to remain locked.
  14. McDonalds serves food? TUBM doesn't know how to calculate standard deviation.
  15. True, to increase fuel levels and to rename kerbals. TUBM is wearing glasses.
  16. In case you have a concussion, you probably shouldn't be reading things like this forum. Anyway, get well soon!
  17. Windmills, huh? Where's Don Kuixote and Sancho Kerbal?
  18. Move west slowly until you hit the international date line. That way you'll get the longest last day possible.
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