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Everything posted by Katalliaan

  1. Guys, seriously. Stop pressuring them. Would you rather have a rushed release with poor quality today, or wait a day or three and have a well-polished release with all the parts in?
  2. I know that in 0.19.1, if you used the part clipping toggle from EdTools, it would make the part placement behave very bizarrely (although the debug menu clipping still worked properly).
  3. Would you mind releasing the source for your changes, so that those who are interested can look through the code?
  4. Kerbal speech is Spanish played backwards. If you were to download one of Squad's trailers (like the mission control one, or the one where they revealed they got onto Steam) and reverse it, the voices would (in theory) be understandable to anyone who speaks Spanish.
  5. All kerbals will respawn after they die. The only time you get new kerbals is when you start a new manned mission, and all the existing kerbals are on missions or dead. Obviously, this doesn't hold true with mods like Crew Manifest, and it likely will work differently when we get career mode, but it is accurate for the stock game as it is now.
  6. Nerd³'s audience is already familiar with KSP - as he states in the video, he covered it back in February 2012 (when the version was 0.13.2). I don't remember there being any issues back then, and there certainly won't be any issues now.
  7. It's not the first mod to be implemented into stock; that honor goes to C7's aircraft parts. At any rate: the first one is definitely the cupola module, as that was established in the text below it. The second one is likely the 1-man lander can, as its window design is very similar to the 2-man lander can.
  8. moxzot, the whole point of hiring someone as a developer is so that the stuff they work on (whether that be parts, internals, code, etc) goes into the stock experience instead of being a mod - C7 no longer updates the C7 Flight Pack, Nova no longer updates Silisko Edition, Romfarer likely will no longer update the Lazor System. Unless bac9 hands off the project and works on other kinds of parts, the only space we'll see "Tetragon Projects" is in the manufacturer line of the part descriptions. That being said, I wish bac9 well in his new position.
  9. Official parts have certain standards that they have to meet, whereas mod parts only have to be good enough to make their users happy. That's why the packs "die" - players have to wait for a new game version for new parts, instead of whenever the partmaker feels that enough are ready to release a new set.
  10. It does, Banana - internals and the props inside them are the first things to load; I've had a corrupted internal that wasn't referenced in any part stop my game from loading.
  11. Make a new .cfg file in the /Resources directory. Use the ResourcesGeneric.cfg (the stock resources) as a guide to how they work.
  12. The "B" variant has closing doors; the "A" variant doesn't. To put something inside, you have to enable part clipping. The easiest way to do it is to build your payload outside the M2 cargo bay, then attach a docking port to the attachment node inside the first cargo bay, and finally attaching your payload to that docking port.
  13. Impressive, raz. How long did it take you to design that, and how difficult was it to get it there?
  14. Those SABRE engines/intakes look sexy. I'd say that I can't wait to play with them, but I still haven't played with all the other fun toys you've given us!
  15. In any case, great to see a new update. Does it include removing the Kerbals trapped in the D25, or are they still stuck in there?
  16. Open the .craft file in Notepad or some such program (NOT word). Replace all instances of "bxss" with SmallHardpoint.
  17. To me, the transparency improves usability - I can actually see the game without having massive windows blocking my view.
  18. Beautiful parts, although I edited the category on the fuel-carrying ones so they're in with the fuel tanks. Can't wait to get home and build something epic with them!
  19. Matt's live over at http://twitch.tv/thewinterowl right now, doing a bit of Muon-hunting.
  20. NovaPunch is currently unavailable due to licensing issues - Tiberion has to get approval from NovaSilisko, CaptainSlug, and SundayPunch before he can distribute it on these boards.
  21. The IGN guys definitely underestimated the noise that the rockets make, and it seems like nobody even bothered to correct the sound levels (assuming they recorded the game audio separately from their microphones).
  22. From my experience, the more mods you have and the more complex the ships, the slower the game runs. The first part is probably because KSP loads at least some information about every part into memory, and the second is because physics calculations have to occur on every part that's within a certain distance of the active ship. If you have money to spend, consider upgrading your computer - the easiest way would probably be making sure you have the maximum amount of memory your motherboard and OS can handle, since KSP seems to leak memory a bit.
  23. Mechjeb can\'t provide control when attached to a craft or debris that has the ability to carry crew, but has none. For example, if you ejected a stage with an empty crewtank and a Mechjeb, you wouldn\'t be able to control it.
  24. Clearly it\'s the handle to a teapot.
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