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Everything posted by DSM20T

  1. As stated above, try forcing open gl. It reduces my memory usage by approximately 1 gig. That coupled with aggressive ATM should allow you to run quite a few mods. You do have some pretty part heavy mods listed though. So if that still isn't enough you may have to just remove mods. Kw rocketry, B9, USI, all have a lot of parts in them for example. Another option is to go in and cherry pick the most desired parts from each of those part mods to reduce memory usage.
  2. I was having this problem too. Very random and intermittent. A couple of things to try: Delete the two module manager config files. It will re-write them on the next load. If that helps great! When I was having the issue it would allow me to load the game successfully once. So basically had to delete the files everytime I started the game. Try removing texture replacer. I have no idea why but this completely solved the issue for me. I wasn't even using texture replacer for anything, just had installed in case I wanted to get a skybox in the future. Hope that helps
  3. Hello, I've been noticing that realchute radial chutes(not the stock ones) have been acting like stock ksp parachutes as far as instant deployment/slowing of craft. The mk16 and stock radial chutes have been working normally. After some checking, I noticed that the realchutes radial chutes have their predeployment set to 6 and deployment to 2, whereas the other chutes are reversed. Predeployment 2, deployment 6. Is this intentional or did something get flipped around? Thank you! Edit: Switching the predeployment and deployment values around made the chutes act as expected.
  4. I'm playing with approx 30 mods in .9 myself. The vast majority of mods have been updated to .9 and work fine. Kw rocketry and remote tech, last I checked, haven't been officially updated but if you scan through the last couple pages of their respective threads you will find they either work or can be made to work in .9 just fine. My main issue is running out of memory because I like part mods too much In short, if the only reason you're not using mods is because you're worried about compatibility issues, then start using mods. If you're asking for a recommendation on whether to play modded or not, then I say play with mods. If you like it great, if you don't, then play stock
  5. Some mods to start with for what you desire to achieve: USI aka mks/oks Karbonite Tac life support and to add some difficulty: Far Deadly reentry I use and could recommend another 30 mods or so but that would be a good start imo.
  6. Also try forcing open_gl, I run a fair number of part mods and it almost halves my memory consumption.
  7. You did a complete fresh install without mods and you're still getting the issue or you did a fresh install, added karbonite, then still had the issue? Which folder specifically are you placing the mod folders in?
  8. Niceundtidy, I began having a very similar issue Saturday. After much bumbling about I came to the same conclusion you did, that deleting the MM cache would allow the game to load most of the time, at least once. Finally decided to install my mods in groups of 5 on a fresh install. In doing so, I found the problem (for me at least) is resolved by removing texture replacer. I have all of the mods you do except for near future solar, and quite a few you don't have. If removing texture replacer helps you as well, then we might be on to something. I'd be happy to replicate the problem this evening and post any logs that may be helpful. Probably worth noting: If I remove all mods except for texture replacer the game runs fine.
  9. I'm sure I'm missing something really simple, but how do I disable the auto rescaling of parts. For example, I have a 1.25 command pod and attach a 2.5 fuel tank to it in the vab, it auto rescales the tank to 1.25 and I'd rather it not do that. Thanks!
  10. Nightingale you are gentleman and a scholar! This should be stock.
  11. As others have said Stage recovery mod will solve your problem. Here's another option that looks interesting if you prefer to land them manually. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80292-0-90-0-Flight-Manager-for-Reusable-Stages-%28FMRS-v0-3-01%29
  12. I was having this same issue. Updating tweakscale from 1.48 to 1.49 solved it for me. KSP AVC didn't notify me of the update for some reason.
  13. Thank you Malkuth for your Mod. I just came across it earlier today and I especially like the historical contracts!! Your work is appreciated.
  14. Thank you stupid_chris for your continual work on what I consider to be an essential part of KSP!
  15. For me personally, it's up there. The only game I've spent more time on is EVE online(I even went to Iceland once). I haven't played EVE in a couple of years and doubt I will ever go back so at the moment, KSP is my favorite game. Not necessarily of all time but yeah.
  16. Those numbers depend greatly on how many firkins of water of mass the capsule has. Just for accuracy's sake.
  17. For what it's worth, it does seem to be working fine as long as I only use the real chute parts. For me that's an acceptable work around for now. Hope that helps! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Mystique.
  18. I see that now, I'll have to double check my version. Edit: After reading through the last few pages of his thread, that's a shame. However, towards are issue, it would appear that forgoing the use of stock parachutes should be a work around for now. I'll see if I can't verify that tonight.
  19. So real chutes is the problem, darn. I'll confirm this on my end tonight and let you guys know. Just to verify, we're both using Real Chutes version 1.2.5 correct?
  20. I'm having the same issue. Mods we have in common are: Deadly Re-entry, Stage Recovery, real chute, and module manager. I've just been going through the mods one by one to see which one creates the issue, about half way through, I will mess with it more tonight.
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